review & giveaway / lime ricki swimsuit
it's time once again to suit up for summer. i must admit, i was worried about doing a swimwear review as i am wary of acquiring swimsuits online, without seeing them in person. (and i only post about products that i really do indeed love.) i'm picky about swimsuits and their features because–lets face facts–i'm not thirteen anymore. i need, um, support (hello?! what's with suits with nothing more than a lining?), sturdy construction, comfortable and flattering fit, darling and fun and something that not everyone is wearing. i'd hate to be in the line of fire when it comes to who wore it best? side by side comparisons, poolside edition.
i am delighted (and relieved) to report that i am smitten with lime ricki's swimsuits. due to my fickle nature in picking a specific style, the company kindly sent me three different options to choose from. i suited up as soon as i got home from nyc (disregarding the fact that all those nyc indulgences added up). shockingly, i liked all of the swimsuit options! each were flattering, comfortable and offered a great fit (i followed their size chart and the suits fit perfectly). it was difficult to narrow down my top pick.
my favorite choice (possibly because i've been on a hunt for a cute one-piece for awhile now) is the flirty polka dot delancey suit. this suit exceeded my expectations. (if i had a little girl, i would be tempted to get her the coordinating mini suit! the delancey suit is slightly retro and the shirred design is completely flattering, in all the right areas. it would be perfectly suitable for any age. i appreciate that there are two pieces of material to help create the shirring effect. which means the material does not pull taut across the belly (revealing unfortunate lumps and bumps) like most one-pieces do. i also love that it's sporty and modest enough for scrambling after a little one on the beach. once i became a swim mama, i realized that my swimsuit has to have its act together. or else. gone are the days of lounging with a magazine. my attention has to be on much more important things than if my suit is in place. my second favorite suit is the auburn tankini. i liked the fit, the shape and the darling flower fabric. all the suits were comfortable, with high quality stitching and fantastic fabrics. i am overjoyed that my seasonal swimsuit hunt is over. thank you, lime ricki.
bonus / enter discount code MARTA10 to receive 10% off your lime ricki swimwear purchase.
grand prize giveaway / comment on this post by may 15th to enter to win a swimsuit of your choice! a winner will be chosen at random. tell me what you love about summer and how you prepare for it. any seasonal must-haves? (mine is an oversized straw bag to toss everything into.)
p.s. for the record, i'm also in love with swim skirts. so happy they are here to stay.
I just feel happy in the summer. Everything is lighter - the sky, my clothing, etc. And strangely, because I'm happy, I feel like baking. It's a weird summertime hobby, I know. :-)
my favorite thing about summer is summer vacation! My birthday is in the summer and so is my husband and Is anniversary so we always try to take a nice summer trip. I prepare for summer by buying a new sundress, and spending as much time as possible outside in the spring before it gets ridiculously hot out.
i love summer because i work in a school, so summer is a time to finally SLOW DOWN and just BE. i love it! to prep for summer, i always make a list of everything i want to do (house projects, organizing projects, sewing projects etc!), and i also do a hyperwrokout the month of may (this year, it's the 30-day shred by jillian michaels). my season must-have for summer- my ipod for my morning walks & runs, and SUNSCREEN!
my favorite thing about summer is beach time with my kids!
Cute suit. It is reality check when you shop for swimwear. Enjoy.
oh my cuteness - what great swimsuits! My favorite part of summer is the sunshine and constant smell of sunscreen. :) Must-haves? I seem to tote my Reisenthel market basket and JJ Cole blanket everywhere. You never know when you'll come upon an opportunity to have a picnic.
Those are some really cute suits! Summer is defined simply as fun -it's time outside, enjoying life. I'm already stock piling magazines to take to the pool (and sunscreen!)
Thanks for the review. I'm definately going to shop their site. Such cute suits and reasonable prices.
SO cute! I love a good-fitting suit and the fact that it's adorable is a bonus. In the summer I love the cool mornings and warm days, grilling, and all the weekends spent at the lake. Divine!
i love the clear blue skies of summer, and the heat on my skin, and the excuse for an ice cream. no preparation needed. ok, maybe a little extra sunscreen :)
Ooh, I'm loving these suits!!
My husband teaches at a university and has a good 2 months off every summer. I love that we can pick up and go on a whim - and we do! I especially like the easier mornings without having to scoot everyone out the door by 7:30 for school. I can't wait!
So cute!!! I've been jealous of my friends who have these suits, they are adorable and high quality!! I love their new suits this year!
Love being part of your community which seems so much easier hen it's warm!
