giveaway: letter girl address stamp
our first giveaway is from the talented gina, also known as the letter girl.
giving :: a pretty handwritten address stamp in the new Natalie style. winner has their choice of either a traditional red rubber stamp or a convenient self-inking stamp. the perfect thing for a housewarming gift, a small business owner or a grandmother who loves to send letters.
please comment today to enter to win.
tell me your big plans for the weekend..
you only have until tonight to enter.
congratulations to prim.rose who said: big plans for this weekend? ha! ;-) Just writing a finishing my final project for the semester... but then I shall be off for a week! And I do have big plans...paint my room, catch up with friends, open an etsy shop, and rid the garden of weeds, for starters. please email me with your shipping details.
a bit of a bio :: I am a handletterer based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I put my handwriting on just about anything that will stand still – paper, walls, fabric. (One of my favorite recent projects is this skirt!) My etsy shop, lettergirl, focuses on handwritten address stamps in a dozen different lettering styles. I also do custom projects for clients around the world. I share my fixer-upper Victorian home with my husband of 18 years, Peter, and two kiddos, Juliet and Forest.
If the weather holds out I'm going to go to Bologna this weekend. But if not I want to hit up a Chinese buffet.
Super cute give-away!
We are off on a mini-road trip with our 3 little boys to visit some cousins and celebrate a 1st communion! I've been baking away in preparation…barefoot contessa's coconut macaroons are taking over the kitchen!
Saturday my husband and I are celebrating our anniversary. Not yet sure what we are doing.
In a perfect world I would get everyone up early and we would drive into Brooklyn to see the cherry blossoms in bloom at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden.
Having a stamp this pretty would make mailing out some happy handwritten letters a must!
This weekend I've been invited to go horseback riding. I use to train horses and actually haven't been on horseback since I was pregnant with my now three year old daughter. I'm so excited that I'm absolutely bouncing off the walls waiting for Saturday to get here!
Thank you for this great giveaway and happy weekend!
We are running between the ball field and home more times than I care to count. Pick me!
A great friend is taking me out to celebrate my 40th b-day. This would be a great gift (I'm also a mother of 2 so this would be a win-win no?)
i wouldn't call them 'big' weekend plans, but the semester is coming to an end and i need to get through at least some of the piles of grading overflowing on my desk. there will be some fun as well, with a bbq at a friend's on saturday.
I am going strawberry picking two different times with two sets of friends. I'm ready to eat a few and make some a cake and cupcakes.
Very cute giveaway from a very talented lady!
The weather is supposed to be pretty bad here in Tennessee tomorrow - rain and thunderstorms - so we are planning to stay in, do some cooking, and RELAX! :)
i just returned from a rollercoaster 5-month long personal vacation. this weekend, i am starting to rebuild my life here by finding a job i actually love. wish me luck.
happy weekend!
big, plans for the weekend? Well we are moving to Portland, Oregon from Austin, Texas in late May, so I will be starting to clean, purge and could really use that stamp for our new address!!!!!
BTW, loved the post and pictures about you and your mom...I have her website marked now too - what a talented writer she is, I see where you get your talent!
I'm off to work today and tomorrow and then going to my sister's softball game and the inevidable wedding planning for the other hours of the's never done!
Hi Min...
I'm getting out the boxes of summer clothes and getting rid of those that don't fit to bag up for you (and your one day little girl). Then there's soccer, a Jazz Playoff game and a sewing lesson from Abby.
I love address stamps - and have always wanted one!
As the weather is supposed to be great I would love to go on a picknick this weekend. Just need to find someone who wants to join me =)
What a great stamp!
Hopefully a trip to the zoo with my 2 year old boy (if the weather clears up)!
Good weekend to you too.
what a cool giveaway! i love this stamp.
i have big big plans this weekend and can't wait to get on the road. i'm going on a woman's retreat in to the mountains with all my dear friends. no kids! and cooks!
