giveaway: lasercut artwork
today's giveaway is a lovely lemon lasercut from julene.
never seen anything quite like it; pretty quotes in papercuts.
giving :: one lemon quote lasercut piece of artwork.
please comment today to enter to win.
tell me your method to cheering yourself (or someone else) up.
thank you to the paper cutting queen, julene, in london
nicole of these are the days, you are the winner! woohoo. she comments, as far as cheering up - calling my best friend for a guaranteed laugh or some time alone with a good book seems to work for me. so nice to meet so many of you; glad when giveaways make blogging lurkers into commenters. yay for comments, yay for new friends. hip hip. more great giveaways to come.
My favorite thing to do to cheer myself up is to blast some music and shout it out at the top of my lungs! (Yes even in the car and at stop signs! :) )
To cheer someone else up? I am a baking supahstar! Cookies, cakes, candy, whatever! Sugar always turns that frown upside down!
I cheer myself up by taking a long walk or run. i always feel better after.
I cheer someone else up by sending them a card. Everyone loves mail!
think about the good things, how you are blessed. get some fresh air, snuggle up with a cup of tea!
Unfortunately I am superbad and quite often resort to retail therapy for myself. To cheer up others, isnt' a simple, hand-written note always nice to receive? katie_ruder(at)yahoo(dot)com
I buy myself flowers! Their simple beauty always makes me feel better. And I really love sending people flowers for no reason!
That is beautiful, I would love to win... to cheer myself up I usually take a nice hot bubble bath + a martini or two. :o)
I love pretty paper and such. So, if I sit down and work on a mini album project or make cards for my Mom, or just do something creative...that usually helps. And, always, hugs and kisses from my 4 cuties!
Beautiful artwork. Love it!
I cheer myself up with a glass of wine and one of my stand-by, feel good movie, "When Harry Met Sally"
cheering up myself: the results, and sometimes the process, of cleaning a messy space; beautiful music; a creative plan; time with positive friends
cheering up others: sincere, unsolicited reflections on his/her abilities, character and charm; creating a space for my husband to quietly enjoy life; surprising my lovely mom with a pretty thrifted shirt in her best colors; overall, letting people know that they are special and that life is full of little joys
I cheer myself up by cooking something warm, healthy and satisfying. The smells of garlic, cheese and vegetables cooking makes me very happy.
I cheer others up by making them laugh as much as possible. It really is the best medicine.
Being outdoors in nature will most likely do the trick to cheer me up. I also love to cheer up others. It helps me realize my problems may be so small compared to others.
The artwork is beautiful!
If I'm down in the dumps, I open up either Southern Living or Martha Stewart living and become inspired. It helps take my mind off of what is bothering me and I start thinking outside the box.
cheering myself up: good music, really loud partystuff
cheering other up: telling fun things that will happen in the near future
i say work from the outside in...
i always feel much better when i am wearing a sassy outfit and my hair is looking great. works every time.
I usually cheer myself up with some relaxation, cuddling, and cookies.
Others - I usually offer myself up as a shoulder to lean on if that is what they want. If they happen to call on me I provide advice and lots of reassurance that they are awesome.
pretty! to cheer myself up: a big dose of my laughing baby or yoga or reminiscing about a great every time.
What a great giveaway!
I've had lots of experience cheering myself up this week...lost my job last week, so I was pretty bummed. (I'm the sugar mama currently, so this was a blow.)
I would have to say my current method for cheering myself up is lots & lots of yoga. Gets me happy - and centered - every time.
katieharrison13 at gmail dot com
baking does the trick for me
To cheer myself up I write to one of my six sponsor kids and find a coloring sheet to go with the letter. Thinking about their delight when they get their letter brightens my whole day.
Cookies, a phonecall or a great big hug.
Chocolate always helps me cheer up :)
Love this artwork!
I'm a big big fan of a hot bubbly bathtub, a big glass of cold water and a magazine. 30 minutes and it is washed away.
This lasercut is outstanding. All her work is beautiful.
Marta, I continue to be impressed with all these sweet and fun shops you find! This one does not dissappoint! How cute!
something that never fails to cheer me up is a book store. I could paruse the isles endlessly and get lost in the books. I recently rediscovered the library and I have a feeling i might just lose myself there.
Absolutely beautiful!
Cheering up at our house usually involves a batch of cookie dough paired with a good movie. With retail therapy coming in at a very close second :)
I cheer myself up by getting outside. A breath of fresh air makes everything seem better. Oh, and a hug from my 3-year-old never hurts. :)
My favorite way to cheer myself up is to blast music and dance around the room with my husband!
oooh-- method of cheering others up: listening and tickling :)
method of cheering self up-- napping :)
I like to do a girly afternoon. Home manicure, pedicure, facial, brows - by the time I look better I'm feeling better too!
spoil them, make them a good meal!
