review & giveaway / Lifestyle Crafts Epic 6 Letterpress Tool
am catching up on product review posts due to last week's absence. this one rocked my world and is every letterpress lover's dream come true. if you can make it through this post you can enter to win one for your very own. yay.
the design team at lifestyle crafts were rad enough to offer me a product review opportunity. (i only agree to stuff that extremely interests me.) i enthusiastically said YES, PLEASE. they kindly sent me an Epic 6 Letterpress Combo Kit and a few lovely accessories to get me started. this machine is perfect for making die-cuts and letterpressing small paper items.
to be frank, i have not played with anything this crafty since my days working at pebbles in my pocket in orem, utah, nine years ago. that place was über fun, however having cute handwriting was practically part of the job requirement. i felt major pressure (self-induced) to be scrappy and crafty and creative and therefore stopped scrapbooking before the craze even got off the ground. just saying this so you know that i'm not one bit scrapper savvy here. i did take a college course in letterpress. however, following the user-friendly handbook (very short and straight-forward) is all you need to get going. when it comes to getting crafty, practice is all it takes.
the epic six is the perfect thing for any letterpress project that is 6 inches wide, no giant posters here. however you can make designer greeting cards, envelopes, business cards, cupcake wrappers, banners, place cards and much much more. believe me i have dozens of letterpressed posters from college tucked somewhere in our storage garage, so i am delighted with the small, simple and practical format anyway.
i highly recommend using the stock that lifestyle crafts offers. it is the nice cushy cotton blend of paper and it's already cut to size! my regular cardstock did not take impressions as nicely. i also would recommend getting the accessory tool kit as well. it includes all of my favorite things - the very same things my letterpress teacher made us go out and buy. my old bone folder has bookbinders glue dried to it. so be forewarned, keep your bone folder neat and pretty. that way, you will allow it to touch your precious paper projects. the palette mixing knife, bone folder, exacto knife and clear ruler (i love clear plastic printed with grids!!) are indispensable.
when ready to letterpress, prep all your paper beforehand and line it up in stacks according to project. that way you can print, mix inks, and print some more. you will get on a roll and will be happy not to go cut / find paper in the middle of your letterpress magic.
i didn't have a defined goal in mind other than creating some nice note cards. so i played around with the different printing plate sets. they all have cute elements that are easy to mix and match. i loved getting the envelopes in on all the fun. prepare for a few mistakes. i was a bit heavy handed with the ink at first but soon got the hang of it. my final prints are great quality, if i do say so myself. the ink cleans off with handy dandy wipes too. i kept them close at hand as i kept getting ink everywhere.
then i got sucked into the simple circle design and went wild. you can do lots more with this machine, i was just a bit circle happy at the moment. forgive me. every day tags are the best to have on hand. i like how the inks on these tags vary due to my un-mixing technique. you can go wild thanks to the creative license this machine allows for. did i really just say you can go wild when all i really did was letterpress neat, perfect, pretty circles?! whatever gets you going, i guess. i did a whole letterpressing project, start to finish, in one hour. i found that drying time (especially for metallic ink) needs to be at least 48 hours for no ink to rub off on fingers. all the more time to admire them.
i used the A2 flats and my own envelopes for this set of silvery circle stationery. the other side of this set is blank, ready for addressing and delivering mini speeches of handwritten gratitude. people are good and deserve cute note cards in their mailboxes. letterpressed with love, of course. i appreciate that this machine is petite (and pretty) enough to sit on my desk when i have my craft craze on (and going strong) and still perfectly small enough to tuck into my closet while awaiting a crafty bolt of lightning to hit. i also love how easy it is to use and experiment with. am super happy that making unique letterpress prints can now be at your fingertips and your kitchen counter. three cheers for readily accessible letterpress equipment.
bonus / enter the code MARTAWRITES to receive a 20% discount off your lifestyle crafts order. this code will be valid through monday, april 25th. hooray.
($169.99 value)
1 – 200 of 261 Newer› Newest»I know I'll never win, but my favorite thing about spring is the blossoms. Ours are in full swing right now and are just beautiful.
Never tried letterpressing before, but it looks very cool. You probably already know this spring cleaning tip. . . But instead of paper towels, i use newspaper to clean my windows. My MIL always touted it, but I always hated how it left ink on my fingers (and shuddered to think what it would do to my windows). But, newspaper absorbs the liquid on windows much better, and does not leave streaks.
I would so love to have one of those machines! Claire and I just made these rice krispie chicks in case you're looking for a quick and easy Easter/spring treat!
I want to share very beautiful video about Lithuania. Maybe it'll inspire you. ;)
Great prize! I want to win it so much. :}
I wish I had a great spring cleaning tip, my house could use it. I am so excited that everything outside is waking up that I just want to spend all my time in the garden!
This machine looks really cool. If only it was around when I made my wedding announcements.
With hands up in the air...."Pick Me!!!!!" :)
My Spring Cleaning tip is re: motivation. Open up all the windows, turn on some funky music (being sensitive to the neighbors of course) and dive right in. Before you know it the house is looking a bit better and most importantly you feel like you've accomplished something that might just last more than a day!
