do tell: blog books
so here is another question for you, my smart and on the ball internet friends. do you wake up in a cold sweat wondering if your blog will still be there in the morning? (don't tell me i'm the only one worried about this...)
i must admit, i have done nothing to preserve this blog. not even a giant cut & paste into a word document. gasp. i know. it's shameful. with all the guts + glory i've spilled into this online diary, you'd think that i would have thought this through, color-coded a fire proof plan, analyzed it a billion times and created some sort of method for safe-keeping my blog. but i really don't know where to start. i've heard of blurb books, but wanted to explore all my options first. do you have any ideas for blog story storage? if so, do tell.
update: thank you, celia. looks like she has done all the blog book research for us.
anthro bowl meet bulk foods candy.
i have worried about this. once about a year ago i "exported" my blog into a word document. it must have been a button in typepad, but i have no idea where i found it. i have started a blurb book too - but it took fooorever.
hopefully someone will have a good idea or two...
Blurb used to "slurp" your blog right into a book but I think they stopped offering that... which was fine b/c if you use a lot of photos they weren't print-size anyway. My plan is to do each year in an "inkbook" I think...when I find the time...hmmm...
Thanks funny, as I was just starting in on my Blurb book yesterday ... wanting to archive my blog and see it all pretty and papery. I'll see how many pages I end up with or I might work towards a year by year book printing too.
Haven't heard of any similar options out there though.
But definitely is a must-do ... I won't even change my template as I'm fearful of messing something up!! :)
My dear, I haven't done a darn thing either. And I do wake up worried about it! is supposed to back up and is offering a book option soon, if they haven't started yet. Check it out!
I have faith in wordpress :)
blurb? book? backup? jeesh...i am so tech unsavvy. my poor blog stands no chance. although several of my readers (god bless my parents) have suggested i print it into a book for future chuckles and enjoyment - and now after reading this, protection from blog-destroying beings that are out there, somewhere. what is a blurb?
I recently ordered parts of my blog in book form through - I love them. A bit pricey for the number of pages I wanted per volume, but it's totally worth it, as I didn't have copies of many of the pictures I had posted (especially of my pregnancy and babe). And SOOOO easy - much easier than some of the other options I looked at. Fast service, and free shipping in the US, as well. I blogged a bit about my first volume here:
Hope that's helpful!
Oh no, another thing to add to my worry list. Is it possible that we could lose our blogs? I'm so stupid, of course.
I'm going to watch today's comments and see what the smart people say.
why hadn't I thought of this?!
i'm with simply seleta on this one.
will be checking in for answers!
thanks for bringing it up, marta!
Hey Marta,
I haven't ever made a book of my blog (perhaps I should!) But your post got me thinking, and I found this
It seems to work! Just though you might me interested...
Sarah x
I have never thought to back-up my blog. Especially after reading quite a few blogs that have mentioned loosing a post or two. I haven't had any problems with my blog so far(fingers crossed). Now I have to! I've never thought to save it to a book...cute idea!
My Aunt passed away over a year ago and her blog is a cherished memory/legacy to her family and two young sons. I'd love to find a way to back it up before her words become lost forever. I'll be checking back!
Celia Fae has recently posted quite a bit about that very subject. ask her. (
i did a blurb book last year + plan to do one again! i love it.
but from what i understand you can't do it with blogger anymore!
before i did the blurb book i just printed every post.
both things were time consuming...but worth it to me! :)
and NO you're not alone. i definetly worry about my blog disappearing. i would cry.
hi marta.
i just got an email from blurb today - it says that they've improved the "slurping" functions, and that the "slurpers" are up and running again. they even have a 5 min tutorial on their site - to teach how to "slurp" from blog to book. here's one vote to make your blog into a book!
(this link isn't working for me right now, but maybe it will for you??)
really love your site. i look forward to reading daily!
I am counting on you to figure this out, come to my house and make a blog book for me. I would absolutely DIE if my blog were to evaporate.
you know. i have made 3 blog books. one each year of my blog, sort of like a yearbook. and i have really liked blurb. it is easy, and i thought it was pretty fast. give it a go. i like it!
I have been meaning to slurp my blog with Blurb for a while. I have a few friends who have, and while the quality isn't superb, it isn't bad.
...and thank you for the giveaway offer. I will definitely take you up on it! I have a rush of orders right now, but I am guessing in a month or so I will be ready. Thank you!
blurb just released a new updated slurping program that works with blogger. i've heard good things about blurb so I will be going with them!
You should bind peoples blogs in books for them! You'd be so good at it!
yikes. i hadn't really ever thought what i would do if my blog were to just not be there. it's a scary thought! i started a blog book forever ago, but i just haven't had time to sit down and finish it yet. i'm using blurb -- and from all my friends + family who have used blurb, they have loved the results!
great post + comments!
I am a bit late in replying to this but my sister-in-law had my blog printed into a book through blurb for Christmas this year. I love it! I am impressed with the quality. I don't think they offer services for blogger anymore though, which is what I use, so that's a bummer. I also have my blog backed up through
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