23 April 2009

giveaway: reyart apron

Reya is a self-taught artist living in the Netherlands. her handiwork is beautiful. her designs and minimal approach to art reminds me of nature; pure and simple. reya creates fabulous aprons, perfect to wear while making art or baking pie or shaking out the rugs. i love the magpie linocut, printed with navy blue fabric paint. this would be the kind of gift i would want to keep for myself. i know lots of ladies who would leap for such a pretty and industrious apron.

whether you plan to give it to yourself or someone else, place a comment to enter to win. comments are open until saturday / april 25 / midnight / mountain time. a random winner will be announced after the weekend.

thank you, reya.
be sure to visit her etsy shop & flickr to see more pretty things.


Unknown said...

oh i love this apron! the bird print is just adorable. thanks for giving us a chance to win!

The Fletchers said...

You always have such cute giveaways!! I cant wait to go check out her etsy shop!!!

Happy Thursday!

Lizzie said...

I would love to add this to my collection of aprons.

janel. said...

A beautiful apron that I would love to own :) I can't wait to check out her Etsy shop :)
Thank you!

Gale said...

Two of my favorite things combined aprons & birds.

mary plus vince said...

oh my that apron is lovely! i adore it's simplicity!

Julia said...

hello! i found my way here through reya's blog and am happy for the chance at this beautiful apron. i'm a longtime fan of her work and am excited to have discovered your blog. thanks for the giveaway!

megan... said...

I think I need this cute excuse to bake!

EMiller7 said...

my nickname growing up was bird since i chirped all the time. these are delightful perfect for my first home which i'm about to move into!

marta said...

very lovely and inspiring and what i would call zen.
thank you for sharing...

karen said...

Beautiful! I'd be over the moon if you picked me!

Sarah said...

I love aprons so this would be a real treat!

Tara said...

oh wow! That is beautiful! I've never had an apron before but have always wanted one.

~Kristina said...

Beautiful apron! I completely love her simplistic approach.

Kristy said...

So nice! Sure hope I win!

Madge said...

i'm pretty sure i need this apron....

Natalie said...

would LOVE to win - I could make my kids breakfast while wearing it and singing, "In the leafy tree tops, the birds sing good morning" - perfect.

avanta said...

Love this apron - it looks so natural! And it comes from the Netherlands, like me.


Lisa said...

I love the simple design on this apron! I am in need of a new one.

Michelle said...

simply lovely.

camie said...

love it!

debby said...

wow, this is stunning in its simplicity. i love it.

RW said...

wow. that is a lovely apron. I sure would ge happy to wear it.

Joetta M. said...

very adorable... all her stuff is great.

ellen said...


rachellake said...

so beautiful! I'd love a chance to win.

Meghan said...

I'm in love.

Shelley said...

I adore birds! I would love a chance to receive this apron!

Trish said...

I inherited aprons from both my Grandmothers and cherish them dearly. I also wear them when cooking, baking and such. This lovely Magpie apron would make a fine addition to my collection and would be passed on to my Granddaughters.

Lucy R. E. said...

would love-a-love that apron; so fetch ;)

Summer said...

That's such a cool print.

Krista said...

Simple and Beautiful... I love this apron!

McKenna Gordon said...

I am in love with this apron. Thanks pointing this artist out, I can't wait to see more. And can't wait to win either! haha :)

Whisker Graphics said...

Love the apron! Maybe it would inspire me to make food if it comes and lives with me. I also like the felt hearts in her etsy shop. :)
Whitney @ Whisker Graphics
(fingers crossed)

Hannah said...

I would love that apron! It is simple and beautiful!

erica said...

yes please.

Lisa said...

That's so pretty and mordern looking. Please enter me.

Janelle said...

Oh that is just the most adorable apron ever! I'm crossing my fingers!

Melissa said...

Simply lovely! I always try to keep a stash of fun aprons I can rotate out since I cook professionally every day.

Emily said...

I adore magpies—I often feel like one myself, collecting pretty and sparkly things. Thank you for the giveaway!

Berta said...

I AM an apron 'person'! I love the simplicity of it! I will be watching with interest.

made sweet said...

good art and a good apron together? almost too good to be true. I love it!

Anna Kristina said...

Wow, this is beautiful! (Could I bring myself to wear it when it could get dirty?) I would love to own this apron - thanks for the chance!

Kate said...

Adorable! This apron makes me want to bake a pie.

Meaghan said...

My friend loves birds and would love this apron! So cute!

caitlin said...

This would be the perfect gift for Mother's Day! Thanks for the great give-a-way!

Anne said...

Beautifully simple apron! Love it.

Anonymous said...

This is too cute, and what a fun idea for a giveaway! Definitely perfect for Spring :)

Anonymous said...

I love the simplicity :) I think I will go and bake something now.

Anonymous said...

man alive! count me in

steph-a-ronie said...

oh! what a wonderful treasure!

carla thorup said...

so very pretty. what a nice thing to give away!

Anonymous said...

This little apron looks perfect for kitchen adventures...love it!

The Love Bells said...

Adorable, simple and sweet. Would love a chance to win this apron.

Amanda said...

oh how lovely...count me in!

whitney said...

so beautiful and simple!

Michelle @ Twig said...

I absolutely love the simplicity.

Aimee said...

I think my food would taste really good if I had this apron on while preparing.

Very, very, cute.

Vee said...

What a beautiful and simple apron! And what timing, last night I was just thinking I need an apron for when I make art.

Amber said...

