welcome to my workshop
good morning! am so happy to have you here.
for the past few years blogging & businessing have been bubbling in my blood. as a work-at-home mama who lives far away from family, i've found blogging to be not only a way to simply keep in touch but it has become (surprisingly) a lot more than that. in my opinion, opening up to blogland is similar to subscribing to a crate of creativity which arrives on the doorstep every day. the blog is my peep hole to the outside world, a chance to make new friends, a push to think outside the box, a place to display bits of the person i am and the person i hope to be. it brings about new design clients, exciting opportunities, daily writing practice, and continues to be a fun way to document the ordinary. it is a place to play around with designs for myself, build a name for my brand, keeps my addiction to paper and crafting (literally) still on the table, and–in reading a plethora of other blogs–is an endless supply of inspiration and eye-candy.
the concept for this workshop has been brewing for awhile. i'm about to burst. you see, le blogging is one of my favorite subjects. however blogging about blogging is much easier than talking about blogging. because, assuming you didn't get lost on your way, you are the exact right audience to discuss blogging with. you are here and ready and in the game already. no need to explain the rules, define or defend blogging. ever been in one of those conversations?! they are never fun. so as we start this workshop i hope you will join the fun, take it all in and learn from the experts. hopefully i'll touch on a subject that you wonder about, have opinions on or are simply intrigued by. prepare yourselves for a boatload of blogginess. my main goal is to answer the common questions i receive frequently about running my shop, keeping my head above water and maintaining my space online. and in classic marta style, i am going to do my best to pump you up to believe in yourself, believe in your business, and believe in your passion.
a few notes.
• please refrain from copying and pasting any part of the workshop onto your own blog without my permission (unless you are a contributer in an expert panel). a lot of effort has gone into creating this free workshop and your respect for my copyright is appreciated. posting links to my blog, of course, is always welcome. if you'd like to save these ideas for your files, i am putting the finishing touches on a coordinating workbook that will be ready-to-print (and ready to highlight, mark up and refer to) for your very own blog & business binder. for now, just kick back and enjoy. merci.
• to keep the comments coming (and to keep you on your toes), i have temporarily changed my rss feed setting to partial. this way–if you read my blog in a reader–you'll have to come all the way over here to my actual blog to read the posts in their entirety and participate in the workshop. i realize in making this choice, i am weeding out the weak. still i hope hope hope you'll chime in and be uninhibited in sharing your ideas and advice so it feels more like a classroom atmosphere. each day i will post in the morning and again in the afternoon. (all of the posts for any given day will be posted by 5:00 pm mountain time.) for further incentive to join the conversation, i am giving out freebies at the end of the week. a handful of random commenters will win something from the mini mart.
here we go. tip #1. people go gaga for giveaways. tip #2. when it comes to your online shop, do not be ashamed of the shameless plug.
love this! thanks for your openness to share. great idea, too, about making people come directly to your site rather than through a feed for a time. your site has been one of my faves for ages. thanks again for being great!
Already I am excited! Just wanted to let you know that I ALWAYS come to your actual blog to read your posts- how could I not- it's just not the same, I like your "home".
Looking forward to this! Thank you Marta.
Hi! I got here from http://racheldenbow.blogspot.com/2010/02/link-up.html and I'm happy to be a part of the fun! Thanks a lot!
Oh, and I love your Audrey Words posts! They are wonderful!!
So excited for this Marta!! Thank you for putting so much time and thought into this and for sharing all this information with all of us. Ever so sweet. :)
I also read all my blogs in their home. :) I feel more inclined to comment when I'm already there, and with the next button it's easy to hop to the next post on my reader.
I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog. This is going to be exciting to see what this workshop has to share!
This looks like it will be really fantastic - I'm looking forward to it!
