31 July 2010

good things to come

this unopened individual serving of sugar free strawberry jello resembles the hot sticky delicious month of august in that there are good things to come. right behind today enters the last month of summer. slurp it up my friends.

stay tuned.
• another rousing rendition of am a fan. i have loads of luscious links to offer you.
• a giant batch of mini diaries are just about ready to go. will update the shop soon.
• am planning to launch a brand new product to sell in my shop next season. it is in the working stages as we speak. i love when something i've been thinking about forever comes together. a small victory. can't wait to introduce the new collection to you. i'll give you a little hint; it's a collaboration project. hip hip.
the hunger games. am reading it for book club.
eat pray love. i plan to re-read it before i see julia starring on the big screen.
project runway. how i love thee.
• a blog giveaway or two.
• how-to posts galore. the summer series will actually last all summer long. all thanks to you. i like them so much, i am still taking submissions to weave them into my autumn blogging schedule.
• birthday planning adventures. my little babe is turning two, people.
• mornings at the park, afternoons of napping, and warm evenings at the pool.
• farmer's market saturdays with spontaneous purchases.
• one more homemade ice cream session.

now you tell me... what must-do are you hoping to squeeze into your summer?


Hannah said...

can't wait to see you new products!

yay for two-year-olds. i think kids reveal their "true" personality when they become two. we learned my mellow jello babe was actually a comedian and my wild baby daughter was a calm princess in disguise.

al + sar said...

I agree...we all need to live up the last month of summer. Enjoy Hunger Games-I loved it.

k. said...

More time outside! More adventures outside the city to the beach. More dinners al fresco. Summer is going by far too quickly (but oh how I love New England's autumn).

Dawn said...

Wow, great things to look forward to on your lovely blog!

I hope to squeeze in more corn on the cob, more wild food foraging, more sun and freckles, more ice cream.

Sending you a tight squeeze, thinking of you...


jen byard said...

You've got some great things planned! We are heading to Malibu tomorrow for our first camping trip with our three boys. Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

I asked you a couple questions on formspring. I can't wait to read your reply. Thanks for opening yourself up for questions like that!

Marisa said...

LOVED Hunger Games. Could not put it down. Wished it was longer.

The 2nd one was good, too. Still waiting on the 3rd...

stephanie from texas said...

so loved The Hunger Games series! on the countdown till Mockingjay is released. you will get hooked...who new teen fiction could be so yummy?

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