That papercut is beautiful. I always, always keep in mind that everything happens for a reason. and if that doesn't work a hug always helps! I channel Mary Tyler Moore. I mean really...she's amazing. And everytime I hear this song I get happy (and feel the urge to throw a hat in the air)
For cheering myself up, I'll make a cup of hot cocoa, light a candle, take a bath, and paint my nails. For cheering someone else up, a little note or sweet treat seems to do the trick nicely!
Muffins, how can you feel bad when you have fresh muffins :) The laser cut out is beautiful!
to cheer someone else up, i'll offer a smile or a hug.
A good DVD and some hot chocolate go a long way in cheering someone up! And if those fail, maybe some retail therapy is in order :)
Yoga is the answer to just about anything for me. I always feel better afterwards. And I love cooking/baking~ taking ordinary plain ingredients and combining them into something delish always gives me a boost!
Which I turn around and give to others as a way to give them a lift. I know I would love to be surprised with a yummy treat or dinner at my doorstep.
Thanks for all your uplifting words!
This is absolutely beautiful!
I like to get busy. When I can't get motivated to craft or even slap on makeup, I try to force myself to stay busy with the mundane tasks (err...laundry and floor washing!) and get my mind off my woes.
It depends...usually some sort of baked goodie, a movie, or popcorn & hot chocolate. Could also be a call to a friend or some sort of exercise.
So pretty. To cheer up, nothing beats a good walk, writing a note to a friend, or reading a new magazine.
Putting on crazily-colored trouser socks and prancing around. Makes me happy and makes my husband laugh because it's so ridiculous. Nobody can NOT smile when they see funny socks. It's a well-known truth.
Right now the best way I have of cheering myself up is staring at my gorgeous 5 week old daughter. Some days it's the only thing that keeps me awake:)
Gorgeous. Dancing with my littles cheers me up quick. For others - taking over a surprise of something they love, even if small.
for someone else, a hand-written note on pretty paper. for me, either alone time or a run.
Love Jolene's work-Amazing! The best way to cheer myself up is to dive into some magazines or a good book.
i cheer myself up by thinking about the big picture of life. i try not to let the little things get in the way of enjoying the big things.
but if i really need some cheering up, a cold diet pepsi and a funny episode of a favorite sitcom works for me!
by the way i have been lusting after julene's work for a long time!
Scripture, inspirational quotes, great blogs, photography, family . . . repeat until it works!
tammons at triad dot rr dot com
I have a feeling I am going to cross my fingers for every single one of your giveaways if this is the loveliness you're starting with!
oh my, that it *gorgeous*! I snuggle with my boxerdog, unagi. he is just about the most comfort giving animal I've ever had the pleasure to meet.
music for sure! or hole up away from the kids to read a book for an hour. or often, just talking to a friend that really has a bad life can remind me of how good i have it.
if i'm feeling blue a walk will always give a little boost. even if it is short. fresh air, exercise, and a little sunshine always do the trick!
Laughter!! Best medicine for cheering up!
OMG! My daughter would love this. Her blog is Sipping Pink Lemonade at
For cheering myself up, I clean. I put on the music and dance my way to a clean house. It feels good to look around and not see clutter everywhere.
i get really goofy and start making fun of everything to cheer my sister up when she's down. when all else fails, brownies and a good movie will do the trick!!
I love sending notes in the mail-with all the technology out there, you can't beat handwritten to put a smile on someone's face.
As for me...a nice bubble bath does the trick.
Cooking and baking always cheers me and my family up!
I bake or cook something that takes a long time so that when it's done and tastes amazing, I feel good like I've accomplished something.
Flowers cheer me up! If I'm ever really blue- a bright bouquet from the grocery store just brings a smile to my face. I like to cheer up others with kind words in an email or card. or in person! :)
Wow what a beautiful papercut! Bubble baths and good book always seem to cheer me up.
i like leaving my friends little pick me ups when they least expect it. A cold ice tea and flowers, or coffee and home made fudge, etc. You cheer them up and yourself at the same time:)
Go to sleep. Everything is better in the morning. :)
to cheer myself up, I jump into a bath filled with steaming hot water and read
Turn on the ipod. Music always lifts my mood.
I buy fresh flowers. You can't be uncheered by fresh flowers.
if i wake up not feeling the morning...going and getting a coffee! always fun :)
Oh man, is that laser cut ever beautiful. Thanks for sharing ... I am so off to check out her shop.
I like to bake. It works for me and for other people because when you are down nothing cheers you up better than a sugary treat.
