11 February 2010

giveaway: cloth snack sack

today's giveaway is from a cozy craft shop, down home amy
unique handmade wares that are good for you + good for the earth
giving :: one valentines snack pouch reusable + adorable
please comment today to enter to win.
tell me what you like to carry around...

thank you amy for your handmade originals.

and the winner is deborah. she comments, Love this bag! I always carry whichever book I am immersed in at the moment, and something to munch on while I read.


Terry said...

I like to carry my 2 Envirosax everywhere. They come in handy and fit right in my purse.

JH said...

I am a teacher - what don't I carry around! Unfortunately, my lunch always gets lost or smashed in my bigger tote bag - this would be ideal for a lunch bag! Love the nautical look!
Thank you for such an inspiring blog! I discovered it today - a week of snow days has left me with lots of time to play on the computer!

Anonymous said...

camera, pen, notebook - always. I feel incomplete without them.

rebecca said...

as little as possible!

Anonymous said...

I always carry my camera with me:) love the snack pouch!

Rebecca B. said...

I love to carry around a good book. I love to read and find any quiet opportunity to read a few pages.

Monika Wright | I Love It All said...

Love my Canon 40D, but I love even more carrying around my 4-year old as I know that soon, I won't be able to. She is still just small enough and so snuggly and huggable and still has a little bit of a baby smell to her. My last baby. Boo hoo.

Kirsten said...

I like to carry a moleskine or other notebook at all times. I never know when I'll need to take good notes or record an idea. Plus, they fit in my purse perfectly.

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

oooh all kind of random stuff, but usually a book, an umbrella (it's London you never know) and my iphone.
Love the basket, very cute

Emma said...

Oh my. How gorgeous are they.

Camera of some sorts, a few lip gloss's, purse, and notebook - That's what I always make sure I have on me. Much to the annoyance of my boyf, who thinks i always carry too much stuff.

Martha said...

the necessities would be wallet, phone, camera, moleskine.

Love this cute pouch!

beyond said...

a pen, a notebook, my point and shoot camera, my wallet.

We're Not in Kansas Anymore said...

Oooh, so cute! I've usually got lipstick, diapers, wipes and coupons (yes, I am that lady)!

Courtney B said...

never leave the house without my awesome danielle elizabeth diaper bag... full of baby gear, but most importantly... either my ring sling OR my ergo carrier.

and snacks :)

Cassie said...

I carry around a handbag that is far to big and has no pockets! But I can get everything and anything inside - always my notebook and camera!
Great giveaway week xx

talesofahummingbird said...

things for my little man to play with when we're out in the world!

Anonymous said...

What an adorable pouch! I like to carry around my camera just in case I see something interesting and I usually have a sketch pad of some kind.

Katie {My Paisley Apron} said...

Oooh, I like this!!!

I like to carry diapers, wipes, snacks... oh wait. My camera. :) Just started carrying it, and it's so nice to have it anytime I want it!

tarable said...

I have finally taken to carrying water. (I'm trying to kick the soda habit.)

LMT said...

I like to carry around as little as possible but, what I must have with me if anything else is this tiny heart box my husband got me. I keep a few vitamins in it in case I want to take one while I'm out.

Liz said...

I usually carry a water bottle and my purse. Love the pouches!

{ella} said...

So cute!

Lip gloss, phone, ipod and lint roller...always.

claytonandmandy said...

I always have a bag of almonds with me - they are the perfect snack!

Anonymous said...

you will never find me without a magazine, my moleskin, ipod, & a container of red grapes!

shirley elizabeth said...

I'm pretty simple, so the only things that are ever consistently in my purse are: wallet, gum, birth control (have to till we can get insurance), and my small notebook/journal thing. I go through those way too fast.

Hil said...

mint flavored chapstick (the chapstick brand). what a cute giveaway!! hope i win.

Amanda said...

I like carrying around my steel water bottle (it's dry up here in WI). I carry around my backpack daily, but I don't like doing it:)

Olivia said...

Camera, small moleskine, cheese crackers (for little boy)... and my little boy!

Ann Marie said...

i carry around an old brown men's canvas bag filled with: notebooks, poetry books, caligraphy pens, cameras, and baggy full of lip adornments...it's a big bag! i love reusable anything...crossing my fingers!

[eeny] said...

How cute is that?

I always have my moleskine,a pen,my ipod, and my cam with me.... and usually a lot of clutter in my bag =)

Joni said...

How adorable is this! Another sweet giveaway! Thanks!

What don't I carry? a few.. I carry my camera, my journal, a water bottle, and my "six little cherries". Oh yeah, and I usually get stuck carrying all of their stuff too! Moms know how that is! "Carry this mommy!" :)

debby said...

i love these bags! i love to carry around my little newborn right now. enjoying every minute of her newness.

cleverly content said...

bottles, sippie cups, sketch pad (for when the good ideas hit) and sadly, but true always am never without the cell phone.

