quote wall 09
i am thankful.
am thankful for my family and friends. am thankful for my little benji who is learning more and more everyday. i love his new trick of picking up a storybook, bringing it back to me, turning around and sitting on my lap. everything with such intention. i am grateful for a warm oven that is drying out my rosemary bread crumbs and filling the whole apartment with sweetness. i'm thankful for the kind old lady who lives downstairs, drives a cadillac and winks whenever she sees dear benjamin.
am thankful for the extra change in my car for drive-thru donuts. am thankful for the small luxuries i enjoy every day like fancy shampoo and a closet full of clothes. i am thankful for the modern conveniences of a dishwasher, a clothes washer, a heater and an air conditioner. am thankful for my reliable car and my parents who donated it to us. am thankful for a hardworking husband who consistently makes every day fun. am thankful for friends in this idaho life, ones i prayed for and hoped for. loved ones who are enduring trials with grace. am thankful for opportunities to learn and grow and create. i am thankful that i get to do what i love. and make some money while i'm at it.
i am thankful for my health, for dan's unbelievable support, love and wisdom, for our little life together. am thankful for our parents and the supportive foundation they are to us. am thankful for all of our siblings (the ones that do and even the ones that don't read my blog) and their cute cherub children that share my love of sweets and coloring with crayons and reading stories aloud. each one i could take home and love as my own. am thankful for my beliefs and the blessing to worship as i wish. am thankful to write my thoughts down and know someone out there is reading them. am thankful for the exchange of ideas throughout the internet. and the new people who have befriended me; the nicest people i've never met. am thankful to know that God is real. and is listening.
thank you for writing out your thankfuls here on project :: thankful. i've loved reading your inspiring messages, so simple and heartfelt. happy thanksgiving preparations. tomorrow i'll feature a speedy giveaway and then i'll be back on monday with good news.
featured quotes taken from this article by joseph b. wirthlin.
Choice blessings await those who live in thanksgiving daily. “He who receiveth all things with thankfulness,” the Lord has promised, “shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more” (D&C 78:19).
Don’t wait to start. Open your eyes, open your hearts, and open your arms. I promise that as you do so, you will feel greater joy and happiness. Your life will have a new level of meaning. You will forge relationships that will transcend this life and endure through the eternities.
beautifully put marta. as always. i too am thankful for so many things this thanksgiving season. especially for friends like you.
i can relate to so many of your thankfuls, marta. we really have a wonderful life, don't we? your lovely words always open my eyes to this fact. i am very thankful for m.writes and the spotlight you shine on things both small and big. you constantly remind me to treasure whatever is going on in my life. thank you!
thank you marta for reminding us of that dear apostle's sweet words...i shared it on my blog.
happy thanksgiving
thank you for this post, marta. it is so nice to be reminded of those little blessings in life; and the big ones.
i am grateful for you; for knowing that my sister-in-law has a marvelous friend to help carry her through hard times.
now, didn't I tell you that you'd find such nice people here? not counting me, because I'm quite wretched and I can admit it, but just nice people everywhere. happy thankfulness day to you.
I just read an article today that said grateful people live longer and happier lives, and have the same effect on those they influence. Reading your blog is better than exercise any day.
I absolutely love the way you display your quotes! I mentioned you on my blog, and you have inspired me to return to posting quotes on my blog again! Thanks!
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