18 March 2009


morning boy.
play time.
pear puree.
big smiles.
recognizing oma.
nearly nap time.

go time.
downtown sunshine.
busy little bees.
lunch bunch.
crunchy cobb salad.
and good company.

paper store.
fat stack of pretty paper.
and polka dots.
for a mini diaries comeback.
feeling satisfied.
in heaven.
like spreading them out for a fashion show.

a new beautiful bakery.
big smiles.
big croissants.
tiny pies.
round cookies.
beautiful business cards.

home again.
swim trunks.
chubby legs.
splashing limbs.
happy boy.

stories and songs.
one sleepy slug.
all tucked in.

friends and card games.
dishes and catching up.
the re-telling of stories about my life.
that make other people laugh.
because i am a hoot.
and mostly because i've done a lot of silly things.
that people love to remind me about.
and i've swallowed my pride.
in order to provide a good laugh.

am living a dream life.


Tiffany said...

Lovely, just lovely.

Jake said...


Tati said...

perfect day!

Desiree said...

so much love!

::Sylvia:: said...

this post reminds me of a children's book! :)

I know how you feel though, I feel the same way when I'm visiting my family.

Just wanted to let you know I posted about the write club on Blissfully Domestic. It went live yesterday.


Becky said...

MARTA!!!! This is Becky Hale. How are you? I found this from your moms blog and I found her on facebook looking for you. email me superheumann@gmail.com

Travelin'Oma said...

You and Benji are poetry in motion.

Anonymous said...

Reading this made me happy. Living it must be beyond words. You are a lucky lady. :)

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