I'm planning on sleeping in, yeah!!!
I love pretty address stamps!
I'll be taking my five-year-old daughter to Chinatown for a dumpling lunch and some shop browsing this weekend. It's always a fun time.
Saturday we might try to go to the Cambridge Science Festival, and Sunday my husband is part of a canoe relay race team for the office, so I'll be watching him speed down the Charles River!
So excited for all the giveaways - I loved the last batch!
Thunderstorms in our part of Tennessee, too. My son has prom on Saturday, so his gang of 10 are coming to our house to take photos. It was supposed to be in our yard with dogwoods, redbuds, wisteria, azaleas and all sorts of wildflowers blooming, but it looks like the photos will be your standard indoor shots after all.
Boo hoo.
I'm so excited because we have No plans!! So, time to catch up and relax!
my hubby is out of town so it will be a "mom & 3 boys" weekend filled with 4 football games, mighty fine cheeseburgers, church and redbox dvds! no to-do lists or laundry allowed! happy weekend.
possibly some dancing in the rain, possibly a zoo trip and definitely a girl's night out, with yummy food and a craft to boot!
a very yummy birthday dinner, can't wait! love the giveaway, thanks!
LOVE the stamp!
Weekend plans include flowers, wine, and friends.
My little girl will be four months old tomorrow (!), so we'll be setting up our own little photo shoot. Can't wait!
Unfortunately this weekend won't be anything special... I'll just be doing what I always do on the weekends: spend it in my greenhouse! I grow all my own flowers and food, so this time of year requires quite a bit of work in the glass house. :) It may sound boring to everyone else, but I love it!!
I'm getting ready for a big visit from a college friend....
LOVE those stamps!
This weekend, I'm picking up my first Bountiful Basket ( and I'm excited to see what I get and start making meal plans for the rest of the week.
Also going to throw in a few NBA playoff games and a movie night with my daughters. I love the weekend!!!
Most weekends are spent quietly at home while Daddy puts in time at work. Today, however, we're headed back to our childhood home, where several sweet souls are hosting a fundraiser for Batten Disease, the terminal illness our three year old daughter suffers from.
since this is one of my rare weekends with no plans i am looking forward to hatching up on my reading queue and my hulu queue :)
Tonight, I'll be getting ready for tomorrow's big service project. I am on the Service Soapbox committee and we are throwing a huge baby shower for needy mommies.
These stamps are adorable!
very cute! plans include: cleaning/errands on Saturday; cheering my husband on in a 5K on Sunday morning and then my mom is coming to visit, so probably a day of shopping :)
my plans include entertaining my grandparents that are coming to visit and spending time in my garden with my grandma who is bringing me some wonderful plants from her garden!
I love this stamp!
Big plans this weekend - ward youth fundraising dinner/auction. We are doing an extreme home makeover for a family in our ward, and the fundraiser is to raise the cash for all the renovations.
This weekend, I will finish sewing a quilt for my newest niece and work in the garden with my two little girls! (My oldest will celebrate her 3rd birthday in June; would LOVE a stamp like this for her invites!) :-)
Thanks for your lovely blog and for such a nice giveaway. Much love!
A few interesting things. Going to listen to a former palestinian terrorist speak who turned his life over to Christ, going to see some friends in a play and going to see a friend in the hospital. Hope your weekend is wonderful.
oh how lovely! i wanna win! this weekend we will be helping to clean up a park in our community and maybe start a little early birthday celebration for me. :)
This weekend will include a church training meeting, a talent show and putting together an awesome quilt top.
I love reading about everyone's plans!
It's our 11 year anniversary on Saturday, yippee! So we will be basking in the marital glow :) And it's our 5 year old daughter's birthday celebration at the American Girl Cafe, so we have a BIG weekend!
i am working on saturday and will be spending sunday with my family of four. i love sundays the best.
i hope you have a great weekend!
