giveaway: little toad stationery
if i could marry halloween, i'd dress up as frankenstein's bride and walk down the aisle with a bouquet of dead roses. i like it that much. halloween is unassuming and full of spontaneity. it is easier for someone like me to host a halloween shindig rather than something during the season of big holidays. those social gatherings are rightfully reserved for hostesses with mantels for stockings and chimneys for santa, long tables and fine china, skyscraper christmas trees and bird thermometers. therefore, now is the time to get into the spirit of things; host a wicked dinner party or invite little ones to bob for apples and bite donuts on a string.
i was delighted when i spied little toad invitations & stationery. michelle's online shop is full of unique illustrations. she specializes in custom designs too. these halloween characters caught my eye; they are just the right amount of fun + fright.
little toad is kindly offering one m.writes reader a set of halloween party invitations or set of spooky note cards. simply leave a comment to enter to win. tell me a halloween idea from your own haunted house! comments are open until sunday / october 11 / midnight / mountain time. remember, you must have a blog or email address to enter. a random winner will be announced next week.
thank you, michelle + little toad.
The personal touch is what makes my products so unique. That’s why I love custom orders. I love talking to people and finding out how we can alter my illustrations to make the perfect card for that special person. I also love the idea of creating custom illustrations to make them even more special. There is nothing better than seeing a person’s face when they open a card and they can tell it was picked out just for them and not off a rack.
- Michelle, Toad in Charge
Great giveaway! Love those illustrations!
Here's my idea: I put craft store googly eyes all over my every day furniture and decore for Halloween. It makes me giggle.
I couldn't agree with you more about Halloween. My best idea this year was gathering a bunch of gnarly branches and spray painting them black. They're sitting in a vase on a shelf...spooky. Also, I must say that little toad designs are ridiculously cute.
My black cat is plenty of decoration for me! She just sits on the front porch and eyes people all day... they're spooked all year long!
We like to eat black spaghetti from Target during the month of october. Very creepy...and delish.
I am throwing a little halloween party for my daughter. I'd love to win this!
So cute! My favorite trick about Halloween is that you can get away with just about anything. It's a crazy enough holiday that you can decorate however you feel the need.
That said, I love my GIANT black tinsel web and spider. It covers most of the ceiling in our front room. Since I haven't pulled it out, I'm now feeling quite inspired!
We always did the blindfolded gross stuff in a bowl, aka peeled grapes as eye balls and stuff like that. I am moving into a house and out of any apartment this year and so excited to decorate for halloween
I love Halloween luminaries! They're easy to make & you can stencil any type of design on a paperbag. Pretty too.
oooo! what a great giveaway!
last year, for our halloween party, my husband built a cave(in the entryway) out of black trash sacks & blew in fog (yes, we own a fog machine). it was a great/spooky way for our guest to enter the party!
These cards and invites are awesome.
I have these great big windows in my living room that I plan to hang (2D) bats and pumpkins in. I'm really excited for that.
And then we'll be doing the ever-traditional jack-o-lanterns on the front porch.
We're decorating the house this year with things my four year old has made, instead of store bought decorations. So much sweeter...
I love making Halloween cookies with orange/black sugar using my grandma's sugar cookie recipe.
Just got something called Halloween cheese at the organic grocery store yesterday. It's made with pumpkin and ginger - sounds weird.. but so good and so Halloween. Needing MORE in our house.
Thanks for a shot at these cute cards. I love them!
Our favorite Halloween trick is having the hubby dress as a mummy and then "rise" from his coffin as the kids approach!
This took some prep, but we grew our own mini pumpkins in the yard this summer, and just "harvested" them. They were rediculously easy to grow, and I have been so excited to decorate with them all growing season.
Thanks for offering the cute card giveaway.
We're having a halloween party and sure could use some invitations! We're borrowing a book of "gross out" food from my little sister. All extremely edible, just nasty looking!
Such whimsical, fun artwork!
Every year, I get three fun frames and pick a couple favorite fonts, and print off a B, an O, and an O and hang them, on the wall.
(I think it was a Martha S. idea.. that woman has magical crafty powers, doesn't she?)
Thanks for another great give-a-way!
I am so excited for halloween. My two year old is working himself into a month long frenzy! Your posts about candy corn finally pushed me to go out and try them for myself. So yummy! How have I gone this long without them? Our halloween idea is a CD of spook halloween sounds. My two year old loves picking out the sounds the witches and creeky doors and cats make.
Halloween is so much fun when there are little ones around! I just made Martha Stewarts Creepy Mice out of foam and put them all the way up our stairs. The kids love them!
I love these cards. I've been trying to think of a theme for Jake's 2nd birthday and this would be perfect. This year I'm mod podging frames in fall/halloween papers and putting pics of Jake from last year. I also have a cute idea for some stars that I'll be showing you shortly!
We avoid scary since my boys are still pretty young but we do buy a bunch of pumpkins (sometimes making pumpkin people by stacking them like a snowman) and also now have a stash of scarecrows that come out which the boys love and keeps the house festive.
Maureen (jnomaxx at hotmail dot com)
I may have to throw a party just for an excuse to use the frankenstein holding an eyeball martini invitation! So cute!!
My favorite Halloween decoration I do, is using a bolt of black tulle and halloween string lights (orange and purple). I just hang them randomly all over my front porch. It looks very cool at night.
Note: Sorry if I posted twice - not sure if my first one made it up.
We have a halloween costume party every year for adults. Love it! We do donuts on a string, candy buffets, lots of goulish food & prizes for costumes.
This year I made a happy halloween fabric flag banner (the reverse is merry christmas). very spooky.
we do a halloween movie every year! it's turned into quite the event ... and we're especially excited this year.
and costumes. i looove halloween. and these cards are so darling!
fun! i love to have the whole family dress up with a theme. (one year we did wizard of oz-dorothy, witch, scarecrow, tin man) but that means i have to plan ahead and convince tom to dress up. i want to do alice in wonderland this year (alice, queen of hearts, rabbit, cheshire cat, and one other character) but time is running short so we may not get to it.
I also love Halloween. Call me cheesy, but I love the go-to food-as-creepy-things party game. Gets me every time.
my mom always use to build a life-size witch & put her on our roof. this year i begged and she finally is building a witch for my house!
I LOVE these cards--what darling artwork! We are crazy about Halloween at my house. This year my boys are loving little black mice (cut our of paper) running here and there on our mopboards and doorways! idea from martha Stewart. Very cute in a creepy kind of way!! Happy Halloween!!
For Halloween I love making homeade pizza and having the kids decorate them like jack 0 lanterns with the toppings!
What a fun, festive thing. I love making great homemade costumes. Last year my husband and I dressed up as Iron Man and Miss Potts. Too fun!
Those are so cute!
Here is my idea. I have 2 cylindrical glass vases on my mantle and I fill them with diffrent things each month. For October I found some awesome little skulls at 'All a Dollar' and fill the vases with skulls & spiders. They look great!
adoring this give away.....oh so darling. can you call scary halloween monsters "darling"?
i love me some pumpkins. its not spooky, i guess i am more of an 'embrace autumn' type of halloween decorator - and then you can leave it all up until thanksgiving! viola!
I love the vintage or antique quality that Halloween exudes. Thanks to Eddie Ross, I am planning on an all white candy buffet for my trick or treaters, wrapping the candies in white, white ghosts, white pumpkins and white lights....
love the invites!
I also thought the last room in a haunted house should be a nice sweet person giving hugs. I was always sooooo scared- and really just needed a great big hug in the end. Not scary, but still- much needed. LOVE THE CARDS! Thanks for all the great products and sweet ideas!
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