30 June 2009

kolo album

after our first official family photoshoot, i knew i wanted to display the candids on their own, in a separate special book. as fate would have it, about a month ago, i was delighted when the kolo company kindly sent me a few albums and crafting supplies for my personal review. i was happy to oblige. in fact, i was ecstatic. i've seen their products and beautiful books before, but never put them to use.

for those of us who don't scrapbook, this is the answer to our picture album prayers. i am not only impressed with the quality craftsmanship, but the divine cloth covers, clean lines and simplistic design. this company knows, it's all about the photographs. their photo books showcase snapshots beautifully, giving the photographer credit for all their appeal. the one thing you might have to resist is the temptation to slip them back into plastic wrap, putting them high on a shelf, in fear of fingerprints. my goal is to keep recent photo books out in the open, available for real life use. just like my grandmother's dishes. because no one loves paging through real picture books more than children. (and i love remembering grandma june three square meals a day, everyday.)

here is a glimpse of how i put the petite noci album to use. just in time for a heartfelt father's day gift for dan. it's the perfect size for a brag book. meaning, the next business trip he goes on, i will slip it into his briefcase, ala 1954.

am looking forward to putting a larger kolo photo album together celebrating benji's first year. thank you, kolo, for major motivation.


Ginnie said...

Loooove it! :)

Kelly said...

i'm a big fan of kolo. in fact, out of design school i used one of their large photo albums as part of my portfolio!


ALFIE said...

album looks awesome, marta!

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