Lots of smiles. I either force myself to smile or offer a smile to someone in need. I find they are contagious.
I go for a walk in Greenwich Park or watch Oprah or take a long bath with bubbles. Or I put on a Dharma and Greg DVD and just laugh. Hugs help too. :)
A hot bath always cheers me up. (It doesn't seem to cheer my friends up when I draw them a bath though.. hmm. ;)
I love that laser cut! Beautiful.
To cheer myself up, ice cream and a good movie on my warm, cozy couch always seems to help.
To cheer others up, I love to cook for them!
I invest time in myself and others for a pick me up. When a friend is discouraged, I can bless her more by spending time with her, going to coffee, making a phone call, sending an email. Just a pick me up through human interaction. For myself, it is to slip away for a minute to realize that I am blessed beyond all measure. Give myself a small treat - that chocolate stash in the butter drawer in the fridge, a really long shower with the door locked, or a trip to the library to pick up a new book.
cupcakes! cupcakes with homemade buttercrean frosting always do the trick:)
A big bowl of ice cream and a good book while wrapped up in warm blankets does the trick.
My puppies...they always cheer me up with their loving eyes and cold noses and wagging tails!! Nothing cheers me up like my pups!!
wow. i have never seen anything like this! beautiful!
i cheer myself up by reminding myself how good i really have it. stop focusing on petty things.... you have a great life!
to cheer me up: song: it's weird but hearing michael buble singing about feeling good actually makes me feel good :) movie: "the holiday" there's something silly and happy about this movie that I just love
to cheer others: baking! everybody loves a sweet treat especially out of the blue and it cheers me up in the process
cute giveaway!
Having a cup of coffee, sitting in my kitchen usually does the trick!
cuddling with my girls really cheers me up. pretty simple.
i've seen julene's work and absolutely love this piece! great giveaway.
when i am bogged down with errands and chores and to-do lists, it cheers me up so much to just stop for a while, put on some tea and play a game with my baby boy.
nothing cheers me up like a hot bubble bath.
playing in the sunshine for me and sending cards full of love to friends. what a sweet prize today!
chocolate chip cookie dough cheers me up, and usually works for other people, too! And when you can deliver cookie dough, a nice note in the mail usually does the trick... :)
Snuggles from my little girls is the best thing to cheer me up!
The nice man at Subway managed to cheer me up with a free cookie. It was magical! And loves from my little one always make me happy!
If I ever find anything on a blog that is inspiring or uplifting, I send it randomly to people in my email address book. I know I appreciate it when they do it for me so I am sure they do too :) Thanks for the chance!
A pedicure is the best way to brighten my mood.
I love this!!
I like to cheer myself up with a snuggly blanket, a favorite TV show, and a big fat diet coke with a lime in it!
a movie day, cuddling with my favorite husband seems to do the trick.
that is absolutely darling! thanks, marta!
eating dark chocolate. watching a romantic comedy.
chocolate chip cookies.
and the encouragment of cookie monster immitations around my house.
Eating Ben & Jerry's Cinnabun ice cream or wandering around Target.
I cheer myself up by listening to songs I love . Even if they start out sad initially I work my way up to upbeat tunes and in no time I am singing and giggling away!!
This is beautiful.
I too have never seen any work like this and I love it!!
to cheer myself up, i treat myself to a sweet treat or a nice meal. whatever it is, it's good to eat for sure! to cheer up a friend, i usually send them a nice heartfelt letter, e-mail, wall post, etc. letting them know that whatever they're feeling is okay and that i'll always be around.
To cheer myself up, I think of all the good things past and present and remember how very lucky I am. (Did this today on the way back from a yucky dentist appointment.)
For a friend, I usually find some hideous picture or ad or page of a book and mark funny quotes all over it and drop in the mail. It never fails to make them kaugh and call me and make me laugh all over again.
i love for cheering up - myself and others! I'll post stories that remind me of people on their facebook walls, and ones that are speaking to me I'll post as my status update. Getting in a good workout always helps, too, but that assumes I've talked to myself sternly enough to demand that "needs-cheering-up" me gets her sneakers on and gets out the door.
A new magazine always cheers me up!
cheering up for me is making something to give someone, a card with a picture of my little guy, or some cookies or something....
I also love a little secret Dr. Pepper now and then...
This is so bad.....chocolate. Works every time! The lasercut artwork is Beautiful! Thanks.
I listen to music most of the time when I need a pick me up.... that or clean. I find that once I get some energy out I can work through things better.
To cheer myself up I listen to music and get a big hug from my guy.
and chocolate...
