07 March 2011

his very first ski day.

one of the very happiest days so far. it's all about nurturing the enthusiasm for the sport. luckily it worked for both he and me. i am already looking forward to more family ski days. dan could not be a better instructor / oh how i love my little fam. benji is becoming a little boy and times like these i'm excited to watch his growing-up-years unfold. it's not so sad to be losing my baby when i get to hang out with such a joyful happy kid. watching my boys ski together is something i'll never forget. dan was in heaven. and apres ski has never been more fun! thanks to ronda and scott for providing spiderman fruit snacks and good company.


Ginnie said...

You are such a sweet happy mom, Marta. Benji is one lucky kiddo!

Travelin'Oma said...

We took you skiing when you were Benji's same age. But we left you in the nursery. (Sorry.)

Anna @ IHOD said...

Such fun memories for your kids to have. So precious. I grew up in Ohio and would go skiing quite often. I miss it greatly!
:) Hope you have a lovely week!

lucinda snyder said...

ph is dying to get chace on skis! how old benj, not quite 3 right?


Moments and Impressions said...

what a great first trip. A brave one too... I am an awful skier. Good think for a wonderful instructor.

When I get sad how fast my daughter is growing I just think about all the things we get to do!

Vanessa Rae said...

It's so great to see all those smiles! I agree, it just keeps getting better and better.

Anonymous said...

marta, you should check out the kid ski system on applerise.com. i taught both my boys starting at your little one's age using these products. the kiddie lift alone will change your husband's life. it is this strap contraption that, literally, turns your kid into luggage. the handle on the back makes getting them on and off the chairlift a dream, and helps pick them up when they fall. also, and i say this in the nicest of tones with no snark or judgement, get him in a helmet asap. my greatest fear on the slopes is not that they'll injure themselves, but that some big hulking grown up will accidentally mow them down. my husband and i even wear helmets now to be good role models to the kids. enjoy! it really is a great family sport.

Anonymous said...

That was a great day, wasn't it.
Love to all

summer said...

how cool are you guys? such a perfect fam. (am admiring all your cool gear, too. of course. your ski logde look is adorable, mart.) benji looks like the happiest boy in the world in that last photo on the left! super cute.

[eeny] said...

That's awesome, Marta. Looks like a perfect first ski day full of fun.
I was about the same age when I got my first pair of skis. My dad used to be a skiing instructor so it was obvious that he got me skis the first winter I could stand savely on my own two feet. I still remember that they were red and had a white rabbit on them. I loved it so much and wanted to go skiing every single day. Guess my parents where lucky there was a little hill in our neighbors backyard and I was satisfied with that - better than nothing, right? Walking up and skiing down over and over and over again was my favorite winter afternoon activity back than.

Sarah said...

Oh so fun! I can't wait to take my kids! But living in Nebraska and being pregnant has hindered skiing this year. (My girl is just barely two... maybe a little early)

Creativechaos said...

I can't wait to teach my future children how to ski.


Hannah said...

Wow! How wonderful is this? Benji is very blessed to have you two as parents. I admire you getting Benji on his skiis already - what an amazing opportunity for him : ) p.s I love your hat

{natalie} said...

yay for ski days. it looks so fun.

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