Favorite song to dance to: "I Don't Feel Like Dancin'" by the Scissor Sisters. :)
We love to open all the windows in the spring for a fresh springy smell & a warm breeze.
I love letterpress - this prize would be a dream!
What a great giveaway! No spring cleaning here; I've discovered Pintrist and my productivity levels have never been lower!
My Gosh.
How cool is that kit?
My fav thing about spring cleaning is having a big charity shop wardrobe clearout. so so so often I find myself a whole new wardrobe out of things I already own.
wowza. i would love to try to do this!
hm, song to dance to? right now, fitz and the tantrums, "moneygrabber."
My spring cleaning tip would be to get a copy of the book Green Housekeeping. It has all sorts of natural recipes for common household cleaners, which is better for the environment than the harsh chemical-based store-bought cleaners! And it's cheaper too :)
I'm a graphic designer and have always been enamored with letterpress, so this kit would be awesome!
If I don't win this, I'm totally putting it on my christmas wish list. I need it!
This looks like fun!
My spring cleaning tip ... Move! Sadly that's what we've decided to do so my spring cleaning will be serious this year in order to move less junk.
Glad to see you are home for the hospital & have good people taking care of you.
How cool!
As far as recipes go, I will just tell you to invest in a copy of the "Our Best Bites" cookbook. It is my all-time favorite and every recipe I have tried is amazing!
Kim Christenson
What a cool kit!
The spring cleaning tip in my house is purge. And dust in the corners we don't normally look.
After the long winter I've had in NNY, it's great just to open that window to get in the spring air. Open that bedroom window first. You will sleep so much better that night.
this is so cool! exactly what i have been looking for - something i could do on my own! thanks for the chance.
spring cleaning tip - open the windows! we have just seen the last of the snow slowly disappearing but last week we were hit with an amazing humid day (like before a thunderstorm) and i ran around the house - and i mean ran - and opened all the windows that have been on lock down from the shock of the -25 weather (not what i am used too). i walked through the house and just inhaled all the freshness. what a difference!
killer recipe - come check out my site, there are new ones every week!
take care.
love the silver circles and the semi-mixed paint! i've been in awe of these machines since seeing them at the first Alt.
i'll give you a combo answer: i love listening to Fitz & theTantrums and dancing around WHILE i clean!
LOVE! Oh my gosh, I need this product. But I will wait for the 18th to see if I win fun!
Hmm, spring cleaning...I don't like it. But, the best tip is to do it on one of the first nice days you have and open up all the windows while you clean. Something about the fresh air will be sure to inspire you! love you and your blog Marta!!
Okay I haven't made it, but it's definitly "on deck":
Love the simplicity of the circles. And LOVE the Letterpress.
Adele's "Rolling in the Deep" can't seem to get out of my head. Fun dancing song too.
Oh wow! That little kit looks amazing, and I love that it's just for minis only ^^
My favorite song to dance to -- it would have to be "Move Your Feet" by Super Junior. It's just so darn peppy, and the video is hilarious!
My favorite thing about spring is the way it smells. Takes me right back to childhood and playing outside as the nights get longer and longer.
I don't really dance, but this clip of Jimmy Fallon, Paul Simon and Stomp made me want to.
If I win this giveaway I will dance!
I am drooling over this! I have a newfound love for letterpress and have recently begun dreaming of opening an Etsy card shop this summer, so this would be more than perfect!
Well, currently, I'm thinking a lot about food since my jaw is wired shut and I can't eat, so here is my favorite blueberry muffin recipe of all time:
How exciting! Favorite things about spring: the sun (its been grey here in the NW for a very long time), ripe strawberries, and fresh flowers.
I made these ( cupcakes over the weekend and they were delicous
I think I'm smitten. What a fun tool to play with! Thank you for sharing the chance to win one. :)
Best cleaning advice, make your own cleaning supplies. My favorite all purpose cleaner is made with two cups warm water, a teaspoon of washing soda (not baking soda), a couple drops of dishwashing detergent and a drop or two of my favorite essential oil. Put it in a clean spray works almost everywhere.
Wow--what an amazing deal! I'm confess I'm not much of a crafty paper person, but you've convinced me that I too, can conquer letterpress. (And live happily with my own paper envelopes...) :)
How fun is this! I would play for hours!!
My best spring cleaning trick is to schedule the goodwill truck for a pickup....then I have a deadline to have my decluttering finished!
This is awesome! I'm really impressed with the circles :) All time favorite song to dance to?? THRILLER!!! I learned it when I was about 3 and still remember it!
It seems that we rarely get to enjoy a proper season of spring in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Every now and again (between the snow storms) we'll have moments of warmer temps and sunny skies. Regardless of what it's doing outside, I've been trying to create a few spring rituals. Long walks, a cleanse, clothes donations to the thrift stores and lots of simplifying!
Tip: Prep tip for summer... s'mores are wonderful every night of the week in the oven & totally get you in the mood for the pool & evenings on the porch. :) This giveaway could not come at a more perfect time... I have been spying these for a while. :)
favorite cleaning tip right now is... do a deep clean AFTER a get-together, and just a light clean BEFORE. make everything pretty and presentable before your group of friends comes over (for book club, prayer group, whatever) and after the fun, THEN clean. that's when you'll really need to run the sweeper (everyone has a friend who drops food compulsively!), polish the coffee table, etc. plus you'll be energized by good times with friends and the memory of how cute your home looked!