YAY! So glad to be here and looking forward to learning more about your process. :)
yay marta! so excited for this week. my new site and BLOG is launching on my birthday (next monday) so i really feel like this is just excellent timing for me. gracias darling. :)
I'm excited for what's to come! I prefer to read my blogs in their "home" as well and if I don't something feels off.
thanks so much for your candid sharing! i am a new blogger and looking forward to inspiration. thanks in advance, see you all week :D
Awesome! I'm so excited for this workshop! :)
Just found out about your blog and THIS workshop from Smile & Wave's latest post!
Wow! Thank you for sharing this info!
I'm excited to see what's in store.
you rock, marta.
'a crate of creativity'.. precisely! oh my goodness, you are too right. i haven't ever thought of it this way. (but of course, you would) what a pretty picture you paint of the blessings of le blog. i couldn't agree more. i just want to chime in with an enormous 'it's true!'
ps. okay, the breakfast tray graphic at the top.. how fabulous is that? when i saw it, a huge, happy smile spread across my face. thank you for such a sweet morning greeting! oh, and i totally caught your tips at the end, you clever girl. and two posts a day? three cheers for that!
Oh thank you for this...I think we all can use advice on how to blog better. :)
so glad you changed your feed.... i must admit, i love my google reader. but i also hate it... because then you miss out on the whole "experience" of reading someones posts. anyways, EXCITED for this class.... found you through smile and wave. : )
Hi.. I clicked here.. and I clicked there... And I ended up here at your blog... This is great... Looking forward to your workshop.... Thanksssss... :0)
Yes! This is exactly what I need right now, it compliments everything else going on perfectly! And the price tag fits my skinny wallets budget perfectly! Thanks for sharing this. I'm a new reader, and I am loving loving loving your blog! Can't wait to learn.
I am so excited for all of this! Thank you for pouring over this week with so much love and thought. I can't believe this is free! Wonderful you.
Yay! March is here and Marta's workshop has begun. See you this afternoon my dear!
Marta! I am so excited for this workshop.
I've been considering opening my own online shop and I am really excited in laying claim to my own little corner of the internet. I am really looking forward to implementing the tips from your workshop.
I love your blog and you are great! I can't wait for all the items on the agenda to unfold!
Oh I am so excited to be part of your workshop. You are amazing sharing it with all of us, Marta. Thank you so much.
Thanks, Marta! This is really sweet...
I am so grateful that you're willing to share your wisdom....for FREE!! Honestly. My husband has had over 3 months of furlough in a matter of 7, so this is very much appreciated.
I think I have found my true love in blogging & have a goal of opening my own Etsy store, but I certainly have questions about things.
Thank you, Thank you!!
Stumbled upon your blog from Smile and Wave. I'll be subscribing and following along. =)
Yay! I have been so excited about this... that I just had to come comment. ;-) Looking forward to *all* of it! and hoping to someday have the guts to actually do something with it.
shameless plugs are good? okay then - i'm having giveaways tomorrow through thursday at www.onehundredhats.org!
and i'm super super excited about this week's mini course you're offering up here - i've got my notebook and pencils out, ready to learn!
This is awesome! Thanks Marta for taking the time to put together this workshop I am SO looking forward to learning a ton of stuff. I posted your button on my blog and posted a post today telling people to come on over and join.
So question number 1 about your tip #1 people go gaga for giveaways, I can tell that for sure. I know I do, but let me ask you do you get your giveaways donated to you or do you buy them yourself?
Thanks, EM
Really looking forward to this week!
I'm eager to read all your posts and the tips, advice, and wisdom. Thanks for doing this.
You are so inspiring...in your love for your son, for your love of your faith, for your love of your husband, for your love of knowing you need something just for you (not as someone's daughter, wife, mother).
Hope you're smiling! My one little word for 2010 is TRANSFORM. As part of that, I plan to open an online shop. I've been doing research and preparing and browsing. So, I wonder if you will address the question of blog and online shops? I have a personal blog for friends and family, but don't necessarily want that blog to be be seen by all.
What are your feelings/experiences with your online shop and your personal blog being linked? Would it be okay to have a blog just related to shop issues and craftiness, but not have "family" news? Or, does that make blogland not feel tied to you/feel like they have a connection/feel like they know you?
