22 September 2010

superstar on sesame street

look who's rubbing shoulders with ernie! click here and jam to will.i.am's song. me and b have listened to it countless times now. the lyrics are the perfect motto to my new year ahead. who can resist sesame street characters grooving with a super star? love it.

image via sesamestreet.org


Hil said...

too fun. gotta love sesame street. thanks for sharing, Little Guy is gonna love it.

Miranda said...

in this household, the debut of the new season of sesame street is a date we mar on the calendar. thanks for spreading the word!

Tara said...

LOvE iT!! Wish they would play that on the radio rather than some of the other junk. :)

Laura said...

That is CUTE! Thank you for sharing

Allison said...

Oh, I need to download that, like, now. Think it's on iTunes?

Thanks so much for sharing that! I'm not around little kids much so I doubt I ever would have found it otherwise.

Tiffany said...

What a great find! I love it!

oneordinaryday said...

So awesome! I miss watching Sesame Street w/ my kiddos. Thanks for passing this along.

Pink Little Cake said...

My little girls love it. We watch it together.

Anneliese said...

when my baby wakes up from his nap...we will be watching this :) the computer is how i trick him into tummy time.

Miss L said...

Um, totally love the characters getting down to the beat. Awesome!

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