I've been daydreaming about owning the letterpress machine for a while!
Spring to me = Adele on repeat (both cd's 19 and 21 are perfection!)
How I would love this letterpress kit! I've been dancing it up to Adele's Fire to the Rain from her new cd lately. Rock it out!
would love to win this to make our Baby Announcements in September!
I love to wakeup/danceto anything by the Black Eyed Peas...
How did I not know this existed? Wonderful!
My favorite recipe is a family recipe for a cooked caramel frosting. This frosting hardens a bit and is delicious on chocolate cake (or cupcakes)
Try 1 pound brown sugar, 1 cup cream, 1/2 stick butter, 1 T corn syrup, pinch of salt.
Cook to soft ball stage, apx. 236 degrees. Be patient. This may take take 20 minutes. Stir in 2 t. vanilla extract.
Beat until thick and creamy, about 10 minutes.
I have been eyeing this bad boy for a while! So cool! I love to spring clean with the windows wide open while blaring music :)
Oh Marta, this would be perfect for my New Year resolution to mail handmade cards exclusively to friends and family for birthdays, anniversary...ect.
I have been a huge fan of Nikki McClure's work for some time now. It is safe to say I am obsessed when I found we moved to her home town, Olympia, WA, and shop at the same farmer's market! I even snagged a copy of her poster she designed for opening day last year.
Her new book, To Market, To Market is about the Olympia Farmer's Market.
Wow, love the circles! I would LOVE to win this! And... my current favorite cleaning tip is to clean the shower while your showering. Pretty basic, I know, but still genius.
I've been watching people blog foreeeever and keep seeing all these beautiful letterpressed items. It's cool to see what that actually looks like!
"Dog days are over" by Florence and the Machine is an awesome song to dance to. :-) There are even videos of babies on YouTube that get upset if you cut off the song while they're grooving!
Those are all so beautiful!!
My favorite thing to do with greeting, birthday, anniversary, etc. cards lately is to center on the card a song lyric or line from a poem that makes me think about the recipient, and then I draw/paint/embellish around it. I hope then when they hear that song or passage again, they'll remember how it connects us. :)
isnt spring the. best. ?
i like to spring clean on a sunny day with the windows open, short shorts, coke with lime, and music blaring.:)
thanks for the giveaway!
I'm getting ready for a massive yard sale and I've found that blue painter's tape (or in a pinch, masking tape) is the best for pricing. It really stays on (even on clothes) but comes off cleanly. I use a Sharpie on the tape to write the price.
This kit looks incredible!!! Your tags & cards are lovely. As for a dance song - anything by Justin Timberlake (my fav is sexyback) or Jay-z. Thanks for the great giveaway
I love dancing around my kitchen to Paolo Nutini's "New Shoes." Never fails to make me happy. Thanks for offering such a sweet giveaway!
I'm not much for spring cleaning, just open those windows and let the spring air blow the dust out! love the metallic btw!-jess
I discovered your blog last fall and love it! Thank you! What an awesome giveaway too! A spring cleaning tip I've recently tried is adding a little vinegar to your laundry load to help freshen things up.
Have many audiobooks on my iPhone at all times, so I can clean and not be bored :)
I'm a graphic designer and LOVE letterpress! I would SO love to win this. Fingers crossed!!!
Our family's favorite recipe of late - this sweet pork recipe from one of our FAVORITE family restaurants:
Hope you enjoy. Thanks for the chance.
Tis looks like so much fun! My spring cleaning tip would be to work on the landscape first. Walking up to a manicured lawn and planted flowers make going inside not so bad!
Thanks for the chance Marta!
oh marta! How much fun does that look? I love your cute circle stationary!! I'm really liking the 'clean' version of C Lo Green's Forget You. It's worth staying in the car an extra minute to finish listening to. ;)
oh today is my birthday and this would be a great gift! my spring cleaning tip is do not lokks the kiddos see what you are getting rid of! sneak it out of the house at night.
My spring cleaning songs for this year are mostly by Flogging Molly and Mumford and Sons and Cake. Good music always makes cleaning easier :)
favorite song to dance to: dog days are over (florence & the machine).
I always dreamed of dancing with my husband in the kitchen to Josh Turner's "Your Man" - and now I do!!!
The weather is just too beautiful to spend whole days or whole weekends cleaning. I try to clean a little each night and save the big tasks for naptimes on the weekend (you know, the tasks that require several hours of sustained effort without worry with little ones). And you rarely go wrong with Classic Bruce Springsteen.
wow! that would be so fun to have!!
vince & i love to dance to "mr. roboto" by styx. its always a good time when we dance to that!! :)
Favorite song to dance to.......
I want you to want me by Cheap Trick
I have always wanted to do letterpress.
Oh my gosh, this is heaven. I was just thinking about taking that letterpress class at the U since I never did. This is amazing!! cross my fingers!! So a little spring cleaning tip..clean out your closet. anything that you haven't worn in a year throw it out and replace with a spring cardigan and flip flops. Also while cleaning that closet of yours with the windows open to feel the breeze, jam out to Harry Nilsson's album "Nilsson Schmilsson" it will put a smile on that face.
