08 February 2011

figure eights for february eighth

idaho mountaineering.

i love photographic evidence of my husband in his element. i am rarely never in the hills of the snowy backcountry mountains, so getting a glimpse of dan's tele tracks on fresh powder is almost like being there. thanks to trevor ball for snapping these shots with his iphone 3GS. it's so beautiful! for a valentine's date night we're headed to our local banff mountain film festival. nothing says love like a ski flick and an audience of puffy patagonia coats and corduroys.

plus i already read the latest issue of Outside magazine to prepare myself. i know it may be a magazine for people who live in the city who want to seem like they're into the outdoors, but i seriously enjoy reading this magazine. i'm not just saying that. it's full of interesting articles–well beyond my scope, but completely compelling, like this one titled Rough Cut by Aron Ralston. i also dig their layout ideas and designer elements. if i had an ipad, i'd probably page through it there.

image via the banff centre

p.s. thank you for your thoughtful and fantastic comments from yesterday's post. cheers to finding (or, more accurately, creating) fresh content and blogging your heart out! i also added a blog try-out folder in my google reader, thanks to your suggestions. valentiney goodness coming soon.


Hannah said...

you live in a gorgeous place.

My husband would ADORE that magazine. Maybe that would be a good vday gift. (I've been a little stumped trying to thing of ideas.)

Moments and Impressions said...

mI love LOVE your outside photos! What skiing skills!

Sarah said...

lovely photos. the snow looks so fresh.

i just noticed that you left a comment on jeremy and kathleen. i recently discovered kathleen while surfing and was so happy to find that she lives in the same city. i love finding great blogs, but really get excited when they are in my same location. she said she loved ALT as well -- sounds like it was an experience. i would like to go someday myself.

keep warm and wish we oklahomans well... we are expecting twelve inches tonight.

talesofahummingbird said...

beauty surrounds you. and what a hunky mountain man ;) love it when you share the sights around your area! so very different from where i live. so what do you get for a mountain man for valentine's day? you are always such a creative think tank for gift giving, am having trouble coming up with a meaningful, from-the-heart, not overly cheesy or expensive valentines' day gift to remind my fella how much i heart him!

About Last Weekend said...

Hi nice to meet you. Jody here, living in California. Love your blog and the tracks, great to see such an expert skier!

Unknown said...

Great shots of Idaho! I would say it's good to see them, but I'm surrounded and a part of me dies every time I see all the snow... Good job for going outside even though you hate it! Enjoy the Patagonia coats and don't forget all the Keen shoes!

Travelin'Oma said...

How did he make the figure eights by himself? Are his legs that long? It's so gorgeous it makes me want to hit the slopes. (JK)

Christine said...

I'm a sucker for those mountain men types! My guy loves it all, backcountry skiing and snowboarding, hiking, camping, etc. I like it SOMETIMES, but much of the time you can find me inside snuggled with a book :)

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