weekend rhapsody
recap: saturday morning, bright and earlywe headed over to see my brother and his wife. my mom snapped this happy candid shot while she watched us chit chat before breakfast. i used to see pete every day at the office; i miss him and love getting the chance to catch up. he is a favorite. i haven't been home since his biking accident, so i was glad to see him doing well and in great spirits. although he is healing, he will continue to wear a brace while recovering; a tragic thing for someone who loves to live an active life outdoors in the sunshine. i am impressed with his attitude and optimism. he'll come out stronger than before. he is just that type of person. they both amaze me with their homegrown happiness. they are going to be such fabulous parents, come september.
we headed to the blue plate diner {2041 S 2100 E, Salt Lake City} to meet up with my sisters for brunch. benji joined the girls for breakfast while dan went on a 100 mile training ride with his brothers. my sister, gabi flew in from pennsylvania for a getaway and her first introduction to my firstborn. the two seemed quite taken with each other. is their anything better than getting together with the girls, splitting omelets and catching up? i think not. the only thing missing were two more sistas-in-law; we missed you candice & christie!
gabi, heidi, marty, anna, amy and me.
all smiles. i love it.
Looks like a fabulous lunch. I am always jealous when there's a party and I can't come.
And, by the way, did you have a baby AT ALL? Because, honey, that tummy of yours is flat, flat, flat! You look fab.
I guess it was a fabulous breakfast, not lunch.
My bad.
THANK YOU for posting these pictures. Anna hasn't posted any pictures of her growing belly :::boo:::hiss::: and this sister of hers in Georgia wants to see it. I seriously heart her and your brother Pete.
I love eating outside at The Blue Plate. It's a great place, the people who work there are so friendly.
homegrown happiness, I like that. and I'm so glad I was included in the sistas breakfast get together. it's always so fun hangin' with you ladies. :)
pssst. marta,
i visit your blog every day. thought i'd come clean. i love your family photos and all your love, love, love for life.
say hi to dan for cj and i.
ann whittaker
mart! you look so skinny! i'm impressed... but not at all surprised. and how cute is pete in his brace? i love your cute little family. for some random reason i was telling james the other day about your sister gabi and how i love her name and how your parents met in germany and how your dad writes history books and how your whole house was always so cozy and german-ish. and... well, it just made me miss you so much.
i just read over the comments ahead of me and found out that some have already beat me to this, but i'm going to say it anyway.
your toned arms have me swooning and vowing to start a cereal diet. seriously. you are my hero.
i'm with eliza... i heart anna jo's growing belly! yay for sisters! nothin' beats getting together with the girls!
i am glad the boys all got to go 100 miles on memorial day, even if they didn't get to do it together. and tom actually only made 93. bbq was calling us back.
what a fun weekend for you! And guess what? I bought that same shirt last week. In 2 colors. And guess what? It looks better on you.
How fun! I love the way you document your life. I also love the Blue Plate breakfast burrito.
And a sister in PA? That's where I live!
Going through Benji-withdrawals right now. Thanks for a great visit!
love the sister love!
looks like an amazing weekend.
just beautiful photos, m!
You and your sisters and mom are so cute!! Heidi needs to start a blog. Can you convince her? I'm so glad Pete is doing better.
i'm catching up on blog posts after the long weekend. love your weekend photos! I'm glad to hear that your brother is doing better!
What a lovely family you have!! The garden photos are spectacular
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