How about a tip... when the weather changes, the wood doors inside our house always swell and will tend to stick and be really, really hard to open and close completely, so if you take a bar of soap (I save the cheap ones from hotels for this) and rub it on the part of the door frame that's sticking, it's like magic and shuts and opens smoothly once again!
Whenever I hear a song by MGMT, I can't help but shake it ;)
meglutenfree at gmail dot com
My (latest) favorite spring recipe = lemon cream cheese frosting. good!
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
1/4 cup butter
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 teaspoons lemon zest
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
5 cups confectioners' sugar
Happy spring!
*love* ... i'm on a 2 year spending hiatus while my husband goes back to school. i would love this giveaway! favorite recipe at our house is a quick green drink. frozen berries, peaches, orange juice, carrot juice {basically whatever we have} and add a heaping handful of spinach. blend and voile! so yummy.
Marta! It worked from my phone- go figure. One of my favorite songs to dance to is "billie jean" by the great MJ. It is also a great song to spring clean to! :)
-kim b.
Cleaning tip: on windows, I mix vinegar with water and my windows end up streak free.
My favorite spring cleaning tradition is opening the windows, letting the breeze and sunshine in, and listening to the Avett Brothers. Their delicious sounds and words brighten my mood and make me want to clean my whole house!
Three songs to dance to are:
"Eggman" by the Beastie Boys
"How Do You Like Me Now?" by the Heavy
"Born This Way" by Lady Gaga.
oh marta, i think i go to L blog and website every day to look at this. i'm dying for one!! the thought of letter pressing at your table is amazing! (i think my cute grandpa, an old "letterpressman" would die at this!)
favorite cleaning tip: all purpose cleaning spray. i use it everywhere. windows, floors, counters... can't live without it!
my favorite cleaning tip is fling wide the curtains, blinds and windows and let the fresh air into the house...even until the house feels cool but that fresh air seems to wake everyone and everything up.
then start cleaning.
i'd lie to be more crafty but just don't have the time. if i could crank out a bunch of thank you cards/invitations/gift tags that quickly i might actually do it (and the timing is perfect, i just wrote on my last homemade thank you note).
new favorite recipe: caramel soaked baked french toast
1.75 c brown sugar, 1.5 cubes butter 6 T corn syrup, .5 t salt, 1 t vanilla. heat till bubbly and pour in greased 9X13 pan. top with 12 slices good bread. in 2 layers. whisk 2.5 c milk, 5 eggs, 1 t vanilla, 1 t salt. pour over bread. soak 2-8 hours. sprinkle cinnamon sugar and bake 45 minutes at 350. divine
I love to dance to "Magic" by Rabbit. And kids love it, too.
Oh man, I have been gushing over this little letterpress machine for awhile now. I would LOVE to have one!
Spring cleaning tip --- hire a maid! Seriously, open the windows, turn on some favorite tunes and make it a game with the kiddos to get it all done so that real fun can ensue.
Amazing giveaway!
I LOVE to dance to Bon Jovi :)
The absolute best recipe I've had lately is this brownie recipe only I added an extra egg and another 1/4 cup cocoa powder and baked them in a 9 X 9 pan so they are thick and delicious. I nearly ate the entire square of them myself they were so good!!!
if you love shrimp i adore this shrimp salad- perfect for the warm months ahead:
Fantastic product! I would love this.
I recommend any recipe from America's Test Kitchen. They always turn out great. I just made really great banana bread for a church meeting. The recipe is free on their site.
Spring Cleaning Tip: Give little Benji a sponge and some water to join you while you wipe the baseboards or clean the windows. Little helpers are cute and happy to be with their mommas!
I'm drooling over that letterpress kit!
spring cleaning tip: open some windows, let some light in, and put on some good music to dance to while you clean!
Oh the lucky ones who get those in the mail. Very pretty.
Blogs have saved my life. I am eternally grateful to sweet Paula for introducing them to me.
I love how you combined the Merci stamp with the letterpress! Very creative.
Woah, best prize ever!
I have to say, the best dance song would be Spice Girls Wannabe... it never let's ya down!
I love to dance to anything country!!
The tags and cards you made are too stinking cute!! LOVE THEM! So hope to win this machine!! Thanks for the chance.
wow, what an incredible giveaway - you do great justice to their product in this post. I love the circles - your creations are beautiful, marta.
my favourite spring cleaning routine this year has been to clean everything made of stainless steel (that you don't eat out of) with glass & window spray - I've never seen my kettle & bins looking so shiny!
i have never used a letter press before, but it seems awesome! plus i love note cards, so i can see myself going crazy.
spring cleaning tip: rubber gloves! nothing seems to grimy if you have rubber gloves on.
Would love this letterpress... my random tidbit is that my latest favorite recipe is the carrot souffle from Stephmodo's site. Thanks! Maureen (jnomaxx at hotmail dot com)
my spring cleaning tip is buy some new baskets to get organized. blast the music dance around and clean!
i've been dying to try one of these out! plus, i love that we are giving you a little something, too. so here's my gift to you:
and time remembered
is grief forgotten,
and frosts are slain
and flowers begotten,
and in green underwood and clover,
blossom by blossom
the spring begins.