Awesome giveaway! LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog. :)
Wedding season begins tomorrow. I will be attending the first of eleven weddings between April and finishing with my very own at the end of September. SEASON OF LOVE :)
my big plans include working both my jobs and then hopefully finding time to sew by sunday!
Hopefully, this weekend I will be able to work on the dollhouse for my girls. I received a unfinished dollhouse. I painted the exterior walls pink and now I want to do a scalloped design on the roof.
I've been working on a baby quilt for a friend's baby shower this weekend. It's the first quilt I've ever made... so a little tough, but I can't wait for her to see it tomorrow!
I have book club and a girl scout get-together!
GLEE sing-along tonight, attending a wedding tomorrow!
A possible BBQ with the hubs' boss and a bridal shower tomorrow are in the works. Such cute stamps! Thanks for the chance to win.
this weekend i'll be missing my husband as he studies for med school tests, watching my neighbors kids, training for a new job, crafting and making the most delicious sugar cookies I've ever had the pleasure of tasting. (love this giveaway!! thank u)
This is the only weekend in the next few months that I have completely to I intend to soak it up! lounging on the couch watching bad tv, perhaps a little shopping..and planning my soon to be trip to NYC for the very first time!
No huge plans. Hoping to work in the garden and spend time with my daughters :)
My big plans include catching up on housework and possibly going to a bachelor/bachelorette party for my sister-in-law and her fiance.
woo hoo! I'm letter-crazy.
This weekend, my family and I are hosting a yard sale (something we rarely do) and we have so much stuff to get rid of to make way for more. Sunday I'm planning a day-trip to Seattle!
We're starting a new season of 24 on DVD with popcorn and treats once the kids are in bed. Since it's intense and we always watch one too many episodes late at night we usually take a breather of a few months in between seasons!
Oh, how I love the Letter girl! Her handwriting is such fun to aspire to. Anyway, this weekend, we have a local food producers fair to attend (lots of yummy treats!), a baby shower, and a Sunday evening concert at a local beautiful old church. It is looking like a good one.
Big plans for the weekend? Well, I'm working and hoping to be able to see a movie. Not too exciting but it will still be rich and rewarding.
Weekend plans: clean on Saturday, head to the beach on Sunday to go hiking with the hub. Thanks for hosting the giveaway - I've always wanted an address stamp!
working my second job as a bartender/waitress. On Sunday, my boyfriend has agreed to finally give me the one day I need from him to knock out his honey-do list. We'll see how it goes... :) At least it'll be raining, so we won't be tempted to skip on the spring cleaning!
First off:
I love the stamp, what a great design and handwriting style.
Here are my plans:
Going bowling tonight with friends and my husband.
Going to talk a long walk on Lake Michigan's beach tomorrow with my husband and son!
my big plans would include preparing for my R.S. lesson. fun fun!
Looking forward to a much needed hair cut appointment on Saturday. The rest of the weekend will be spent getting my 2-year old's room ready for his big boy furniture to be delivered next week!! :)
Crazy weekend to top off a crazy week! I'm singing at a wedding dinner tonight, rehearsal tomorrow morning/afternoon (I'm an actor), baby and wedding present shopping on the way home, wedding reception in the evening (different wedding than the dinner tonight), choir practice Sunday morning, church, home, collapse.
We're going to a cookout tomorrow afternoon and then I have a photography shoot in the afternoon. Sunday will be a day for church and relaxing.
Looks like it's a weekend of church: ward temple night and then stake conference. Hopefully it's also filled with lots of ice cream!
And maybe house hunting. The address stamp would be so awesome once we find our new place of residence!
Lots of homework (finals week, ugh) and hopefully planting my vegetable garden with my hubby and baby.
Well, it was my hubby's birthday yesterday, so we're gonna party it up this weekend! :)
My husband and I are moving apartments today and tomorrow, and then Saturday night...we're going on a date. Sunday's plans go like nap. bake apple pie.