I love the heat of summer! (And we definitely get heat in Texas.) I just can't wait to swim in the pool, grab snow cones, days at the water park, summer kid movies, etc. So fun!
Oh summer! I'm totally looking forward to browsing the farmers market and making fresh-squeezed lemonade!
this summer will be my favourite, my husband is finally coming home to me after a loooong (or at least it felt like it) immigration process! i am looking forward to visiting places, picnics, and a lot of walking and being active!
I love all the yummy fruits and veggies that are in season in the summer. And, I too, need a great big bag for the beach and the farmer's market.
Summer always makes me feel like I'm back in high school, soaking up summer vacation and spending hours outside. I love how the days seem endless and the possibilities limitless. Chores are a little better, meetings a little shorter and time by the pool a little more precious. My summer must-have is... sunscreen. Lame, but I burn so easily! I also required a stack of magazines and cold fruity drink :)
ps- LOVE these bathing suits. I'm on the hunt for a cute one-piece and I'm digging the retro look of these suits.
We are a camping family. I love sleeping under the stars and waking up to birds. Also love sleeping with the windows open at home and the smell of watered grass in the morning. And gardening. I'm in love with gardening.
I LOVE the polka dot! Swimsuit shopping gives me angst. It's one of the most stressful experiences of the season. I wish I had enough money to buy several (in several sizes) on-line and try them all on in the privacy of my own boudoir and then send the losers back. As it is, I can get 2 at a time and the process (buy, wait, receive, return, wait for money back in the account to repeat) and I miss the season!
Oh summer! I love having my children home creating our own schedule and so a stick of sunscreen and water and snacks in the car facilitate our adventures!
So glad to hear the swimsuits are as lovely in person. I've been eyeing them for ages!
I've never heard of Lime Ricki! I'm so happy to know about them!
This year will be the year of a big floppy hat--the house we're living in has a gynormous garden that I'm going to tackle, so a big hat is in the works.
katie (Underscore) ruder (at) yahoo (dot) com
LOVE the new website. My must have is my gigantic Scout bag for poolside. Can dump in all towels and changes of clothes into one bag! Love it.
My favorite thing about summer:
Watermelon! Seed spitting contests are a must and eating watermelon right off the rind brings me back to my childhood EVERY. TIME.
I get excited when we plant in the spring and anxiously await harvest time!
oh man, there are so many things i love about summer! the fact it stays light out for so long, the warmth, vacations! whats not to love?!
i prepare by getting a few summer essentials -- sandals, skirts, and of course i love getting new swimsuits!
OOO I love learning about a new swimsuit company! Thank you! There merch is so cute!
my favorite part of the summer is heading down to the jersey shore. however, as a new mom (babe's 13days old!) i'm in need of a more modest swimsuit to cover my post baby bod!
ohh I would LOVE and need a new suit!! Thank you!!
I love watermelon and sunkissed cheeks in the summer!
My favorite part about summer is the freedom. I love being able to sleep in and stay in jammies for as long as we like. I love eating breakfast on the deck ,getting our chores done and then spending almost every afternoon at the pool, and of course stopping for snowcones. Also, my favorite summertime quick dinner is watermelon and corn on the cob....together. No need for anything else. You cannot beat summer, and I am so ready.
My most essential item is my big straw hat. No need to do hair in the summertime.
That was fun. Thanks Marta.
My favorite part of summer is swimming laps in an outdoor pool at night. delicious.
oh these are darling! two words: spray sunscreen. it is so quick & easy! i also must have a pair of sunglasses :)
SO cute! I am in desperate need of a new suit. I've seen these guys before but have never ordered. I may just have to now after your review. :)
Beautiful suits! I love summer and can't wait for it to finally reach the Midwest. I can't live without my flip flops in summer : )
Way cute! Our summer must have is SUNSCREEN! This mama is p.a.l.e!!
Woohoo! A Limericki giveaway!
Inspired, really.
My summer must-haves are Burt's Bees chapstick, a lengthy book list, and the newest edition of Real Simple magazine. Pack these delights into my bag and I'm set for a sunny day on the dock!
I love camping and summer bbq's. My must have is sunscreen!
Oh me! These are all seriously "dream suits"! Honestly. Never have I ever seen suits that so perfectly fit my ideal. Always either too skimpy or too ugly (Then again....If all you are looking at is Target and Wal Mart....). Fantastic find.