-algernon swinburne
OMG! I have been dying for a letter press!
I don't really have any tips except to live more simplistically. Get rid of things you don't use. Clutter leads to a more stressful life.
This looks like the perfect tool to create springy things with. The best tip I've been given is that fresh air and fresh flowers go a long ways!
my favorite thing about this spring is knowing my babe will be here in 2 weeks. :) what a fun machine...i would love one!
My roommate and I clean while playing 1 person video games. The latest craze has been Just Dance on the Wii. One person does something, like wipe down or clear counters while the other dances a song. Then we switch. In half an hour, the apartment is clean, we've both worked out a bit, and we're laughing!
What an awesome giveaway! I love spring cleaning....right now India Arie's There's Hope is my "scrubbing my kitchen floor" song. And for window washing it seems that nothing does a better job than using water & vinegar and newspapers to clean it off.
Here's a link to my recipe for natural carpet freshener:
vbrady15 at hotmail dot com
electric feel is a great song to break it down to!
this is the best giveaway ever :) seriously :) you are soooo kind, thank you for the chance to win it, i have wanted it for so long!!!
here's a link to one of my favorite recipes - the guests are always impressed :) sometimes I mix in little pieces of bananas (any other fruit would do, i guess). not too springy, but who doesn't like a really good chocolate mousse, ha? :)
Best jumping around/dancing song: Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic. Play it while you dust. That's a dancing song/spring cleaning combo.
i love all your circles. you did a great job and make it look easy. i'd love to have this kit to play around with.
my favorite songs to dance to lately are "his eye is on the sparrow" by abigail washburn and "caroline" by brandi carlisle.
yay thank you for helping me :) didn't want to miss out. perhaps i will send you a thank you card with a kit if i win!
you're the best, thanks again.
How fun! Would love to try this out!
my spring cleaning tip is just to do a little bit every day. i get overwhelmed if i try to do it all at once. but just one task each day. i can handle that with my two little ones.
very cool, marta! thanks for hosting the giveaway.
i'm loving this chickpea salad with lemon and fresh herbs.
I am so in love with Adele's 21 right now...especially 'Turning Tables' and 'Someone to Love'!
BTW this product is soooooo cool.
I always tap my toes and sing along to "I've Got a Feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas.
Can't help but be happy listening to this song (Phoenix Lisztomania)
I've been looking for an at-home letterpress!
My almost 2 1/2 year old daughter loves to dance to anything by Sugarland!
winning this would be a dream come true for this self professed stationary addict!
lady gaga - bad romance. i dare you not to dance when that comes on!
a twit is a pregnant goldfish! :)
(oh how i hope to win!!!)
Adorable. Those dots are certainly the addictive kind.
Loving "I Do" by Colbie Caillet and it always gets me bopping around the kitchen.
What a fun giveaway!
My favorite spring cleaning tip is to break it up into small chunks. I like to set the timer for 20 minutes and blast great songs and see how much I can do in those few minutes.
I'm a big fan of this method! I don't dread it, it doesn't take all day, and it's fun.
That's a win win win, if you ask me.
i love this!
My tip is to do one task a day... breaks it into manageable time slots!
I've always wanted to take a letterpress class! What a cool giveaway.
And lately we (everyone at my house) have been listening too and watching The Monkees. Fun stuff.
I had no idea how letterpress was done until I saw this giveaway. Of course, now I must try it. Hmmm... we posted two recipes this week on our blog. One for bacony pasta and another for couscous pasta salad. You can check them out here if you're so inclined:
aprilly (at) gmail (dot) com
This would be so fun to win! U
I'm loving using lavender natural cleaning spray to dust my house with...with the windows open it smells great!
Oh, this would make me so happy to win! I have to say, my legs start a movin when I hear Britney Spear's new song... I now, total pop hit, but it is just so ketchy!
I can see why you went crazy with the circles - they're fab!
Most inspiring this week is the video "Going Solo" for creatives. It makes me so happy. Hopefully it will for you too!
Happy letterpressing!
Oh my goodness, I can't tell you how much I love the card I found in my mailbox today! Seriously too cute. I would love to win one of these bad boys... maybe I'll have better luck with it than I have with my silhouette. :)
Favorite song to dance to today: Mr. Pitiful by Matt Costa.
I just found the Mrs. Meyers cleaning products and love the geranium scent. The countertop spray works wonders on my granite (no streaks!). Awesome grand prize! I am in love with letterpress!
It is always good to have something to hope for.
My favorite spring cleaning tip is to wash the windows, inside and out, it makes the most impact and makes the rest of spring cleaning a joy as sunlight streams through the windows.
Wow, this is way too awesome. My spring cleaning tip would be don't remodel your entire kitchen and expect the rest of the house to stay clean! Lol, not a very good tip, but it's my life right now as we're remodeling. I've learned to be more ok with dust and mess then i used to!0
Spring cleaning? I should maybe look into that.