My husband and I are going to see my mom one last time before she moves to CA. This would be a great gift for her!
I'm a graduate student studying this weekend I am wrapping up the spring semester! Two papers, one journal, and some reading are the only things standing between me and summer at this point! Whoo hoo!
What a great idea.
mosier at gmail dot com
I'm just chilling at home because I just got out if college for the summer!
dear marta ~ LOVE your blog-read you everyday! 'dreamgirls' and a baby shower. oh, and maybe a date night too!
Try a new recipe, pick a birthday present for my mom-in-law, buy some flowers for home, study for a course, clean house, a good walk in the sunshine, take a weekend nap and also try to read this good book I started.
we're off to a waterpark for the weekend with our 3 kiddos...meeting up with other adoptive families there and plan to have a great family time!
thanks for hosting this letter girl!
sooooo cute! i am going to a zombie pub crawl tomorrow in chicago. and yes, it's exactly what it sounds like: you dress like zombies and go on a pub crawl, haha! my crazy friend talked a group of us into it :)
What beautiful handwriting! You should consider this as well (a stamp made out of your handwriting, it's cute!) I would love this to grace the tops of my bills, packages, and fun stuff. What a fun giveaway!
We are busy this weekend with birthday parties and photo shoots, but that's our life every weekend.
Kristen Hansen
so cute! i'm going to tackle my to-do list. :)
It's supposed to rain here all weekend, so I think I'll take the opportunity to! exciting..yes??? Big birthday party to attend on Sunday, though.
Great giveaway, how I love a rubber stamp!
Tonight? A walk on the beach, ice cream, a glass of wine...the weekend starts here!
I've got my final training run (11.5 miles) to do on Sat before my half marathon in a couple of weeks. I also need to get my hair trimmed and eyebrows done. Maybe some yard work too.
I'm going to watch the hubby and many friends run (and rock) the Hurricane half-marathon. And i'll be seriously jelaous I'm not running with them.
I've always admired the letter girl's handwriting. Lovely.
My plans for the weekend --- attend a big fundraising event in Austin on Saturday, then attend my nephew's senior opera recital. In between those events, I hope to have a grand time with the kiddos and the hubs, maintain the household and work on my upcoming etsy shop.
We borrowed my mom's steam cleaner so we are going to be cleaning up a storm at our house!
It's promising to be a rainy weekend, and my husband is going to be out of town.... so the four children and I plan to eat lots of quesadillas and soup and watch "Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian"! :)
Thank you for this- it's so cute!
perfect timing because we're moving next week!
oh so i guess we're going to be spending time packing for our move and getting ready for hubs to leave for a month for the National Guard (aka spending as much time as possible together)
We're going to clean the house, play some baseball and eat some tacos at the taco truck we just opened.
Love the stamps!
I made the best batch of Minestrone soup a few weeks ago, and I have an urge to replicate it this weekend! :)
It's my husband's 30th birthday and we are going to....DISNEYLAND!
P.S. I LOVE these stamps! Will be buying it if I don't win. :)
This weekend is my husband's 30th birthday and we are going to...
P.S. I LOVE these stamps and will be buying it if I don't win. :)
super lame weekend plan: recoup from my back going out suddenly earlier this week.
I am so excited about craft night with Heidi!!! Can't wait to sew the night away with her.
Great giveaway, I've been needing one of these!
I would love to win this. We just made an offer on our first house... so I would have a new address to go with it. Weekend plans: keeping our fingers crossed that it goes through.
Cute stamp!
We are going to the Saturday Market! and to Little Gym so our little guy can get his wiggles out!!
awesome giveaway!
weekend plans: farmer's market, bridal shower, family dinner, & craft day!
With a newborn, we are keeping our expectations in check. However, I will be doing some freezer cooking (yay for more stached meals in the freezer!) and maybe, just maybe, we will get the birth announcements finished and ordered.