That is simply adorable. My friend Maureen's birthday was yesterday... this would be a great belated birthday gift for when she returns from her business trip.

S. Schuller said...

I was instantly smitten by this apron. Pick me! Pick me!

kristi said...

Love it! Very cute.

Camille said...

beautiful aprons!

Andrea said...

This is just beautiful! I agree that it would be hard not to just keep it for myself.

carrie said...

So simple and beautiful. Love it.

Chelsea and Rusty said...

This apron is so cute!!! i hope i win!! =)

Kristen said...

I recently jumped on the apron bandwagon...I never understood aprons before I was a mom! :) Anyway, would love a cute one instead of my ratty old one from my elementary school fundraiser in 1985!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's adorable! I've been looking for a cute apron for some time now. Who knew that all I'd have to do is look for one in the Netherlands?!

Sharmyn said...

I LOVE this apron. How beautiful and grapic. Thanks for the new source!

Anonymous said...

I have been searching for an apron to wear during the children's art classes that I teach (kids sure can get things messy!). This beauty would work wonderfully.
-Caitlin K.

Healthy Beginnings Montessori said...

Oh Boy, if I had something this darling to wear while cooking you'd definitely find me in the kitchen.

House of Milk said...

so adorable! i love it :)

Clara said...

The apron is absolutely lovely. Thanks so much for bringing reya's work to my attention.


Karie said...


Mary said...

This would make sure an amazing gift! Thanks for another great giveaway.

Amanda said...

That little bird is delightful - I'd love to cook, in that apron, in my kitchen with the Spring sun coming through the window. Lovely.

lizzy said...

i adore the classic simplicity of this. thanks for hosting, marta.

Lisa said...

How fun and springy! Her felted earrings are darling, too.

Kristen said...

This is perfect for my good friend. She is a wonderful cook, and her nickname is birdie! So cute!

KJ said...

I love how understated it is, but still makes a statement. I like it!

Shannon said...

Simple. sweet. It's kind of like bringing the outside in, love the little birdy! Thanks!

barrentree said...

It's so lovely.

amy said...

i really like that it is simple and functional...the frilly aprons are cute too but this is more my style.

Amander said...

So simple and pretty - great find!

JB and Jane said...

You have to love aprons.
I have a vintage collection and they always bring a smile to my face. They deliver a bit of festivity to even the most mundane kitchen tasks.

sewfunky said...

Please enter me in the draw... :)

LMT said...

I love simple art. This apron is lovely.

angela said...

Magpies are the state bird where I live!

Heather said...

So cute! I'm totally into aprons and yet I don't even have one. This would be a great start!

Jenn said...


Ashley Thalman said...

What a great great giveaway....really!

leigh said...

So lovely! Thanks for sharing her with us.

Ann said...

I love that wonderful linocut!

Mari said...

Chirp, chirp,
please come live with me!
(Thanks for the contest!)

Anonymous said...

thank you for hosting the giveaway. how lovely!

Karen said...

I love that little bird. Thanks for hosting such a fun giveaway.

summer said...

how darling. love the simplicity of it- not too fancy to actually wear, but still so lovely.

Emily said...

It's lovely!

robin said...

this would be the perfect addition to my ever-growing apron collection!

angela hardison said...

it's just about perfect.

my apron collection needs this :)

Jessica said...

Yes please! Fingers crossed.

Rebecca (Dog-Eared) said...

i've never owned an apron before. i think it's time.

katrina lauren said...

what a pretty little apron. i love the simple design on a crisp white background. lovely!

whit said...

her designs are simply lovely. lovable

Carla said...

this is so cute! i love birds and aprons. yay! here's to winning and thank you for your beautiful blog.

Chgoest said...

The magpie is so charming and who couldn't use an apron to wear? Great giveaway!


Donna said...

This is so simple and beautiful...perfect late birthday present for my sister...she loves to bake!

Abby said...

So gorgeous, I don't know that I would even be able to use it as an apron.

Wiggs (The Beholder) said...

Ach, that apron is to DIE for. I'd love to have something that cute to wear in the kitchen, now that we're getting married and I'll be able to be a REAL chef with all of our nice utensils!

Amy said...

I am embarrassed to say that I do not actually own an apron, so this would be perfect! It is beautiful, and may encourage me to be more domesticated!

the dibers said...

love love love......i could wear it while baking your bread recipe

I am LoW said...

How fun it would be to win that!

talesofahummingbird said...

yes yes yes! so cute - and i am trying to organize an apron swap in my family with all the ladies for christmas this year, so it would be perpfect (although I may have to keep it for myself. difficult decision).

Kendra said...


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful apron! Reya is quite talented!! I have been looking for an apron and hers are gorgeous.

Crystal Johnson said...

I would look so much more stylish bird watching as I am cooking in my kitchen!

BTW, I love your blog and I check in daily!

Unknown said...

there is something about wearing an apron that makes everything seem a bit sweeter.

Anonymous said...

That is one fine apron; in fact, it may be the catalyst to get me into the kitchen and cooking.

michelle said...

just gorgeous! my fingers will be crossed...

The Pfefferkorns said...

Would love to have one for myself! WE are on a bird kick in the house!

Anonymous said...

I love aprons... and bird prints! This will make me oh-so-fashionable in the kitchen, pick me!

Rosa said...

so talented and creative. love it!

Hanna said...

entering please!

Rachel said...

So beautiful! What a generous giveaway!

Andrea said...

Thanks for posting this! What a pretty apron.

Alice and Ada said...

love to add this to my apron stash.

gem said...

yes, please*

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