candyland christmas
thanks for the well wishes. am (hopefully) on the upswing of this cold, but am still croaking instead of crooning my carols. benji looks up with these wide curious eyes, like what did you do with my real mom? am doing my best to get into the christmas spirit. currently we're listening to Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker (not only festive but is supposedly improving my baby's brain too). i love multi-tasking. yesterday i braved this september-like weather to run errands. now if hearing children scream in the aisles of toys r us doesn't get you in the spirit, than what will? yes i got out of there as soon as possible and yes i hand sanitized afterwards too. even though i am the germ culprit these days.
i hardly ever browse my blog archives, but this season i have enjoyed looking back and seeing what we were up to last december, before we knew the best gift in the world was on his way.
i was...
going on lots of winter walks.
participating in a wonderful tradition.
baking up a peppermint treat.
and giving gifting advice.
now you tell me, how do you get into the Christmas Spirit?
Hope you are on the mend soon, being sick is no fun around Christmas.
The holiday spirit for me involves many viewings of White Christmas and Love, Actually. Dozens of gingersnaps (the Chez Panisse recipe is a new favorite). Candy cane hershey's kisses. A playlist of indie Christmas music. And lots of handknits.
glad you are on the mend marta! I love listening to christmas carols pretty much anytime we're at home during december, lol. reading christmas books is also tons of fun. did I mention that I LOVE christmas?!
Just wanted to let you know that I gave my sister the mini diary last night, and she loved it. She is going through a divorce and I thought it would be a good way to get her thoughts on paper without it feeling too daunting. Thanks again Marta.
Hope you continue to feel better, Marta!
There is a tradition every year that really gets me in the Christmas spirit. Our neighborhood lights luminaries along the sidewalks and my family will take a carriage ride up and down the street looking at all the pretty Christmas lights. And of course there are hot chocolate and other yummy treats!
I remember discovering your blog during your Christmas countdown last year. I have been hooked ever since. Thanks for a year of wonderful reading!
Cute, cute tags! So festive! Enjoy your music and shopping as you drink lots of fluids. I am Activities Chair and have totally focused on our ward Christmas party. Now I will join the world in getting ready for Christmas! Thanks for the joy you share in photos and words.
listening to christmas music is a sure way to get me in the spirit. family gatherings do it best and all the decorations in the shops and neighbourhoods (although here in perth it's not a decorated neighbourhoody-thingy - boo hoo).
it is a sort of magical time of year. decorating the tree and being able to sit and gaze at the lights at night is the absolute best & my favourite thing since i was a kid.
hope you are feeling better.
Today wrapping up packages to send to loved ones far away really got me in the Christmas spirit. Used your lovely gift tags, too!
That’s one of my favorite parts of having written down so much of my life... I, for one, love to go back and see what I was doing last year, what I wanted to happen, never thought would happen...etc...
Just found your blog, will visit again soon. that’s a beautiful photo of you and your baby.
and ps. my holiday spirit consists of chevy chase's national lampoons christmas vacation on repeat all december ;) i'm not kidding!!
Marta I just spent nearly an hour at work browsing your gorgeous christmas countdown from last year - oops! But I think it was an hour well spent, I am feeling so festive and full of ideas now.
This year I am so excited to be getting into the Christmas spirit by packing food/present hampers for needy families with the Basket Brigade charity (more details on my blog). Can't think of a better way to embrace the spirit of the season!
Miracle on 34th street, cinnamon & cloves simmering on the stove, Bing Crosby & Harry Connick Jr. Christmas music, homemade fudge, and lots and lots of ribbon.
oh, and I second your feelings on Toys R Us. Hope you are perking up!
Next year (and especially the next year) it will be little Benji Bear contributing to the Christmas spirit in Toys R Us! And you'll look at the new moms with the cherubic babies thinking "Was he ever that little?" And they'll be thinking "MY kid will never do THAT!"
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