Looks awesome! One of my favorite songs to dance to is "Why Don't We Just Dance" by Josh Turner. When it comes on, I can't help but move! :-)
I love this letterpress.. and your circles! :)
My spring cleaning tip is to do a little bit each day and not save it all for just one day a week. That way you don't dread 'cleaning day' and it doesn't all pile up. ;)
i have a 180lb dog and cleaning is an everyday project for me.. especially in the spring when he starts to shed. however, i started daily vacumming.. and it's really helped keep our home tidy!
hip. hip.
a fave to dance to with my kids "i like to move it!" by sacha baron cohen
So excited about this giveaway. I've drooled over these letterpress kits in the store many times.
My favorite thing about this spring is seeing what pops up in yard at our new house!
I think this is the neatest thing! I am in love with the song "price tag" by Jessie J - this price tag on this goody isn't too bad either! thanks!
My spring cleaning thought... "Housework done imperfectly still blesses your family!" from the Flylady
I can't tell you how much fun I'd have with that letterpress kit... It would feel like Christmas morning!
Oh my goodness, I'm so excited about this. If I don't win, I'm for sure going to get one of these!
I love the silver circles you did!!
My favorite thing about (this!) spring is FINALLY graduating from college!! I'm so excited for the next chapter in my life story!!
Did you know that cocktail sauce can be made using ketchup and horseradish? I'm still not sure if this is common knowledge, but I didn't know it until I was waitressing in college and always run into people who don't know. ????
Favorite anytime cleaning tip: Mr. Clean magic erasers. Brilliant!
Uh oh, I've had my eye on one of these babies for a while now but didn't know if it would work. Now I reeeaaallly want one!
Spring cleaning tip? Make yourself some lemonade to drink after you've cleaned everything. Save the ends of the lemon (and any other bits!) and put them down the garbage disposal. Smells so much better! And a tasty drink, too. YUM.
this looks like so much fun! what a great little package!
one of my fav recipes for a quick and easy treat:
1 8 oz. cream cheese
1 c. brown sugar
crushed toffee bars.
Mix and enjoy with apples, pretzels, other fruits, graham crackers, etc.
I love the tags and envies you made!
My favorite recipe:
two cans of pillsbury crescent rolls
1 cup of red pepper, chopped
1 cup of celery, chopped
1 cup of tomatoes, chopped
1 can of ham, chicken or turkey
1 cup of shredded cheese - your choice
1/2 cup of sour cream
1 cup of mayo.
Combine the veggies, the meat, cheese, mayo and the sour cream. lay the crescent roll dough out in a sun shape on a pizza pan or large cookie sheet. on the inner edge, spoon veggie and meat mixture around the shape and fold over the pointed edge until you have covered all the mixture with the crescent dough. Bake at 300 for about 20 minutes or until crust is golden. it's delish fresh out of the oven but it's even better cold!
Having one of these would be a dream come true. I'm a design major and I think I could do some real damage with this baby!
I love the circles! They are like polka-dots with style...
My spring cleaning tip is only clean when it is cold and raining... other wise get out side!
Wow!!! You got SUPER inky :) LOVE IT!!!
This would seriously help out our cardmaking for church!
Oh I've been eyeing this machine for a while!
Spring cleaning tip- not quite original but... If you have kids get them involved! They take great pride in their room when it's done & they learn the value of keeping only the necessary. :)
Tomorrow we are having alfredo sauce... doesn't matter on what, my daughter loves anything with this sauce... and here is why:
1 cup unsalted butter
1 cup heavy whipping cream
1 cup (or more) of freshly grated parm
minced garlic
black pepper
Melt the butter, add in the minced garlic, add the cream and whisk it all together. Add the cheese and whisk until it is melted and add pepper to taste. Yummy and so not good for you!
My fave spring cleaning tip is pace yourself. Start with one room and dedicate yourself to make sure one thing a day leaves the house. Throw it away, give it away.You will be amazed at the results after a week!
Oh wow the circles are lovely! I have always been in love with letterpress items! Thanks for the chance!
Just about anything from the Black Eyed Peas is great to dance too!
My favorite song to dance to is Celebrate by Cool & the Gang. Great giveaway! amykiane[at]gmail[dot]com
Oh how I LOVE letterpress!! What an amazing giveaway!!
My favorite thing about spring is the fact that I just ate dinner outside with my husband for the first time on our new deck. I cannot wait to celebrate all spring/summer/fall outdoors with good friends and family. :)
Milk Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies
Cowgirl Cuisine by Paula Disbrowe
Makes 36 cookies
2 C flour
2 C old-fashioned rolled oats
1 t baking soda
1 t salt
Scant 1/2 t grated nutmeg
1 C unsalted butter
3/4 C sugar
3/4 C brown sugar
2 large eggs
2 t vanilla extract
1 1/2 C semisweet cc
1 1/2 C milk cc
1/2 C cocoa nibs
Preheat the oven to 350 F. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, oats, baking soda, salt, and nutmeg. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugars at medium-high speed until light and fluffy, about 2 minutes. Scrape down the sides of the bowl as needed. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating after each addition. Mix in the vanilla. Add half the dry ingredients to the butter-sugar mixture and mix at a low speed until just blended. Add the remaining dry ingredients and mix until no dry crumbs remain. Add the chocolate chips and cocoa nibs and stir just to combine. Cover the dough with plastic and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes or up to several hours. Use a spoon to scoop out golf ball-sized rounds of dough (roll them between your fingers briefly to shape). Place on parchment-lined cookie sheets and bake for 12 to 14 minutes until lightly golden. Cool on the baking sheets for 5 minutes, then transfer to a counter or a cooling rack. Stored in a tightly sealed container, these cookies will keep well for up to 1 week. They freeze beautifully. Eater
I don't know if this is considered cleaning tip or inspiration, but I got a lot of inspiration on organizing my scrap space.