These are GORGEOUS! I will be hanging out w/my toddler son on Saturday, enjoying the pleasant weather at the park hopefully. On Sunday, we are hosting a neighborhood coffee so all of our neighbors can meet! We invited 100 houses -- EEK!
i love this!
weekend plans: tonight is my sweet hubs bday. i planned a surprise evening for him...dinner with our besties at a local bbq pit, then ice cream from a local parlor known for their monsterous sizes!
Hiking, running, folding the ton of laundry fresh out of our new washer and dryer (we went 3 weeks without), and fixing up our new house!
can i just say you give the best giveaways?! there, i said it.
OK, so this weekend i have to run 11 miles and i'll be working at a charity auction with the hubs. to close it out, dinner with friends on sunday. i'm rather looking forward to it.
oh those are darling. how i love the thought of a personalized stamp!
my plans for the weekend are simple. some saturday garden weeding and maybe even lunch at the park!
Every month my friend and I go to the big hotel in town, and have High Tea. This Saturday is our High Tea date :) It's amazing how just doing this can give us a little boost when the going gets tough!
We're finally decorated the nursery for our little girl due in June!
fun giveaway!! really cute!!
yard work will probably be going on this weekend... haha!
I've been wanting a stamp like this...super cute!
I just might tackle spring cleaning this weekend, wish me luck!
i'm going to try and make my husband stop working long enough to take me and our two boys to a matinee.
loooove the stamp.
we'll be watching the jazz game tonight, but haven't planned as far as tomorrow yet!! :)
I really love your blog....we're helping my eldest move in to his own place....leaves us happy...and sad!
Heading away for a little family holiday with my daughter, Natalia.
My plans for the weekend include attending Elise Blaha's wedding!! :)
She is how I learned about this blog!
such a great giveaway!!
I'm headed to a baby shower.
I actually DO have plans this weekend! My friend invited me over for Eggyweggies and Bake On sunday morning (eggs and bacon) and then we are driving down to Victoria so he can exchange a backpack, and do some sightseeing. Not sure what else we'll get up to, but its a change of scenery at least!
big plans for this weekend? ha! ;-) Just writing a finishing my final project for the semester... but then I shall be off for a week! And I do have big plans...paint my room, catch up with friends, open an etsy shop, and rid the garden of weeds, for starters.
beachgirl92 at gmail dot com
Well, my husband just left with our two boys for a boy weekend. That leaves me with my daughter...alone! She has a day of surprises all day tomorrow that she'll lose her brain over and then on Sunday I'm going to the flea market with a friend! Ahhhh....I can feel the muscles loosening already.
the snow has finally melted so it's yard work, church, and more yard work - no complaints! :)
love your blog & your giving nature! xo...donna
Cleaning and making space for baby #1 and going to see a play a good friend directed.
Such a cute giveaway!
My husband and I are celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary and my birthday this weekend. We don't have anything set in stone yet (because we are super last minute and spontaneous). I'm thinking a day trip to Catalina Island?!
I'm heading to San Diego to help my photographer friend Dona in her booth at an art faire. Her husband just passed away and she can't do it all by herself!
We have a weekend full of soccer practice, a trip to Costco and a playdate with friends.
My husband and I are hosting a dinner party with friends we haven't seen in a while! :o)
R.S. Dinner, cleaning and, fun, fun..keeping my fingers crossed..
I don't really have big plans for the weekend - a bit of tutoring, a bit of knitting, maybe a hike.
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
So far the only thing on our calendar is my daughter's Lacrosse game and grocery shopping. And I need to finish creating some cards for someone. I am sure with 3 kids and 2 doggies and 1 husband, lots will keep me busy.
Goodness me I love that stamp!
My plans for the weekend include community clean-up day, a birthday party, a preschool social, and my first ever 10K run. I'm so nervous, but really rather excited too!
Happy weekend, Marta.
saturday holds in store for us a local city arts and crafts festival, a vet school open house complete with horse shows and a petting zoo, and an evening baseball game (if the weather holds out!)
