am a fool for a blank calendar
click, save and print.
any fabulous april fools ideas planned? the best thing i ever did was bake lemon bars with a cup of salt. i displayed them on my cutest plate and served them at a family party. it was pretty cruel but clever, right?! happy april fool's and happy calendaring. am hoping the april showers don't last long. i am so excited for sunshine. (real, dependable, picnic day sunshine.)
april plans condensed
:: am super excited for the easter egg hunt in the backyard for my benjamin bunny this weekend.
:: the new mini diaries are just about good to go. lots of tying and packaging to be done. last call for my e-mailing list. contact me directly and i'll send you a newsletter, freebie promos included. i printed a limited edition of diaries, so i hope everyone who wants one for mother's day will get one.
:: am planning a game night with some girlfriends in a few weeks. can hardly wait.
:: loads of logos and layouts to build. posting may be sporadic due to concentration on real life & real work.
:: am attempting to get back to the drawing board. hoping to return to the sketchbook more often during these sunny months.
:: commissioned for custom calligraphy. love love love writing on fancy envelopes.
:: now reviewing applications for mother's day giveaways. if you're interested in promoting your shop, please let me know. i'd love to review your stuff and schedule a giveaway the weeks before mother's day. however, i will be charging a small ad space fee this time around for an official giveaway spot. email me for deets.
tune in tomorrow for an easter inspired roundup.
hooray! april's here! and so much good stuff going on, as it sounds. can't wait to hear which games are on the menu for girls night.
the lemon bar thing is miles better than anything i've ever done. you are adorable.
enjoy filling benji's eggs and scrawling on envelopes and going to the p.o. miss marta!
ps. so, guess what i nabbed at preschool yesterday.. oh yes, a reese's egg. woohoo!
just had to come back and say,
it's fun being first.
so....I woke up to snow this morning...that is all I have to say about that.
I am on your list right?
For the game night too?
Have a happy Easter!
i woke up to a bathroom mirror covered in paper & my 'reflection' drawn in sharpie. my husband i'm sure giggled himself to sleep at his cleverness. it was pretty funny, i'll admit :)
I'm pretty stoked about an easter egg hunt with Benji too.
add me to (or keep me on) email list please. easter egg hunt in our backyard for our little boys, also, it's precious. you are perfect for activity days. how fun for you!
Just found your blog, LOVE this. I can't wait to lok around... Oh how love it when I find a great blog :)
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