i must say thank you for all the link love. really, truly. it's made my day.
am so happy to have so many newbies aboard the workshop blog boat.
i appreciate the comments, i knew you'd be such awesome workshoppers.
a post with the pros right after lunchtime.
filed under: blog + business, quotations
Love it already!
great quote!
I really am enjoying the workshop already!
I posted today about your blog answering a much desired need/prayer of mine...This is great!
Thank you for putting so much time into it, too. Your generosity will pay off! Junelle
I've been checking back all day! I like the short blurb/click-through set up for this series; it's nice to check out the design of a blog every now and then. I wish Google would feed through the blog templates in Reader.
As a brand new blogger with exactly one post to my name, I'm really glad to see this workshop!
Useful stuff that excites and motivates me. I look forward to learning how to design a blog. I don't have one yet, have lots of ideas and am anxious to get started.
great quote! i'm so excited for this to get started!
i'm lovin' that quote! it's the second time i've seen it this week!!
I am starting a day late, but I am loving this! Thanks so much for doing it...I can't wait to see what's next. I have my notebook handy! :) Here I am:
"what you focus on, you get more of"...can't remember who said it...same idea - i have to tell myself that at least ten times a day with my toddler running around now :)
I loved this series of posts. It gave me hope that if I just keep doing what I do someday other people will read what I've written.
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