Looking at wedding dresses with a close friend — can't wait!
[a.crabtree28 {at} gmail {dot} com]
We are having a party on Sunday for my granddaughters first communion. We expect about 50 people-more than 15 of them kids. Should be a full house. I read your mother snd sister's blog and just found yours from the photo shoot. What a neat thing for a mother and daughter to do. I have 3 daughters and would love to go on a trip with them like your Las Vegas trip.
Catching up with an old friend and helping my boyfriend clean his house :)
cleaning, cleaning, cleaning! and maybe a trip to the dog park or two...
pete is organizing the old school nintendo RBI tournament for the ward party on saturday-- can't wait for that! and I've got an indoor soccer game to play! and maybe some sewing? we shall see...
loved seeing you + little benj the other day :)
I've had a stupidly busy few weeks when I should have been concentrate on growing my first baby bump. It's going to be warm(ish) and sunny so I'm planning to get the hammock out of it's winter hibernation and do some serious snoozing.
Happy weekend everyone.
I get to help the hubs put in our sprinkling system this weekend so we can get a backyard!!!
My man and I will be dinning in bed on breakfast fare tonight, tomorrow will be a day filled with laundry, repair and housework and gardening, and Sunday we have two Bridal shows to go to! I want to win so bad!
Sat: taking my 4 yr old daughter to ballet class, then we are all driving to San Antonio to meet up with my dad and his wife. Sunday- I will be studying for the GRE's! Love your site and the bread recipe!
I'll be in traffic school. :( This is such a cute giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
Piano lesson for my daughter then hanging out with family!
I'm hoping to go the French Market in Georgetown tomorrow if it's not too rainy.
Hope I win!
Looking forward to celebrating my birthday with good friends, sitting in the sunshine reading a stack of new library books and planting a garden with my two little ones.
Taking the kids to swim lessons, working in the yard, hopefully going to a Kite festival and following the presidents trip to Asheville :)
I love this giveaway! I've always wanted an adorable self-addressed stamp. :)
This weekend, I'm watching my sister's kids while she's out of town. My husband and I are taking them rock climbing tomorrow!
Please let me win! We just put a contract on our first house and once the inspection clears I'm buying one of her address stamps anyway because I love them. But since we're already buying a house could use all the free things we can get!
This weekend...I'm hoping to get caught up on some projects since I'm probably moving in a month and meeting up with some friends.
Thanks for a lovely giveaway!
Friday is pizza and family night - love that! Saturday I start the day by going to a dear friend's memorial services - taken from this world MUCH too early. But then we get cheered up with the oldest's babeball game! Sunday is a day of errands honey-dos.
LOVE that stamp!
Homework. Homework. Packing up the entire house for our end-of-the-month move. More homework.
These are soooooo cute! I have been wanting one forever. This weekend, I get to spend with my parents who flew in from Seattle!!! Yay!
Taking a quick trip to happy valley, judging a talent competition and hopefully I will get started on my Mother's Day shopping.
My sister is coming into town for the weekend with her two cute kids and husband. I will be spending as much time as possible with them, with a little organizing in- between.
What a useful giveaway! I'm working on Saturday but plan to go out shopping Sunday! :)
I will be nesting. NESTING NESTING NESTING. Three (give or take) weeks 'til Boy #2 arrives and I am like a bird, I am nesting so much.
An address stamp sure would make things a touch more organized around my tree.
this weekend, i will be spending time with the greatest person in my mom =) of course that's mixed up with the two little rads i have! ( my 2 lovely boys )...gonna do a whole-lotta home-cooking and church. ♥
We're moving next week and I was just about to order a new address stamp! Wouldn't it be swell if I won?
Hmm, this weekend I'll be hiking Torrey Pines and hopefully sleeping in for a change!
We're headed to Park City for the weekend. We're going to check out Homestead Crater, eat a lot of good food, browse through shops, and keep our eyes open for any Banksy work that might be left after Sundance.