I love summer's food: BBQ, the cool lemonades, the salads. That also means I prepare for summer with this mantra: "I'm already married and he cant leave me over an unflattering bikini body", ha! So with food love and my mantra I aim to soak the most out of summer, and would love to do so in a new suit!
i love my summer garden and am currently preparing for it by lining my window sills with little starts. they are my babies and i give them far more attention than i care to admit.
cute suits!
I love Lime Ricki suits! I have 2 and I think they are so well made.
My favorite thing about summer are the warm nights when it stays light until well into the night. Sitting outside in the soft grass, watching the fireflies dance is one of my favorite things to do.
Summer must haves? Definitely a swim skirt. Because let's face it, after 4 kids, gravity has not been super nice to me. ;)
I love summer vacations! Especially, family trips to the beach :)
What I love about summer is swimming in the sea whenever I get a chance.
I buy tons of sunscreen to be ready for summer. It's my must have...
Summer is all about the beach and camping and being outside. A sun hat and beach bag and BIG sunglasses are a must!
HEY! The thing about summer that I love is that school is out! And we as a family can do whatever we want! Although we don't live near a beach, pools are a must in Texas and I haven't had a decent BS in A I hope to win because their patterns are so cute!
this summer we are preparing by fixing up our tiny, tiny back patio to be kid friendly for our 2 year old. sand box and slide, a little chair for mom to read in the sun. soooo excited!
Ooh, count me in! My favorite thing about summer is my husband's daily company--he's a teacher and gets the summer off! Sunscreen is my must-have; no skin cancer for me, please!
Summer is celebrating warmth, family fun, and doing projects galore! Plus I want to swim in a LIME RICKI swimsuit this year.
I have almost bought the blue polka dot suit several times! So darling! I love that life seems to slow down in the summer. There isn't so much crazy going on around our house. My summer must have: a fabulous lip balm. My current fav is Burts Bees with Mango- yum!
Ahhh summer, you are a darling. You bring me endless nights of fire pits and smores and laughing around the fire with my family. Prepare, I shall. Stock the marshmallows and stack the wood. I'm ready!
Am I just rotten to say that I prefer Fall? I actually love Summer because it is one step closer. So crazy coming from a woman who lives in Seattle (where it is STILL raining...yuck.)
But I do love the outdoor parties--I love to throw them and I love the smell of freshly cut grass. Getting my pasty white skin a bit tan doesn't hurt either. Perhaps a new swimsuit would help in this feat;)
I love summer because I love SUN! (We're in Seattle) I am always ready for summer. I guess I prepare by filling up the grill's tank and hosing off all the toys covered with dried mud!
We have been waiting PATIENTLY here in Utah for summer (or even spring, really) to arrive. How much better summer would be with a lime ricki swimsuit to enjoy it in!
I LOVE getting tan in the summer! and I love being able to hang out in my swimsuit :]I prepare by eating lots of watermelon and popsicles. yum! and my seasonal must have is my maxi dresses...easy and cute!
Ahhh, summer, the perfect time of year. My must-have item is a big beach umbrella. I love the sun, but sometimes you just need the heat without the burn, ya know?
Hmmm - I think what I love about summer is that you don't really have to prepare for it at all! For me it's all about downgrading, downsizing and down time! No prep, no fuss, just easy-breasy days without having to worry about packing the right clothes in case the cold weather turns to snow or no thoughts of muddy snow being tracked all over your freshly mopped floors. The only must-have on my summer list is a high spf!
I am actually excited mostly for bbq's during the summer and sitting outside with my little family until the sun goes down!
Great giveaway!
everything...warm summer nights, crickets, the beach, bbqs, baseball...everything!
My favorite things about summer are barbecues and fresh fruit. And my summer essentials are a huge bag to throw all my stuff into and lots of sunscreen.
Summer - what is not to love really. after a long cold winter there is not one thing i do not love about a summer in MN.
must-haves - a bright colored table cloth to eat on every night!
Lovely. My favorite part of summer is how relaxed and unplanned everything feels. It's like anything is possible in the summer!
I love that winter is over. It's brutal, here, and for those few months, it's grand. A must have is NO AGENDA.
i just ordered 15 [no joke] suits online and NONE of them worked out. grrrr. thank heavens for free shipping and free returns! but it's all worth it once i find the ONE. then i can enjoy the long lazy days of summer. bring on the sunshine!!