Just wondering.
oh, this is so exciting! i am so happy to have stumbled upon this workshop on the very first day! looking forward to the week.
Amazing! I am excited and can't wait to learn so many new things! I've got my pencils sharpened, my highlighters lined up and I am ready to participate. The best part? I don't have to raise my hand in this class! :)
thank you for sharing your knowledge. can't wait to read what you have in store.
I found my way here via Alli of One Pearl Button. This class sounds like a great idea, and lots of fun. I can't wait to see where it goes.
Hi Marta, I adore your blog and am very excited about this project! What a great idea. I awarded you my Kreativ Blogger award last week by the way. Very well deserved as you always entertain and cheer me on my travels around blogland! xox Rachel
I am so excited for the week ahead!! I have read and loved your blog for some time now, and I can't wait to hear all of your insight into how we can create a little corner in the blogosphere that brings us happiness and inspiration as well!!
Thank you!!
ha! i was just going to complain about having to click over and then you called me "weak"...smartly played!! :-)
thanks for hosting this workshop...really looking forward to it!
oh the anticipation!
whoo hoo! let's do this! :) can't wait.
So very excited for all of this! And I am excited for your workbook as well!
I lauched my blog just a week ago and I am really looking forward to some great advices! Thanks for sharing!!!
Marta, this is exciting! I've been following you first and foremost since I began blogging almost three years ago. If there is anyone I trust for blogging advice it's you! Thanks for sharing!
This is really exciting! I could definitely use some inspiration and tips on building my blog. So sweet of you to do this for free, too!
I am so happy I came across your blog and even happier that I am not late for the workshop! I am really looking forward to this - it is always nice to make new friends and even learn something along the way:)
I am so excited for this week! Can't wait!!!!
This is so exciting
I am SO glad I found your blog via Sherbet Blossom today or I would have missed out on your workshop. Can't wait! Added the button to my sidebar as well hoping more people will join us!
Thanks again for doing this. It's info I've been searching for and now it will all be in one place. Yeah! Can't wait to see the afternoon post.
Oh I'm so excited about this! Yay!
so glad i found your site. love this. i needed this :)
thanks, marta, for sharing all of your wonderful ideas and insight. excited for this week!
you are inspirational. you talk the talk and walk the walk.
I'm very excited for this week and to hear all your insights
I'm so excited for this week. I've been interested in growing into blogging but have always been scared. I know that your workshop will help.
I'm excited for this. It should be great. Everyone is linking to this awesome workshop!
Thanks for doing this. I am ready to learn!!
hiya- found my way here via Kirtsy. So excited for this, I launched my blog last month and have been searching for direction. So psyched I found you. Notebook & pencil at the ready.
I been impatiently waiting for today's kickoff.
Yours was one of the first blogs I added to my RSS feed, its a site I look forward to reading every day.
i'm so giddy over this project! can't wait for the words of wisdom you shower on us!!
If I can be half as good at blogging as you are, I will be so happy!
two posts a day?! it's to good to be true...
I've been so excited for this workshop!!! Thank-you so much for doing this...I've been really struggling with knowing how to make it all work for me, so this is going to be great!!!
This is exciting! You are awesome for putting this together and sharing with everyone.
So excited to see what you and your experts have to say! Yay blogging!
thanks for doing this. i started my own company & a blog about 6 months ago, and although I've had steady business, I'm really looking forward to finding out more info on marketing myself, getting more followers, etc.
Thank you, thank you!
Excited to learn more. Ready to glean from your experience. Thank you!
I just got on board today!!!
I have a comment...
I think giveaways are good. But if you giveaway your own product too much people will start to devalue it. Like, "why is she always giving away her stuff? No one wants to buy it?"
I think linking up with other folks to giveaway their product on your blog is a good way to get traffic to your blog and getting new people to your blog from that person's fans. And you're being nice and giving that person some free exposure to your fans!
I can't wait for more!
I'm very excited!
