26 January 2011

ALT recap > memorable quotes

quotes found in my notebook.

"facebook is a gated community; twitter is an open cocktail party." - erica / design blahg

"i blog for my children." - stephanie / nie nie dialogues

"what can you not stop thinking about? 
make time and space for that which you are most passionate." - chelsea / frolic

 "don't over-glamourize freelancing. (it's a non-stop hassle.) 
you've got to love it; the passion keeps you going." - chelsea / frolic

"every day is an opportunity to look your best." - seth aaron / project runway 

"there is always something more to be addressed 
than getting up and getting dressed." - mondo / project runway 

"i started with a hot glue gun." - mondo / project runway 

"you will never make money at it if you don't put the time into it." - joy / oh joy!

"don't be afraid of all the things that you want to do. 
a job description does not have to fit into one little box." - meg / mateo ilasco

"what will you enjoy / what are you good at / what is profitable" - meg / mateo ilasco

"twitter is seriously my bff, don't tell facebook." - jaime / design milk

"blogging is really fun because you can make up words." - karey / mackin ink

"[considering social media] there is no wrong way to do it." - kelly / design crush

"don't hunt for something to blog about. 
you shouldn't have to force a blog post." - jaime / design milk

"find a space of solitude while blogging; feel inspired." - kirsten / simply grove

"spreadsheets are awesome." - jaime / design milk 

"follow your instincts." - tina / swiss miss 

these quotes were starred in my notebook from ALT,
i thought they would make a good start.
lots more to come.

p.s. how cute are these ALT metal lunch boxes stuffed with free goodies!?


jeanette from everton terrace said...

I really like the one about the job descripton. Needed to read it today, thanks.

Barb said...

Thanks for this recap, Marta! By sharing some of the wisdom you gained from ALT, I left feeling inspired and uplifted instead of grumpy and left out that I couldn't go myself. :)

Our Little Beehive said...

So many good quotes, funny and so true. And that's seriously cool swag, far better than that given any conference I've attended.

torrie said...

this is a side comment: i LOVE your handwriting! how do you do it? can you tell me what kind of pen you used in that picture of your notebook?

Meg said...

great quotes - very inspiring! maybe someday i'll grow up to be a blogger that goes to blogging conferences :)

karey m. said...

these were the best. can you please send them each on a postcard. in your handwriting.

everything's cooler with your handwriting.

is it weird to tell you i miss you? i do. xoxo.

Jaime from Design Milk said...

Woah Marta, you quoted me so many times -- thank you !!!

It was such a pleasure meeting you!

Anonymous said...

perfect quotes. thanks so much for sharing. and I LOVE your new "ad-free" button.

are you going to join twitter now? I hope so!!

Mikaela said...

Thanks for posting these quotes/tips. They are just what I need to hear right now!

~ B. said...

You have got to have the cutest handwriting on the planet! Thank you so much for sharing these {for those of us who didn't get to go}!

CMN said...

Hmmm... so I'm dying to know what was IN the cool Alt welcome box. Share?

Jaimie said...

very nice quotes. so real.

carolyn said...

these quotes are so great - thanks for sharing them! i am still getting my alt recap together after a busy week but i can't wait to talk all about it! cheers to a fabulous experience!

marni zarr said...

thank you marta! great quotes, so inspiring to have someone say the same thing you have thought or wondered. can't wait for next year. the plan is on!!!
xo, marni

Amanda said...

thanks for sharing a little of your notebook with us. I love the quote about not having to force a post.

chelsea said...

It was such a highlight to meet you, Marta!! I hope we can chat more again someday. You are radiant, just like your blog.

Whatever Dee-Dee wants said...

I really really wanted to be there this year. I am kicking myself that I missed it. Thanks for sharing though. Makes me get a small piece of Alt :)

Eden said...

Lots and lots of tads-of-truth in those little quotes!! Love them :D

Cassie said...

Amazing quotes and great reminders sometimes too. Would love to hear about your free goodies...

Look forward to more recaps!

Julie said...

thank you for these uplifting words! My hearts beats a little faster when I hear encouraging things like this.

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