My friend has the Epic Letterpress and i thought it is so neat!
This has nothing to do with letterpress, but I saw this online today and thought I'd pass it along...
Oh my! This is a must have. If I don't win it I will definitely have it on a to buy list or a to get as a gift list. Love, LOVE, Love!
My spring cleaning tip is for your car and is useful in any season. I use used dryer sheets when I wash my car to get all those lovely little bugs off. Gross, yes! Works, yes!
Clean your closets. That will probably make your house seem twice as big.
I love to dance. If I'm Cleanning you better believe my iPhone and my headphones are on. Anything black eye peas makes me move. Love their songs. Thanks for the chance to win.
Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison is a great song to dance to while cleaning!
This looks like it would fit in my house better than the huge letterpresses I see and want so badly! I have a baby due in September, so this would be perfect for shower invites, thank you cards, announcements... endless fun!
I just made some wonderful lemonade. It contains 3 ingredients: lemons, water, sugar. Mix equal parts sugar & water and heat it up a little to help dissolve the sugar. Then squeeze a ton of lemons to taste! I used 2 full bags from Costco for a pitcher! It is well worth it though.
I love to throw open the windows to blow out the "cobwebs" and blast out Barbara Streisand while I clean away!
I love the quality of this company's products. This system looks amazing!! I have just the perfect place to put it too!!
a great recipe is the cast iron pizza... hoping to adapt it for campfire cooking :)
i'll dance to anything by prince! love it!
I've got Spring Cleaning-itis under full swing which has not only helped with getting more focused on things I want to do but just feels good around here. Some how it moved to the backyard as well and bought new plants etc. I follow several sources of keeping clutter down and it feels great to implement them and donate stuff and discard stuff I don't really need. My tip is assigning stuff to a special box, basket, location or file makes organizing and cleaning helpful as long as you put it back in the right place. Always a work in progress. It will be Epic if I win the Letterpress Combo Kit, I'll make it a very nice home here in super sunny CA! Thanks for the contest!
My favorite spring cleaning tip is, wait until after flood season to begin, else you are sorely disappointed at your wasted effort.
I love to dance to anything by the BeeGees! What a great giveaway- the Letterpress Combo Kit looks amazing! Thanks for the chance to try it!
Today I have been dancing to "Dog days are over" by Florence and the machine.
Awesome letterpress machine. Looks like fun!
My Spring cleaning tip...keep only what you need and love.
and a tidbit for you: I had 4 miscarriages and tried for over 3 years to have my 3rd child (and 1 miscarriage way before that) My husband told me "we are not quitters" we didnt quit even when everyone else told us maybe we should. My 3rd child just turned 7 years old! He would LOVE to do some letterpressing with me! :o)
I love it!!! I have always loved letterpress unique!
Oh, my! What fun! I am particularly interested in bollywood musicals right now and list listening to them while dancing around the house with my toddler. Crazy, I know! But super fun! :)
My favorite thing about Spring is planting my garden! I love being able to watch plants grow - it truly is miraculous!
I'm planning a wedding and trying to decide about letterpressing my stationary! If I win, I can guarantee I will!
"word up" is one of my favorite songs to dance to!!!
I am in love with these wedding invites:
I am already married so I was thinking of using the idea for Christmas cards this year.
Simple yet beautiful!
Right now, I'm dancing to Rhythm of Love.
I like the song little secrets by passion pit. Not a new song, but new to me.
I want to win sooooooo bad!
I would absolutely LOVE to win this! An inspiring link... Can I send my own blog? I'm just getting started, maybe some of my findings will inspire you! :) - Found your site via Ali Edwards and will definitely be stopping back. Lots of inspiration here! Thank you again for the chance to win the letterpress!
Great giveaway!!! I love to dance..and workout to.. the entire cd by Selena Gomez. She is a Disney channel star and has put out 2 cd's...the music is just so much fun it keeps me moving!
What a great little machine. I've never letter pressed anything before. Thanks for the chance to win.
Spring cleaning tip? Just do it! Set a timer for 15 minutes and start by cleaning out the junk drawer. Open up the windows and breathe deeply. Then set it again for another 15 minutes and clean out a cabinet. In no time at all you will have accomplished a clean kitchen.
Spring cleaning tip - walk around your house with one bag for trash and pick up anything you haven't used in a year and can't be donated due to condition - chuck it.
