08 February 2010

giveaway: darling blog templates

today's giveaway is from my dear friend hilary. she is the doll-faced designer behind simply yours designs. she offers premade templates as well as custom built blogs, buttons and etsy shop designs. if you just need a fresh tune-up for your website, take a peek at her design packages.

fyi. hilary is the html genius who helped me center my new blogger tabs. she can work her magic on your blog too. if you'd like her personal assistance, purchase the Navigation Bar kit ($25.00) in her shop.

giving :: one $30.00 gift certificate
towards a pretty premade blog template
and/or installation assistance

please comment today to enter to win.
do tell, what stylish blog do you love to read (and look at)?

thank you hilary!

the winner is mary elizabeth who kindly comments, i do love your blog, it is simple + clean + oh-so-charming! :) merci.. enjoy your new designs!!

p.s. simply yours designs has begun raising awareness and funding for the Ebstein's Anomaly Foundation. hilary lost her sweet little one to this heart condition this past november. the template below has been created with a lot of love. she named it after her stillborn son, Michael. she is donating 100% of the profits earned from this template to the Ebstein's Anomaly Foundation. please read more about her efforts to support this good cause.


Rebecca said...

I love Nie Nie dialogues. One of my favorite "stylish" blogs.

rbalderas at nc dot rr dot com

Anonymous said...

I love a field journal. The header is great.

Cambria said...

Love Design Gal and Her Handyman. Definitely a stylish blog. :)

lalalovely lindsay said...

Lovely little giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Lovely giveaway! :)
The stylish blog I really like Creature Comforts!

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway!
One of my very favorite stylish blogs is decor8.com. I always come away inspired and refreshed.

Camille said...

i like thesefavoritethings.blogspot.com

fun giveaway!

Eliza said...

I love the Nie Nie dialogues as well! I wish I were a html genius but, alas...I'm not. So, thanks for the chance at winning this one!

elizachallis at hotmail dot com

Our Little Beehive said...

I love to read younghouselove.com for all sorts of home reno inspiration.

Anne said...

Oh, I love these blog templates! Especially the one with white polka dots. I could use a face lift on my blog too!

It's really hard to just pick one stylish blog. SimpleLovely.blogspot.com is definitely one of my favorites.

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

really nice giveaway! i love so many blogs, coco+kelley, diaries of a rockstar, too many!!

Ally said...

I love the Mint Chocolate. Love the colors:) Great giveaway!

Bea said...

oh what a lovely giveaway! I love ohjoy.com and your site, of course :)

Linda said...

martawrites (of course), designsponge,twig and thistle, smitten kitchen and how about orange.

Whatever Dee-Dee wants said...

I hope I won!
I love to read City of Dion. She posts the prettiest illustrations.

brandy said...

I love reading The Rockstar Diaries. She has great style!

Thanks for the giveaway. My blog could use a little nip and tuck!

Unknown said...

I really like Mighty Girl's layout. It's so colorful and just pops!

Psst, secret though: I haven't found her blog to be as interesting since she started getting paid to do her Mighty List.

Becca Groves said...

I've been hooked on dearlizzy lately, and I also really like eliseblaha. Those girls have style.

Genevieve said...

i love reading your blog!! :) thanks for the awesome giveaway! my blog could really use some help!non

Katie C. said...

Katie Did Journal, she makes the cutest clothes for her adorable little girls

the Eggett's said...

what beautiful designs. I love them!

KJ said...

ok, yes, I want this pretty bad.

hannah said...

Just what I need for my blog. I don't have a cute one yet and her stuff is darling.

talesofahummingbird said...

green wedding shoes and 100 layer cake - both wedding blogs but so beautiful and inspiring!

cleverly content said...

I am loving all the craft blogs...like u create. thanks for the giveaway oppertunity!

iamrobyn said...

Apartment Therapy gets me through my day!! :)


a gracious plenty said...

i like elefantitasalegres lately. i also love amazing trips. and yours.

Melissa said...

Nie, of course! And www.livingproofministries.blogspot.com.

Katie {My Paisley Apron} said...

Honestly, this is the first blog I check every morning. But I also love Hil's blog, and my sil Jessica's blog, livingtheswelllife dot blogspot dot com.

I would love one of these blog templates!! I'm working on my html skills but haven't built anything as pretty as these!

Cassie said...

I love LakeJane - she is one stylish traveller right now!

Alyssa said...

Those blog designs look great!!!

Rachel said...

I love your blog miss Marta! So inspiring! Thanks for the giveaway!

erica said...

makeovers are always so fun...even for a blog!

there are so many out there that have such great designs.

Heather said...

I love Morgan Moore's blog. Such a beautiful girl. The sucking up part of me reminds me that I love your blog too. So inspiring!

AprilPhire04 said...

What a great idea! I've got so many blogs that I read on daily basis - for simplicities sake, I'd have to say I love reading yours, Gooseberried and Blogfully Yours.

Gale said...

I like blogs with white backgrounds, there are many, yours included. Another suggestion is inspireco.blogspot.

Anonymous said...

I love hostess with the mostess! Always fun party ideas!!!

Krista said...

i have too many favorites! team boo and color me katie are a few.

Anonymous said...

I like Nie's too. But there are several others I read and enjoy. My blog really needs a make over!

Deidra said...

My boring, plain text header could use some sprucing up. What a great idea.

I've been loving academichic lately.

Amy C said...

