we made it home. am uploading photos instead of unpacking and sorting laundry. (surely you are not surprised.) will be posting about our winter vacation in a sporadic array of posts. enjoy. and, if you're getting back into the groove of things like me, welcome back to real life ala twenty ten.
in memory of grandpa dick.
dan's sweet grandfather, richard royal cheshire, passed away at the age of ninety-five on wednesday, december 23, 2009. we will hold the countless moments we had together in our hearts for a very long time. he was such a joyful and thoughtful person. he taught dan the rewards of getting the job done–leaving a legacy of happiness in hard work–he volunteered into his nineties. he was a gentleman; taking his wife dancing and always holding her hand. he had a cute sense of humor. i loved watching him joke with dan, even during the last visit we had with him. and he was a sweetie with babies, he played with them with a bubbling sense of delight. how happy i am that benji has had the opportunity to meet his great-grandparents. watching dan's grandparents always reminds me that living a simple life can lead to a very happy life. how lucky we are to have incredible influences to weave a path for us to follow.dan and benji. the winter white snow blanketed our world the day of grandpa dick's funeral. it was a lovely sight to see. friends and family gathered together to honor his life. i only wish i had captured a photograph of petite grandma bernice in her heels and long coat. she looked so beautiful; the essence of elegance and grace.
the service was a celebration of great-grandpa's life. so many happy memories were shared. here are his great-granddaughters, lucy and cate. so fun, lively and darling. i always come away from them knowing a bit more about the adventures they're living, which movies to see, what clothes to wear, what itunes to get, which camera is best and what the college scene is like. nieces are the best; like little sisters i never had.
mr. benjamin was a sport. the meltdowns were mitigated thanks to rides in a walker, more suitable for an elderly person. he was happy enough to be propped up and wheeled around for hours. thank you to sophie and anne for keeping him entertained. it takes a village. this is the face of a little boy needing a nap. thank you, mom for coming to the rescue.
the day of remembrance was perfect. the sun shone on the winter cemetery and the snow glistened with diamonds. we are sad to say goodbye to someone who was a fixture in our lives. still, i know grandpa dick was glad to see us wrapped up in each others arms as we stood in tribute to him in the sparkling winter scene. we love you, grandpa.four generations.
I've never commented on your blog, but thought I'd let you know that my father happened to read the obituary of Richard Royal Cheshire and saved it. I saw it on their kitchen counter last week and asked who he was. They don't know him. My parents were impressed by the obituary and thought he sounded like a man who definitely left a legacy and had a happy life spending time with family. My mom used the obituary in a lesson she taught yesterday in Relief Society. Her lesson was on leaving a legacy.
oh what an adorable man he was!
what a tribute. and the last photo, what a finish. so heartbreakingly sweet, marta. i'm glad you have it in your family album.
My deepest condolences to you and yours. Dan's grandfather lived the kind of life I want to lead. By the comments here, it looks like I'm not alone with that opinion.
My deepest condolences to you and your family. I'm glad you have such nice memories of times spent with him.
Question... I know you did a post regarding photography but I have a question regarding your photos (that are so awesome) the picture above of I believe your husband and your son in the snow do you add some kind of tint to the photo after uploading it to your computer, it seems to have a rosey tint to it. Do you usually tweek the photos in the computer after you take them? Thanks!
What a sweet tribute. It made me wish I had known him. I'm so very sorry for your loss. The last picture is precious!
So sweet.
Funerals with babies are tough and tender. Remember Grampa's when Jake was about 6 months and totally belching during the prayer? You and I were giggling nonstop. But I think Jiggs would've approved...
Beautiful post. There is nothing in the world quite like a grandpa. It sounds like yours was an amazing man. Thanks for sharing. Beautiful photos too!
You were so lucky to get another set of grandparents when you married Dan. Your tribute to them is the life you're living.
how adorable. i love that you captured the 4 generations in that last photo. just priceless.
oh, he sounds charming. what a beautiful tribute, and what a great legacy. thanks for sharing.
That first picture is so sweet. They look so happy and adorable.
Happened upon your blog recently. My great grandfather died a month or so ago, and your four generations picture really hit home. How wonderful it is to celebrate the lives of these great men!
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