Then walk around with a second bag and pick up anything you haven't used in 2 years but you don't want to throw away - donate it. Chances are it will sit for another year or two before you find a use for it. Someone else can use it now!
chelsealexander at hotmail
The surest sign of spring to me is when my Mt. Fuji Cherry Tree (Prunus serrulata 'Mt. Fuji') begins to bloom. It is such a breathtaking and majestic sight. I wrote a blog post on it awhile back and still love this tree and what it represents. I'll share the blog with you:
Wow...this looks like fun!
Have you seen the live feed of the eagle family and their baby eaglets. Look here
My current favorite song is still Haven't Met You Yet by Michael Buble! So fabulous.
A Killer recipe (and easy too): Crock Pot Chicken, otherwise known as Chicken and Coke. Take your chicken (large pieces or small, breasts or mixed, boneless or not) put it in your crockpot. Cover it with 1 cup of ketchup and a small onion chopped or sliced. Pour over that one 12 oz can of Coke or Diet Coke. Cook on low for 6-8 hrs until tender. YUMMY!
Spring always makes me want to make salsa! The ingredients:
--at least 2 different kinds of tomatoes (use at least 8 total)
--one bunch of green onions
--1/2 yellow or white onion
--1/4 red onions
--2 bunches of cilantro
--juice of 2 lemons
--juice of 1 lime
--3 to 4 cloves of garlic
--about 2 tbsp vinegar
--hot sauce to your liking!
Enjoy! and thanks so much for a chance to win this cool machine! I would love to create with it!
This looks so cool! And I love your silver circles!
I like to dance to the oldies...
Right Back Where We Started From (Maxine Nightingale).
So glad your brave little boy is on the mend!
Love it!! I don't have a Spring cleaning tip but and everyday cleaning tip. I just discovered the 3M Soap scum sponges and they keep my new shower doors free of soap scum. Love them and recommend them to everyone!
Oh dear. I would love to win this. My favorite spring cleaning tip is to open the windows (and maybe even the doors) while you do it. Nothing gets me more motivated to wipe down shelves and declutter all of our junk than the idea of having a home that is as clean and fresh as it is outside on a beautiful spring day. And my favorite songs to dance to are "All These Things That I've Done" by The Killers and (don't tell!) "Firework" by Katy Perry. I can't help it--it has a great beat!
so cool!
my spring cleaning tip is to just dive right in. the hardest part for me is getting started. once i start i usually end up getting into 'cleaning mode'.
random fact... I really do heart spring cleaning... especially my closet :)
My Father has Alzheimer's and is currently fading. No one knows how much longer he will live...maybe hours or days, but certainly no longer than a week or two. I'm only 23 and the situation is bleak...but I can still see the beauty in all of this...I can still see the beauty in him and remember the beauty of his life. To quote the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, "When it is dark enough, you can see the stars."
So...what's my favorite song to dance to? Red, Red Wine by UB40. My Father used to play this song on his record player on bright, sunny days with all the windows and doors of the house open. And now, in his last days, I hold his hand and we dance.
This would be a dream come true!! My current favorite song is "forget you" from Glee. Gwyneth Paltrow sings it:)
first i would like to say i would love, love, love this letter press. secondly, i am in love with my norwex mop for spring cleaning and cleaning in general - a wonderful way to clean my floors without all sorts of chemicals... well worth the look.
What a cool toy! Thanks for the chance to win.
My favorite spring cleaning tip is to open the windows as often and as early as you can. Fresh air does wonders for the house!
This looks amazing! thanks for the opportunity.
One of my favorite recipes is for french macarons. They are so yummy and look impressive. Give this recipe a try,0,5733855.story . All of Dorie Greenspan's recipes are great!
I love the idea of letterpress! My favorite spring cleaning tip is pick out 1 drawer/cupboard/space to clean and purge each day, the newly organized area will make you smile each time you see it!
Sink or swim by Tyrone Wells. It's my girls latest favourite for Friday night pizza/dance/ movie nights.
Hmm spring cleaning tip... when cleaning bedrooms, don't forget to dust under the bed. Also, blast dance music [hate to admit this but I'm loving Britney's 'Till the World Ends'] so you have a little more motivation to clean.
The letterpress looks like such a useful tool. Thanks for the giveaway! `=D
Right now I'm kind of obsessed with a few drops of peppermint oil into a small spray bottle with water. It makes a subtle, simple, natural air freshener, and even though peppermint is a bit chrimstmassy, you'd be surprised what a delicious, fresh springy feeling it gives you!
i'm excited for this giveaway! I was just searching for a letterpress i could use at home. Even if I don't win, thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
i am totally in love with cranking up the volume to "wave your flag" by k'naan and dancing around with my little boy. it is inspiring and beautiful and happy. i think you'd like it :).
Holy cow, letterpress in the kitchen! How marvellous. Nothing like the presses we used way back when I was in newspapers! Best tip - eucalyptus oil to remove the sticky stuff from price stickers etc! Might even clean up your bone folder!
spring favorite: windows wide open all throughout the house. rediscovering the sun. the rebirth of creativity.
lovely letterpressing; thank you for always inspiring.
Oh wow! I love letterpress and have had this on my wish list ever since it came out. How fun to see how you made the circles. To be able to do letterpress at home would be amazing!
what the best giveaway ever! my current favorite song to dance to is hey na na by katie herzig. listen to it. guarantee you'll love it.
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