I love http://www.cardiocandyography.com/

the posts are great and the blog design is eye candy.

MamaOtwins+1 said...

I love a clean looking blog like speakingfromthecrib.com

My son also has ebstein's and I am doing a CHD awareness series in his honor.

Ginnie said...

oooooo, fun! I love her designs.

And for brownie points I'm going to say your blog :)

mary plus vince said...

i do love your blog, it is simple + clean + oh-so-charming! :)

ellen said...

I read so many I have lots of favorites. :)

kendall said...

I love Rock Star Diaries.

Diana said...

Who's more stylish than Design Mom?

Amanda said...

I love to read Hilary's blog!! I check it everyday! What a strong woman!

-aegirl7 (at) gmail (dot) com

Karen said...

I love the simplicity and elegance of Duet Letterpress. http://duetletterpress.com/blog/

amanda jane said...

oh, my pallete is so varied. I check shimandsons, made.com, stephmodo and of course yours!
love that foundation title. so cute.

Anonymous said...

why yours of course! Will kissing up help me win? I hope so :)

tawnya said...


al + sar said...

I am in desperate need of a blog re-vamp, mine is so ammature.

I cant go a day without reading Rockstar Diaries. I love their stylish life.

PS your pot roast looks delish. cant wait to give it a try!

Cat said...

I love your blog! I also like eat, drink chic.
Thanks for the giveaway... my blog needs a little revamping!

Lovely Little Nest said...

Ooh great giveaway!

One of my blog favorites is Katie, from allbowerpower.wordpress.com. She is HILARIOUS and gives lots of inexpensive DIY ideas!

Heather said...

Design*Sponge is one of my favorite daily reads. Thanks for the giveaway!

whitney said...

tangled and true. love their style.

bb iverson said...

Yay! I have finally learned how to comment on blogs! This is my first time, I am a blog (and commenting) virgin but your blog is just so cute I figured it was worth the effort to figure this world out. Which blog do I love to look at? Yours, of course! By the way, yesterday in church a girl made a comment and just happened to tie in the fact she's been reading this amazing blog of a girl she doesn't even know but which she loves - and guess what? It was your blog and Hillary's! You ladies get around!

Juliana said...

Fun giveaway!!
I love to read Just A Girl
And, even at the risk of sucking up, I'll say I love the simplicity/prettiness of your blog.

just jen said...

i love tartraz, she is so stylin'!

w and w said...

I love my friend's mostlymartha.
amazing interior designer, writer, creator. love the gal, love the blog.

Mui Yen said...

what happy looking templates!

my favourite stylish blog is design*sponge - love the variety. and it's always exciting to see the befores and afters of furniture makeovers.

Karen said...

pick me!!! and the most stylish blog i read is yours of course!

Lisa said...

I've got a blog roll 100+ blogs long that is mostly stylish blogs. How can I ever choose?

~Kristina said...

i read an array of blogs and enjoy each for various reasons. the styles are varied over the same spectrum. i couldn't possible pick one.
thanks for hosting these giveaways. i get to see so many more cool little corners of web.

The Taylors said...

I actually love to real Hillary's Blog! and I also LOVE her blog designs! I really really hope I win!

chelle said...

I like the simplicity and clean lines of Becky Higgins blog.

I like Tara Whitney's photography blog. The advertisements and such are at the bottom, so her work is the focus.

Sarah said...

super cute - my family blog could use a makeover

Jaclyn said...

Honestly - yours in one of my favourites :) Thanks for the chance!

Danielle N. said...

Ohhh there are so many. Design is Mine, Creature Comforts to name a few. And of course, yours is in my top ten. Thanks for the giveaway.

MeganKP said...

i really like the one you posted on this post! So cute!
but i also love this one: http://elizabethkartchner.blogspot.com/



Mari said...

My favorites are family members blogs and I very much enjoy thepioneerwoman.com.
Thank you!

Laura said...

Apart from your lovely blog, I adore a cup of jo. It has an elegant simplicity.

Jen and her men said...

I like to read www.designwithchristine.com. Fun giveaway! Thanks!

Kim said...

Diaries of a rockstar! Great giveaway, thank you!

Michelle said...

I have a new blog and am looking for a template! I have so many favorites but lately I've always love Style Me Pretty and Unruly Things

Christen E. Krumm said...

oh goodness... there are so many!!

i would have to say sometimes sweet, a beautiful mess, and smile and wave are all my favorites :)


Anonymous said...

Looks like there are a lot of fans! I love Hil's blog and would want one of her designs... I just can't squeeze it into the budget just yet.

natalienicole said...

what a treat this would be...

my favorite design blog...probably design mom.

Allison said...

I love this giveaway! I also love to look at http://cupcakesandcashmere.com/
So stylish!

jaytee'sbtw said...

honestly, martawrites is a blog that i look at daily, without doubt! when i have time, i love searching other blogs! what creative and amazing individuals are out there!!

swell.life said...

beautiful work!

my 2 latest favs:
cakies (ruby ellen)
smile & wave (rachel denbow)

CharityMay said...

i like lola b's
i am so sorry for hilary's loss. my brother died two years ago and his name was michael also. i believe that name has to mean 'a big heart'.

LobotoME said...

so sorry to hear of her loss...

her blog templates are lovely and our family blog could use some design love...the one I update for all of the grandparents and birth parents...
too many fav. blogs to name but joslyn at simple lovely has amazing style. i also love new to me this little red house.

Jackie said...

I sure could use this!

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