Thank you for doing this. I found it this morning via Twitter. I am a new blogger looking for tips - have yet to host a giveaway - wondering how many readers you need to make it successful etc. Thanks!
I am super excited! Rachel featured this on Smile and Wave! Thank you so much for sharing your expertise.
Oh, thank you for doing this. AND, THANK YOU for making your badge, button, whatever you call, wordpress.com friendly. WP.com strips unfriendly code and sometime I can fix, sometimes not. Look forward to reading your posts.
What a wonderful idea -- thanks so much for putting this all together this week. I cannot wait to hear more insight and to make more *crafty connections. :)
Thanks again! :)
I found your blog a few months ago. I LOVE IT! I am an Idaho girl too. Can't wait for your upcoming tips and inspiration!
I am really looking forward to this series! I've never been to your site before, I was directed here through giverslog. I'm already adding you to my favorites after just looking around for a minute!
You are absolute genious! I am working behind the scenes on opening an online shop [and possibly consignments] and this information will be so valuable.
Thank you for sharing so much!
Thank you for sharing your tips, I can't wait to read more.
I can wait for this workshop!. What a great idea. I love to read crafts blogs and I being planning to start mine for way to long.
yay for monday and Marta! I have been reading for sometime now, but neglecting my own corner of the universe. I am anxious to learn as I am trying to decide WHAT to do with my little mommy blog, jump ship or jump in! looking forward to your always sunny inspiration, thank you!
i've been looking forward to this! so exciting. thanks for all your hard work!!
ps. i am giving away some earrings on my blog today.
This is so very exciting, Marta! I absolutely love your blog, and I just started blogging myself. It's always great to find new inspiration! I love this idea of a Blog & Business Workshop. Most people make you pay for such things- but you're awesome to do it for free :)
just stumbled over from Kirtsy. This looks great!
Just found you and your wonderful workshop today via twitter courtesy of misslori. So glad. I have a lot to learn. Thanks!
Another one here forwarded by Rachel Denbow! I'm really looking forward to seeing this, I could drink up every tip on blogging from the internet so this is brilliant!
I can't wait to see what's in store for this week! I, too, made my way over from Rachel Denbow's blog!
I was just writing a post last night about my blog conference envy. I don't have the time or money to attend any of the conferences this year (why are NONE on the west coast) and I really want to improve my writing/blogging. Thank you for putting this on!
thank you marta! how do you know so well what all of us need?
I have been thinking about hosting a giveaway for awhile now, and might just do it in April, when I hit my three year "blogiversary"... Any tips on how to spread the word about the giveaway? And what if you don't have an etsy shop? Do you just choose some items that you yourself would like and give those away?
You're the expert! Can't wait to hear what you have to say.
PS: Love the breakfast tray graphic! Like, seriously LOVE it.
I just found you through Rachel at Smile and Wave and am so excited to be with you for this great blogging workshop and to read through your past blogs. Thanks so much for sharing and putting this together it is amazing.
I'm very excited about this week of information! Already I'm learning. Lesson #1 for me - "do not be ashamed of the shameless plug" - got it.
This is exactly what I have been looking for. Thank you so much! I have a feeling I'll be stalking your blog all week.
Thank you so much for sharing! I am really looking forward to the rest of it!
Yah! So excited! And I love to come to your "home" its so much nicer than reading it in my feeder :-p
am excited for this. will be tuning in as always.
So you have my full attention Miss Marta. I am in the process of making and starting my own Etsy shop and cannot wait to get stuck in!
Thank you so much for doing this for us all.
Micayla x
Love it! Awesome idea. :)
oh thanks...can't wait!
Thank you so much for offering this workshop! I can't wait to see the rest. You did mention about giveaways, is there a good way to find someone or companies to sponsor the giveaways? I've had a few contact me, but it's not very often.
I love your blog conference, soul sister.
So pleased to hear you say tip 1 & 2 - I always feel so awkward plugging myself and it makes me cringe a little. Hearing you say it's OK settles me a little -thank you xx
This is great, Marta. I like that you said not to be afraid of a shameless plug... I have a giveaway going on my photo blog to celebrate the launch of my website, but I fear nobody will comment! Sigh. Maybe I'll get a tip or two from you that will help.