Awesome giveaway! I need a new swimsuit BADLY!!! I'm looking forward to family vacation!!!! (Where I would definitely wear one of these cutie suits!) I'm also looking forward to "the best summer EVA" as we've named it and doing lots of swimming and fun family stuff with all my boys!
i have been preparing for months for summer. (trying to loose that baby weight!) still not at my goal, uggg. but, summer is near and the kiddos will want to swim and play in the sunshine... so sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen. i am the sunscreen freak at our house! :) bonus for me... the lime ricki store is less than one mile from my house. you have just inspired me to finally take a peek inside! i wonder if they will honor the discount code inside the store? hummm.
I love the sunshine, lots of grilling and fresh salads, yummy fruit truffles, our annual family vacation to Lake Tahoe, my three little beauties in their swimsuits in the sprinklers...the list could go on and on(:
i love the warmth, the fresh produce, the races, the trips and the kids home for fun. i prepare my exercising, eating, and planning lots of excursions for the kids- art museum, dinosaur museum, lots of different splash pads, and of course the weekly trip to the city pool. sunscreen and a good blender are must-haves. gotta keep my kiddos skin protected and the smoothies coming.
Just ordered a swim skirt and tankini but a girl can never have too many swimsuits.
My favorite thing about summer is having my kids home from school. Trust me, I love when they go back in the fall, but we have great adventures together for the few months they are out.
Our essential summer item is a big tote with snacks, picnic blanket, bubbles, sunblock, etc... Ready to go whenever we are.
I get gas in the car to go go go.
I love being with my kids all day, swimming, water balloon fights, popsicles, and the humidity!
oh man, i would LOVE to win this! My husband, little girl and I are moving to hawaii in a couple weeks... i think i will NEED a new swimsuit for sure! :)
I love summer until it gets too hot. My must have supplies are sunscreen and some really good quick reads.
very cute swim suits!! thanks for the review. I love dinners on the back deck with my two little boys and watching my oldest ride his tricycle while chasing fireflies. oh and the smell of the sweet summer air. ahh ... :)
Ooh how fun! My favorite thing about summer is my garden. Oh how I love hopping out to the garden and snagging a few yellow squash for the grill, some tomatoes to layer with fresh mozarella and of course fresh basil, a quick handful of blackberries and some chard. My summer must have? Lots of loose linen blouses and summer skirts.
I love summer because I can sleep in while school's out and I don't have to drive the kiddos to school.
We prepare for summer by coming up with our weekly Summer Camp themes and brainstorming a summer bucket list.
I LOVE watermelon--the boys and I just ate our first one of the season last week.
My favorite summer time activity is being with my family on our boat. Floating on the water, getting a little sun, with a huge slice of watermelon, is the perfect way to spend an afternoon!
-Kim B.
i love everything about summer! swimming, camping, lazing about, no set bedtime for the kids, watermelon, corn, bbq's, the 4th and 24th of july! i always have a bag in the car with extra swimsuits/sunblocks towls and treats for impromtu swims or sprinkler runs. i also love spur of the moment picnics so a big blanket is always in the trunk!
My "fun" must have for summer - Secret Recipe Margaritas.
My "reality" must have for summer - sunscreen with a huge SPF. My daughters and I are uber fair skinned and the sun doesn't like us. Or, likes us too much. Lol.
I love going to the beach in the summer--hearing the ocean, smelling the salt in the air, hearing the birds, and the hot sand on my feet. This summer will be the first time my 3 boys will be able to enjoy a summer at the beach and I can hardly wait!
I love that these swimsuits cover things! Yes!
My must have for the summer is small bags all over the place with travel pack of wipes and at least 1 diaper. As long as I have 1 in each vehicle, near the door, and at other random spots, I should be ok! =)
I love summer because it finally stops RAINING! This summer I MUST get a lounge chair for the deck so I can soak up all that sun.
Less cooking in the kitchen, more outside on the grill. Love summer and Lime Ricki suits. Thanks for the chance at a free suit.
what i love about summer is typically just the sunshine. this summer it's going to be MY WEDDING!!! and a new lime ricki suit would be perfect for the honeymoon! i'm keeping my fingers crossed big time for this! thanks for the giveaway marta!
I love that I get a golden glow... And can't wait to head to the beach.
I've had the same bathing suit for 13 years, and I'm thinking this summer it's time for a CHANGE!
I love the Fourth of July! Not only is it a fun, not-too-commercialized holiday, but it's one of the only times when I get to see my darling extended family.
We hit three digits by the end of May and till the middle of Oct so we love the pool. I keep a mesh bag in the laundry room packed with pool toys, sunscreen, towels, and suits. It hangs right next to the life jackets so everything's ready to go. Saves my life.
I am really looking forward to the warmth that comes with summer and spending a lot of time poolside with the kids.