Going for a walk in Central Park always makes me feel good. But if it is too cold then I'll either dance with my 3 yr old daughter (to "it's a hard knock life"--her fave), or our new favorite cheer up method: watch the mattress jumping scene from GLEE and jump on our bed. Have you seen it?! So fun!!!
The thing that immediately lifts me out of the blues is "Funny Hat" -- my son will pull his shirt up until it dangles from his head like an elaborate headdress. He's done it since he was very small and now he's nearly six. It makes me cry laughing, everytime.
And the "lemon" makes my mouth water.
thanks for a shot - how beautiful!
this time of year, it's all about hot chocolate. big rounds of hot chocolate!
I listen to music. It depends on the particular mood I'm in whether I put on depressing sounding music or happy music, but music is the one thing that will always cheer me up.
I try to do something nice for someone else--it cheers me up every time!
Sunshine, sunshine, sunshine. I take a 15 minute sunshine break, even if it's cold sunshine.
What cheers me up? Taking pictures of my kids. Nothing beats capturing the moments of your little ones.
What does the trick for me and someone else. Serving them...simply serving them. Try not to smile doing that!
That is sooo gorgeous! I've seen it other places, so *love*. There's a few things that never fail to cheer me up - a good favorite comedy, a manicure/pedicure, a good cuddle with my dog, a joke from my best friend. :)
I've always love this great piece of advice and boy do I have a lot of lemons in my life! Thanks Marta. Talking to my sister on Skype usually does the trick for me. She makes me laugh like no other person on the planet.
i think my favorite things to cheer myself up would be to eat a huge, warm chocolate chip cookie. or a massive bowl of peppermint ice scream with hot fudge. or just a nice warm hug from my husband & little guy.
My favorite thing to do to cheer myself up is to go running. I realize that as much as I hate lacing up those running shoes--as soon as I get outside and move-- all of the sadness or crummy feelings just melt away!
i love lasercuts!
when i'm frustrated with something, i allow myself to be bugged for a limited amount of time, and then i tell myself to let it go. followed by yoga breathing & happy thoughts.{at}gmail{dot}com
I buy fresh flowers - try to resist smiling with yellow tulips on your coffee table.
Hm I like to bake something or go on a walk.
what a sweet piece of work. i would delight myself in making my very own of these, if time permitted!
nothing cheers me up more than chatting with a great friend who has optimism for the day, taking a stroll on a beautiful day or eating a few mini nilla wafers.
lovely giveaway! I cheer myself by reading Psalms or listening to music
So beautiful!
To cheer myself up, I like to either bake or shop... instant uppers!
I love Julene's work! It's so pretty.
To cheer myself up I like to sing. This usually involves putting on some loud upbeat music and blasting it in my car or room and singing it out! :)
I like to look at photos of my grandchildren. Guaranteed to make me smile.
The best way to cheep me up is to blast some Cyndi Lauper 80's style and sing it at the top of my lungs. It's even better out of key. ;)
I cheer myself (or pull myself out of the spiraling whirlpool of self pity, as I like to call it) by doing something for someone else. Doesn't matter what it is--my problems always shrink and my gratitude grows and my attitude improve 100 percent.
homemade cookies and watching a movie so familiar you can say the lines right before they're actually said. you've got mail, anyone?
To cheer myself up, all I have to do is hangout with one of my sweet sisters.
definitely let the sun shine on my face! Get some fresh air!
Love this! hope I win...
going to the gym-- having a good sweat always makes me feel better!
i cheer myself up by writing out my feelings (usually on my blog) or by treating myself to some comfort food that i then sit down with infront of 1 of my fav. dvr recordings.
i cheer myself and others up by blasting The Beatles song, "They Say It's Your Birthday" dorky dancing combined with the upbeat song can cheer anyone up, especially if it isn't anyones birthday!
I usually turn to reading. It makes me forget whatever had me down. My 8 year old is usually pretty good at cheering me up as well. She just says the wittiest things, I can't help but smile.
Love the lasercuts. I was just looking at an old scrapbook, I had used some winter themed lasercuts. I still love them even though I usually tend to cringe when I see old layouts, lol
that lasercut is amazing!!
as far as cheering up - calling my best friend for a guaranteed laugh or some time alone with a good book seems to work for me.
my favorite way to cheer myself or a friend is to bake some yummy and cheerful cookies or cupcakes. how can anyone be sad with festive goodies around?!
-- aj
i spend some time cuddling my own little benji until he giggles and giggles! a quick pick-me-up! :)
i remind myself how blessed i am.
awe brings on a cheerful state!
Oh man - how beautiful is this?!
I watch funny shows to make me laugh when I'm feeling down. Laughter is the best medicine.
I will cook or hug or make myself look silly, even if a little bit humiliating, just to cheer someone up.
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