Hannah said...

You'll never catch me without my little pocket ks planner, berts bees peppermint chapstick or a picture of my favorite guy.

Linda said...

Lovely giveaway! I carry a little bit of everything- you never know when you need it- paper, pen, tissues, wet wipes, keys, mobile phone, gum, sunglasses, and whatever else I may think I need handy.

Are we there yet? said...

Currently diapers, wipes, and Elle's camel are always in my purse even right now while I am at work...

kristi said...

i love tote bags! i carry them everywhere. inside is my calendar, notepads for all my lists, coupons, hand lotion and lip balm.

Unknown said...

my camera !

meg staires said...

paper, something to write with, chapstick,book, and handkerchief!

Irene said...

I actually always carry around some fruit in my purse. My days start early and it's often really late that I finally get home, so keeping fruit in my purse gives me a super healthy snack without having to run out and buy something. Plus, I'm a nut for fruit!

Anna Kristina said...

Camera, lamy pen, moleskine, hand lotion and my mbta pass. They get me everywhere and I don't forget writing ideas or miss photo ops!

Megan Elyse said...

Oh gosh. I love that. It's so adorable.

Unfortunately for my back, I carry around everything. Friends call me Mary Poppins because of how big my purse is and how many random things you find in there. I've tried to lessen the load, but it seems to pile back up no matter how hard I try.

mara said...

snacks for my little girl. how perfectly adorable they are.

ellen said...

favorite letters, paper to write notes on, a small camera, and lots more!

Angela said...

I seem to be carrying around a lot of pacifiers these days. And then second comes diapers and wipes. Lots of little kids. thanks for the contest

Melissa A said...

Well, a cup of tea in one of those travel mugs that people usually put coffee in and a little bag of macadamia nuts just in case I need a protein snack in the afternoon.

s.eileen said...

i'm a bus commuter so i'm always
yoga clothes

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

My necessities are:
-mini bible
-debit card

If I had this lovely packet I would definitely also use it for holding lunches and snacks at the beach!

kendall said...

I always have almonds. And this is adorable!

Deborah said...

Love this bag! I always carry whichever book I am immersed in at the moment, and something to munch on while I read.


Unknown said...

Soy mamá de un hermoso niño de 18 meses y siempre me gusta llevar cosas que hacen a mi bebe feliz:

5.Jugetes (Carritos y pelotas)
6.Camara Fotografica (est me hace feliz a mi por que puedo capturar cualquier momento feliz de mi bebe).
7.Dinero para comprar un delicioso helado.
8.Ipod, con musica para todos, el bebe, papá y mamá.

Me enchata tu blog y tus buenas ideas.

JOHANNA DIAZ. Bogota (Colombia)
P.d. El correo joseanuardiaz@gmail.com es de mi papá, trabajo con el y siempre lo tengo abierto.

Elizabeth said...

magazines or recipes to peruse for upcoming meals..this would be great!

Cat said...

Along with the already mentionned essentials, I must take shoes everywhere. I hate going around in socks when I take my boots off (except at home of course...)
That bag could be perfect for shoes....

Michael Wurm Jr said...

hopes & dreams.

Misty Bourne said...

I like to carry around my big black "Butler Bag." It's not an actual Butler Bag...it's made by the same people but made for retail in KMart so it was a lot cheaper. I bought it for 15 dollars! I carry it every day to work and it keeps all my stuff organized! I love it. Then in the evening or on the weekends, I just toss the essentials from my big bag into a smaller purse and I'm good to go. Perfect! :)

Livi said...

so so cute! i love your giveaways!

Anneliese said...

a water bottle!

Emily Mae said...

Such a cute idea! I love carrying around my camera so I can capture blissful moments to forever keep!

tulin said...

Baby wipes - a million uses!
Such a cute little pouch - thanks for the awesome giveaways.

Jodi Kendall said...

so adorable! would love to have one for my writer's notebook, colored pencils and camera.

Unknown said...

my planner designed by kelly rae roberts--possibiliatiran and amazing artist.

my mentha lip shine from bath and body works.

32 oz of water in my camel back water bottle.

orbit gum.


Unknown said...

Well I don't like to carry anything around but... my toddler seems to be my most popular accessory!

Amanda Jean Inez said...

I like to carry a book with me everywhere. I never know when I'll have a moment to read and I want to be ready!

Janssen said...

I carry around a giant teacher bag because I'm too lazy to switch my phone, wallet, keys, and various other necessities to a purse every day after school. Awesome.

Anonymous said...