I love the pool and snowcones. :)
And there's *always* a new bag for summer at my house. Just got this year's from Target.
And I must say, those suits are adorable!
Oh...I love summer. I am the luckiest hubs has 8 weeks (don't hate me!) of summer off b/c he is a school counselor. We pack our bags and live in our parents' houses for the summer with the kiddies. We have so much fun!
Getting ready for summer? bathing suit, big hat, sunscreen!
I love corn on the cob, mountain biking and outdoor concerts.Mymust have is big pots full of flowers on the patio. Fun giveaway!!
I LOVE the swim skirts!! Getting ready for summer = lots and lots of sunscreen. And watermelon.
Summer in Arizona is HOT! That's why it's a must to have or live close to someone who has a swimming pool. Also, every year we make sure to stock up on Otter Pops!
I am a teacher so summer means a little time to do all the things I haven't had the time to do during the year around the house. I love to get new flipflops!
I love EVERYTHING about summer! :) At the first sign of sunshine and warmer weather, I open all the windows to let the light in and welcome summer! I also love planting new flowers in the garden, relaxing by the water, and basking in the sun. My seasonal must-have is a great swim-suit (since I love spending hours on end outside on the water) and a great summery dress and pair of sandals.
I love gardens, being outdoors, family trips. BBQ's and especially the warm weather!
Summer is definitely my favorite time... mostly because I get to spend all day in a bathing suit! I love the heat. :)
my fav. thing about summer is quality family time. Its loaded with bbq's, campouts, late summer nights, etc. I load up on my Jergen's self tanner. Hope I win!!
Because I work full time, I think the greatest thing I planned this summer was an entire week off work for NOTHING - a week to be with my kids and let them call the shots - swimming, picnic, water fight, sleeping in, whatever they want. I have a million other things planned for the summer, but I'm just as excited about this 'no plan' week!
I love being with my kids all day, every day. Our prep always includes list making--things to do, places to go, good we can share, and treats to be made.
Wow! I love the Madison tankini. I love swimming. We basically go to the pool every day in the summer. My seasonal must-have is a swimming suit 'cause they usually don't last longer than a summer.
I love summer because we can use our pool!
i love walking around without a coat on and feeling the warm sun on my face. one must-have for me is some good flip flops and friends!
Gardening. Flowers. Fresh produce. Green leaves. I love the new life of spring and summer. I prepare for this transition by soaking up life outdoors :)
My favorite thing about summer is definetly my rainbow flip flops! They are literally the most comfortable pair of shoes I own and I love the satisfaction of a mid summer flip flop tan!
I love soaking up the sun all summer long. And my bond is closest with sisters and friends who love to lay out and soak it up with me. Perfect time for girl talk!
a chance to win a swimsuit? yes please.
flip flops and iced coffee. :)
pick me! i hate swimsuit shopping and lime ricki is WAY cuter than anything here in kansas!
I love summer b/c of summer vacation...i'm home with my girls!
I love the heat. Sometimes I drive home from work without the A/C. And in Arizona, it gets pretty hot without the A/C. But I love the bone-warming heat.
I love any excuse to eat ice cream...and when's you live in Vegas and it's 95-110 daily...ya know ice cream is a must!
my favorite thing about summer is sitting under an umbrella in the back yard and drinking lemonade with my bare feet in the kids mini pool! it is so sunshiney and beautiful and i LOVE LOVE LOVE summer:) my must have are my pink sunglasses. can't live without them!
I love the warmth of summer, and growing flowers in our garden, and visiting a beach, and taking hikes. I prepare for summer by stocking up on sunscreen and usually getting my hair cut a little bit shorter.
maddiemb {at} comcast (dot) net
I am preparing for summer by getting the garden ready.
betsy_349 at hotmail dot com
Summer's sunny, hot and humid in the south so I stock up on sun block to ward away new freckles, wrinkles and burns. Time to go play outside!
I love picking berries and eating them at the beach!
i LOVE spending my days with my boys...the adventures never cease. these are some of the cutest suits EVER!
I love summer because for me it means escaping the heat and heading North to visit my family in Idaho. Louisiana summers are miserable! But I sure do go to the pool a lot here in La, so winning a new swimsuit would be AWESOME! :)
I love summer + flip flops + fresh-squeezed lemonade + fishing in the evenings on the river. I like to stock up on lemons and sunscreen and magazines to read.
Summer is my sister's name, so I love her, and I love summer time too. Berries, pool time, beach... love it all.
I love summer because it brings my birthday!
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