Marta, I think I love you. :)
I'm so excited! I'm hoping to be re-inspired to continue my blog...sometimes tough times make it tough to blog! I appreciate all of the forthcoming wisdom!
You go, Marta. I love to read your blog at its home. I'm not starting a business or a blog but I just really love to read the way you get the words down. The folks who just stumbled over to you just for this are in for quite a treat I'm sure.
Marta, I recently started reading your blog and am so glad to have found you. Your passion for what you do (and create!) comes through your blog so effortlessly. Thank you for the Blog and Business Workshop. I can't wait to dive in.
This is pretty exciting. I don't know how much of the business side of things I am interested in, but as someone wanting to maximize my blogging this workshop is wonderful. Thank you, Marta!
What a great idea! I'm definitely going to be following along.
Marta-- Thanks for doing this. You got me out of gReader and onto your site! I'll be back for more. --Allie
starting to read now, OH my I'm so excited, thank you so much!
I'm really looking forward to this series. Especially since I'm starting my new blog now that I'm married, it's hard figuring out exactly where to go now.
Thanks so much for doing this, I'm looking forward to the week ahead!
I really don't know how you find the time to do all this! So thank you, thank you for making the time. Perhaps by the end of the week I'll have a clue as to how you do it! ;-)
Have been waiting for this! Really need to improve my blog :)
I found you through Smile and Wave and I am looking forward to the workshop. Perfect timing! Thanks!
I too love your blog and am anxious to read more.
Thank you! I am looking forward to it!
I'm in, after stumbling here today. Glad to join in on day one. Thanks for the encouragement! I loved the part in your post about not having to define or defend blogging. There are so many people out there that can't seem to figure out why it MATTERS so much to all of us. Looking forward to more fun...
thank you just doesn't seem like enough to say to show our appreciation for all the time, effort, and willingness to share that you will impart over this next week, but...thank you!
I'm inspired each and every time I visit your blog home.
I'm so excited for this workshop! I have just begun to read your blog...just in time! :) I have gone through past blogs all weekend long...LOVE them!
as a newcomer to blogging, thank you for sharing, your generosity, your creativity and your captivating writing.
This is a lot of fun, thanks for doing this!
I am not a blogger myself . . . yet . . . but I have a couple friends who are and I have shared your site with them and I hope they are participating in your workshop!
Thank you. This is brilliant! I'm so excited about getting stuck in!
I just found out about this workshop. LOVE IT! Thanks so much for all the work everyone has put into this!
Thank you for sharing your knowledge....I'm new to blogging and I want to blog "outside of the box".
your words in the first paragraph about what blogging is were so profound! you put into words what i have tried to put into words, and you did it beautifully.
I immediately wanted to copy and paste that paragraph, and do a post that simple says (in big ol letters) THIS IS WHY I BLOG!(I promise I will ask permission first:)) I am excited for your workshop! Thank you so much for all your work.
found you via the blogosphere. i am so excited - and your writing style is so eloquent and amusing! what a great read! yippee!
Just trying to get into the blogging. What is interesting is I notice there are not a lot of Daddy blogs out there. There are a plethora of mommy blogs. I am curious if men are just more reluctant to write about their life.
This isn't the first time you've heard this - you are amazing! Thank you so much for doing this for me and for everyone else. I just stumbled across your blog and what a great present I have found!! I can't wait for class (and that's a first).
Hi Marta,
I am followed you for awhile now, and I am very excited to read what you have to offer here! I have been wanting to blog for awhile now and was never really sure where to start. I hope this can get me over the hump!
Hi, I stumbled upon your blog workshop via scrapscene. I'm finding it very informative and helpful. Thank you for sharing such valuable information with us.
I just stumbled upon this workshop. Thanks so very much for preparing and writing all these tips!.... You are certainly earning extra jewels for your blogging tiara! grat big hug...
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