I carry around my camera, notebook and pens plus baby and toddler things. But the best things to carry around is stuff my daughter and I find on our walks. Found things are the best.

Sarah Stout said...

What an adorable idea! I love it. I usually carry around a purse, unless I'm going to church. Then, I have to carry a binder and all sorts of things for my calling.

I also carry a simple, beige bag to school everyday for my lunch. It makes me happy because I bought it in Germany.

Jaclyn said...

May agenda - I am lost without it. Thanks for the chance!

iamrobyn said...

I'm taking part in Project 365 so I always always ALWAYS have my caera with me! I love it.

Anonymous said...

very cute! i like to carry around books with me wherever i go, so if i have a chunk of time, i can pull it out & catch up on my reading. :]

Trude said...

That container is genius! For snacks, I like to carry around Z Bars in Peanut Butter - they're Clif bars for kids and taste waaaaay better. :) Otherwise I always have a book, a little moleskine notebook and my camera!

kate reymann said...

lip balm, iphone, diapers, snacks, book

Olivia StClaire said...

Adore this! And love the hearts!

I carry around doggie treats! And my phone, keys & lipstick!

MA said...

I like to carry around sweets.

Lena said...

My phone and lipgloss. Always.

And diapers and a sippy cup.


JustMe said...

Other than my iPhone?? I find it handy to carry around a bottle of flavored water. Sometimes I even keep a 6-pack in reach in my vehicle... staves off hunger and the urges to grab (or drive through for) a soda. :))

Rosa Rivero said...

I cant live without my oversized bag -that it's actually one of those new diaper nags (no bears or hearts) just plain modern and the pockets for the baby bottles are perfect for my coffee mug or water bottle so they dont spill all over my papers- would lo to win !

Lisa said...

I always have my phone, chapstick, a diaper and wipes. You never know :)

Baboon said...

I always carry two books. One for me, one for my son. (I REALLY wish I won this one. It's so lovely!)

Jenna said...

i like to carry around my babies - and all the stuff that goes with them (cloth diapers, reusable wipes, change of clothes...)

Nichole B said...

I like to carry a small mole skin journal to jot ideas in - never to be forgotten.

Nichole B

Jacq said...

I'm proud to say I haven't bought baggies in months! My kids use RuMe and SnackTAXI reusable sandwich bags and also Wrap N Mats. I bring my Envirosax shopping bags everywhere, including the mall.


Krystin said...

I like to carry my blackberry. I know it's cliche', but it's everything i could possibly need...access to internet, phone, email, notebook, and camera. I tend to also carry my keys (hopefully...unless I forget, which is always possible) and chapstick. Normally all of this goes into a little leather vintage patchwork purse or a little black sparkly bag.

summer said...

lately i've been tossing every single thing into a reusable sack from whole foods. my jar of christmas peanut butter came in it, and since then i always keep it handy.

this pouch is adorable!

Danielle N. said...

I am guilty of carrying around too much stuff. I need a journal/notebook, something to read - book/mag, lip balm, lip gloss, a camera, my blackberry, my ipod, etc...

Julie Linz Photography said...

Things I carry every day:
1. Point-n-shoot camera
2. Vitamin C
3. Nivea lip balm
4. Elvis Checks!
5. An "idea" journal
6. A couple dollars for a McDonalds Coke splurge!

katie said...

I love carrying around my niece... so huggable.

Missy knits said...

I carry the normal stuff--wallet, chapstick, cell phone, but I also am never without a portable knitting project. You never know when you can get a row or two done!!

Jen Holtkamp said...

hand sanitizer! and a good book in case i have a couple spare minutes waiting somewhere.

Lynn Osborne said...

Oh my, I'm carrying more and more stuff around. Notepads, camera, checkbook (though I never write checks), etc. etc. Thanks for the chance to win.

tammy said...

a bag of sharpies!

Molly said...

i'm not sure what i would carry around yet, but this would be the sweetest bday present ever;)

it would be a darling little picnic lunch sac... can't wait for spring.

Jaimie said...

i like to always have a pen. always.

Unknown said...

I can't seem to go anywhere without a pen, my little bitty Moleskine, and my BlackBerry (the camera in it is great for stealth photography.) Of course, I almost always have a book with me, too.

Stephanie said...

I carry around chapstick. I cannot stand chapped lips!


jaytee'sbtw said...

well...i carry around just about everything...i love my bag...chapstick (about 6 different kinds!!), lotion, gum, change, my journal/notebook, small little snacks, a hat/beanie, and my camera!!

jaytee'sbtw said...

well...i carry around just about everything...i love my bag...chapstick (about 6 different kinds!!), lotion, gum, change, my journal/notebook, small little snacks, a hat/beanie, and my camera!!

stephanie from texas said...

definately wasabi soy almonds and my journal & pen!

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