11 January 2010

benjamin soup

oh this boy. how he makes my heart so full and my smile so big. benji is learning new things everyday. recently it's dumping things into the round file. he methodically piles items in and out of openings of every kind. he is one little busy body, taking objects from room to room like such a businessman. this very morning the fridge was open for one mili-second, he slid in and grabbed the carton of orange juice and waddled it, with both hands and all his strength, over to the coffee table. like it needed to be there for some reason. dan and i had a good laugh before i kissed him goodbye and we both set out for our day of adventure. all the while the boy jibber jabbers as if he were explaining a powerpoint. my little love boat.

i go about doing–and as my sidekick–he goes about un-doing. while i load the dishwasher, he unloads the utensils. while i fill the clothes into the front loader, he is right there pulling socks out. he pushes chairs around, climbs up on them and–ever so steady–attempts to grab everything that was once out of reach. i chop vegetables and he bangs pots and pans, pulls at the pretty dishtowels and spreads toys around on the floor and then piles them into a big pot. benjamin soup is always on the menu.

i love that he knows our routine; he knows where the shoes are, where the puzzles are, where the diapers go, and how to put away the books. he knows he gets to wrestle when daddy comes through the door. he knows how to take a good nap and stab bananas with a fork. he is one bundle of energy and happiness and love. hanging out with him and watching him grow day by day is such a reward. i wouldn't give it up for anything. even if it means loading the dishwasher twice every time.

*my favorite photos are the blurry ones with wild happy action. they capture my life just right.


Johanna said...

beautiful. I love Benji posts and I think it is so dear how you write such lovely updates about him. The blurry pics ARE the best.

Dawn said...

What a blessing that little boy is. This is such a beautiful post...it really captures where Benji is at right now, I love hearing all the things he's good at, like stabbing bananas and Undoing things.
I'm so glad you know to cherish all these things...

--r said...

great post! i really wish i had your way with words! i'm never able to get down our boy's antics in any satisfactory way.
and i very much agree with the blurry photo comment. i have many a happy, giggly, smeary photo on my harddrive.

LobotoME said...

So Cute! yes, my little man Henry 15 months is nicknamed "the destoyer" because he leaves a path of destruction in his wake....everywhere! J :)

Kerry said...

This gave me a burst of happy about the baby boy we're having in 5 months. I tend to forget the small joys in favor of worrying about the big stuff, so thanks for yanking me out of that mindset.

summer said...

ah. i love a benji post. makes me want to be a mom right this minute! for now, i'll just live vicariously through you and your happy words.

ps. that smile! a show-stopper, for sure.

Cassie said...

He really is growing to look more and more like you everyday, I can see it just since joining in October.

Nichole Dirks said...

I love posts about Benji. And the picture is adorable!

J, K, L, and D said...

He is SUCH a cutie. Which you already knew. What happy smiles.

And I love blurry, little-boy pictures. It seems all the pictures I have ever taken over the years of my nephews are the fast, in-action kind. At the time I think I was annoyed by it, but now I revel in it. Better to keep the boys happy than make them pose. Plenty of time for that later.

Thanks for sharing. Benji's bright smiles always make my day. :)

Travelin'Oma said...

Wouldn't it be fun to read his posts? "My mom is always undoing my work! I put the OJ on the coffee table where it's right within reach, and there she is, taking it away."

I just read your chapter in Kirtsy Takes a Bow. Are people stopping you for autographs?

Allison said...

I can't get enough of your Benji posts. I hope that, one day, when I'm a mother, I can share your mindset.

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