11 March 2011

fifteen fill-ins | guest post by ali edwards

fifteen fill-in-the-blanks by designer / scrapbooker / crafter super mom, ali edwards. ali documents the details and reminds me how lovely life is. she makes ordinary things extraordinary; cheerios in a bowl, going out for a run, designing up something new, crossing off a to-do list. she captures snapshots of homelife and shares her effortless creativity willingly; her website is filled to the brim with inspiration. ali kindly filled in the blanks (and officially kicks off my two week guest post series) while i run off into the arizona sunshine. 

:: no matter what mood i'm in, i can always go for: Sushi.

:: my favorite go-to outfit would have to be: Nice jeans, heels, tank, cropped jacket. 

:: a good source of inspiration is: Right now I’m really getting into flickr again. I go through phases with sites, magazines, etc. Right now it’s the images of people and places and things that are speaking to me most. 

:: am so glad my parents taught me: Man, so many things. I’ve actually been thinking a lot about this lately as I watch my parents navigate the point they are at in their lives. I think one of the biggest things they taught me is that people make it through stuff. My Mom is also really big on positive attitude – that has seeped into the marrow of my bones and I’ll be forever grateful for that.

:: a song i like to dance to is: Wacka Wacka (This Time For Africa) – this is the theme song from the last world cup

:: i wish everyone knew about: Gardening. It’s on my list for this year to learn more and to just dive in (not feel like I have to know everything before I begin). We moved into a house last summer that has an awesome yard and plenty of room for vegetables – that’s going to be my focus starting next month.

:: the best thing in my makeup bag is: Burts Bees Lip Balm.

:: my dream spring break vacation spot is: Somewhere tropical – would love to go somewhere new and really far away like Bora Bora or Fiji.

:: this may be a surprise, but i am passionate about: Saying no.

:: a favorite book that changed me for the better: Sabbath by Wayne Muller

:: one of my pet peeves is: Lateness. 

:: my favorite daily ritual would have to be: ilove when I sit down at my desk to begin my work day. I love the quiet. I love the possibility. I love crossing things off my list.

:: i am trying to be better at: Not buying things I don’t need – it’s a part of my an overall move towards living a full life with less stuff and more LIFE.

:: the most recent rad thing i found online was: I’m a big fan of Zen Habits and loved this recent article Make Time To Change Your Life.

:: i can't live without: Quiet. I crave it and make space for it.


Susan said...

I really enjoy Ali's blog, and happen to know her sister! She in inspiring in so many ways, thanks for featuring her!

Shelley said...

This is so cool Marta. Love Ali! and you!!

Nicole said...

LOVE Ali! I didn't know she was one of your favorites too. Thanks for sharing Marta. Have a fab vaca. :)

Kimberly said...

Great questions AND answers!

Emily Kinsaul said...

Awesome interview! Loved getting to know Ali Edwards better!

ScrappyGoodness said...

What a great feature! I just love Ali she is very inspiring. I have also found a new blog to follow! Nice to 'meet' you Marta.

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