how-to multi-task
by Michelle Hunt of
As I sat & pondered the everyday do's and how-to's that make me- me I looked down to find a green & white checkered tablecloth covered in what I do best; multi-tasking. My method of multi-tasking is quite silly and quite serious; silly because I'm afraid I look a bit wild during the day running from here to there and serious because I seriously get a lot done!
On my right hand side is my trusty leather notebook holding; schedules, must remembers, lessons learned, tips from the wise, and doodles; a pen clipped onto my light blue 2010 weekly planner; and my sturdy Eddie Bauer water bottle. On my left hand side is my camera with memory card slipped out; a piece of flatbread for a mid-morning snack; cell phone; and jump drive. Directly in front of me, my white 13 inch mac and my 2 hands typing away. The baby is napping, I've got 2 loads of laundry in the washer that will need switching over to the dryer in 30 minutes, 6 tabs open on the computer, and a google chat going with the husband. so where to begin? Oh yes, not just at number one but at two-three-four-and-five all at the same time!
Here's to multi-tasking:
01. Grab yourself a cute notepad and make a list. A list of everything you would like to accomplish in the week, not goals per say but simple accomplishments. The cute part makes the list desirable to look at!
02. Set up shop. Find a spot where you can sit down pretty with all your needed tools.
03. Keep organized in a sporadic sort of way. The point of the multi-task is to be all over the place at one time but you can keep organized by gathering related tasks. Keep a clock or timer nearby and switch out tasks after a certain amount of time, if computer related; open all must-do tabs and start at one end and click over as you accomplish each task, click begin tabs while waiting for another page to load, fold one load of laundry while the other finishes drying, put your friend on speaker phone and cook dinner while chatting, pick up the mail and take out the garbage, listen to an article online and eat lunch, burn a cd or download a document while exercising...
04. Keep your body happy. Drink water; hydration is a must in the multi-tasking process! Stop and take a power nap, do some stretches, go for a walk, eat a healthy snack. It's important to remember your own physical strength amongst the many routines and demands of the day.
05. And lastly, remember that in the end multi-tasking allows you to accomplish much at the same time but if you didn't cross everything off of your list; there is always tomorrow! That's the great part about making a list to begin with, you can feel good about the check marks made and the opportunities left for the next day.
marta writes a postscript. i created the how-to series to encourage you to share and celebrate your individual skills and talents; to focus on what you can do rather than what you can't. i am excited to showcase your creativity and ideas. if you have a specialty (and i know you do), please submit your how-to guest post by emailing me directly. marta{at}martawrites{dot}com. "Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." - John Wooden
Michelle is one of my dearest friends and I have to say that she is one of the most "get it done" people I know. We shared a room in college for more than one semester and it was so fun to see her things laid out in that picture. It reminded me of her computer desk with everything organized perfectly for optimum productivity. :)
love the tablecloth and the multi tasking.
walking on treadmill as i type.....
i find if i don't write it down the ideas/goals/plans fly right out of my head so a list is a must.
thanks for the series, can't wait to read more.
What a great idea. I am a queen of multi-tasking and am happy to find this post. Thank you!
Michelle has fun tips on this topic; I appreciate her sharing her helpful ideas. I love that tablecloth too.
I am a multi-tasker who sometimes loses track of what I've got going. So I end up with a lot of tasks only half completed. Thanks for your helpful how-to list! Right after I find my list, I'm writing these ideas down!
That is exactly what Scott & I did yesterday. We had a whole list of things that needed to be done around the house. We got most of them done. The rest can be done after work and in our spare time. (ha ha - who has spare time)
So does this mean I can still submit my how-to even though I missed the deadline??! My how-to should be how-to seriously procrastinate something that you really want to do (um, I think it's really just called laziness. Whatever.). Love the series idea, btw. We should all focus a little more on what we can do rather than what we can't. Let's celebrate our own individual selves!
I love Michelle's How-To.
She makes multi tasking sound so easy =)
I wish I was better getting things off my list.
Isn't it amazing how much us moms can get done in a day?! great tips, Thanks Michelle!
I love the focusing on what we CAN do. I'm excited about this series.
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