My boys and I are going to Anaheim to watch the Yankees/A's game. Buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks...
We are staying in tonight and working on a school project for my husband. Fun times! But we do plan on having movies playing in the background. :)
My big plans are to go to work-very exciting huh!?! But while I'm not working, I am going to be making lots and lots of cards so that will be my fun for the weekend!
I will be giving my house a bit of TLC in the form of soft-scrub and end-dust...
I've spent the last 3 weekends traveling - so I plan to spend this one catching up on housework and chilling.
Spending time with my family to celebrate my brother's graduation from BYU and also time with my husband's grandmother.
Heading out to the desert for a little weekend fun with husband and one and a half year old son. SUPER cute giveaway!!!
i am attending the great cake bake and constructing the noble Lady Baltimore.
My amazing plans for the weekend include cleaning out my closet, enjoying a rainy day with my kids and shopping with my husband.
oh I simply ADORE her handwriting (and yours!)...I just got a cute new apartment in a lovely historic building in downtown denver :) it would be so nice to stamp out my new address in style!
as for this weekend....
i am making the 4 hour drive to the mountains visit my wonderful boyfriend (who i met on a plane back to co from ca). blog catch up and relaxation in the natural hot springs included!
hope you have a fabulous weekend yourself :)
My husband and I enjoying the weekend near the beach just relaxing and shopping and being together.
A long overdue hair appt and house chores! Nothing exciting but two things I'm grateful for :)
What a cute stamp! No big plans this weekend. The forecast calls for rain, so I stocked up on movies and ice cream. :)
Love Letter Girl!
The family is going to a festival saturday, then church on sunday and a much needed girls lunch afterwards. :) Have a great weekend!
This weekend is shopping for my twins 2nd birthday, fun in the sun and a backyard bbq!
Hmmm... this giveaway is seriously hard to resist - even though I have no weekend plans to speak of! However, I might just eat fresh strawberries, read a book, sleep in late, and indulge in a chocolate chocolate donut. Maybe.
big plans: Saturday sleep-in,chores around the house, a walk; Sunday: church, lunch w/friends & a festival to attend.
Well...if it doesn't rain I will be weeding 6 flower beds on Saturday. On Sunday I hope to start packing for a trip to FL and my son's wedding next Saturday!
Today we celebrated my son's 6th birthday, tomorrow his cousin. They were born 12 hours apart. Sunday we are driving out to the high dessert to run through fields of golden, California poppies.
I can't wait.
Happy weekend.
Going to a 90th birthday party for my Grandpa. Going to be a fun day celebrating his life.
My husband and young son have traveled to visit my family. It is always BIG FUN for my little to spend time with his cousins! Love your blog and LOVE a lettergirl giveaway--- i have always wanted one of her stamps!
We are celebrating my dear husband's birthday and his new job that starts next week!
What a fabulous stamp! Our Saturday is full with our very first t-ball game, opening day ceremonies, and a family barbecue. Sunday we're vising grandparents for a big birthday party. It'll be a fun- and family-filled weekend! :)
this weekend, i'm going to spring clean, shop for baby and bridal shower gifts, write letters, and look at paint chips for my new house...which is why i need a new address stamp!
happy weekend, marta!
de-cluttering my house by having a garage sale! hopefully the weather holds out :)
my big plans for the weekend?: I'm going to be working! I work at a college and it is the busy season for us, so off to work I go!
love the handwriting and hope i'm not too late. spending time with family in town for my husband's graduation and going to the tulip festival.
I am teaching a scrap-booking class for work, spending time with my 2 sweet little boys, and working on my website.
photo shoot! yeah!!
this weekend i am enjoying free time with my husband while our little boys visit gramma! :)
Wonderful! Thanks for offering this!
And as for plans? The school auction and a poetry reading on Sunday. Um, cleaning house is also on the list.
Thanks again!
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