summer is on its way. and so are we.
so here's my big news. we are moving! we have the opportunity to return to utah! as life-changing events sometimes happen, this one is coming together rapid fast. we're moving in only two weeks! (it's hard to believe it's true. it's even harder to keep up with my to-do list!) we are looking forward to many good things, especially being near our families. we have made genuine, wonderful friends in idaho and i have mixed emotions; i know it will be tough to start all over again, say goodbye to benji's birthplace and all the things (and people) we love here in idaho. however we know that God is aware of us and this is an open door of opportunity for our little family. we are excited. and nervous. and excited.
blogging will be on the back burner for awhile. i'm planning a mini moving sale next saturday. if you have any yard sale / moving tips, i'd love to hear them. i hope to have a few last hurrahs, a trip to my favorite bulk foods aisle and fly kites in our favorite park before we leave.
mini mart shop notice / i'll be temporarily closing up my shop while we are in the process of moving. if you'd like to order a mini diary, i still have a good selection. please place your order by wednesday, may 18th. (let me know if you plan on giving it to your dad for father's day, i'll send a manly chocolate striped cover design!) thank you.
p.s. another product review is scheduled to post this week and in other (foodie) news, i designed a weekly menu planner for my favorite cooking sisters, the sisters cafe. click here to download it for free. thank you for your kindnesses; the best thing about blogging is that everything great about it (like you) is available even when my world has turned upside down. i can't wait to plug in my computer and introduce you to our new residence. wherever and whenever that turns out to be.
whit called me with your news soon after she heard, she was so excited! how fun to have you back close by. hopefully you can bring benji by for some getting to know you with these little cousins this summer. there's lots to do here. i'm happy you're coming back!
How fun to be close to the big family again. I miss Utah. Have fun moving! I'm moving in just a few weeks, too. The only advice I can give you when it comes to selling stuff is do it on craigslist. It takes a bit of time to take photos and post them, but more often than not you'll get more money than you would in a yard sale. Best of luck!
i think i would only be happier for you if you had announced you were moving to san diego so we could have those playdates together i dream we would so enjoy! :) happy moving - what a fun adventure. advice on moving sale: go nuts! clear out the clutter and get rid of all those things you never ever use, think to use, want to use or would ever consider using. get rid of it. sell it and schedule a salvation army pick-up that afternoon for anything that doesn't sell. :) its sooo freeing to declutter, especially when you are moving and have to pick up and pack every single thing you own. can't wait to hear about the adventure. am i a wierdo that i LOVE moving? good thing i'm a military momma! also-fabulous menu planning design AND i just bought a lime ricki suit thanks to you. always full of happy inspiration, this blog is. xoxo
Oh, what fabulous news! Congrats! Horray! Utah is such a beautiful place. I hope to never leave! Yay for being close to family.
Good luck with the moving.
Congratulations! That is huge news!
Good luck - moving is always a pain, isn't it?
Yeah you guys!!! I love when good changes happen & it always seems to come on fast when it's right! We will be in SLC as well - I'll let you know where we end up.
FYI - you probably have your moving cost paid for so either way check into Allied Trucking - we used them & it was awesome! They loaded everything, wrapped all our furniture/matresses/big pictures & will also unload & unwrap when we get to our permanant place. The company gave us FREE uhaul boxes & packing material - even if we didn't use them! It was awesome - look into it! You can email Chad (who we worked with in IF)
Also we had a small yard sale the week before we moved & I asked neighbors to contribute (they madetheir own money) & it made the sale look bigger & better. Plus I got to hang out with some friends one last time!
Good luck & say good bye to the horrid wind!!!
Congratulations! I hope things go smoothly for you in the coming weeks...and it does seem good things happen fast. ;)
Good luck with your move. My best moving advice with a boy the age of yours is to give him crayons to decorate the boxes while you pack them. Also, put aside an empty box with last minute comfort items (a favorite blanket) and unpack it first in the new house.
Yay congrats....excited to have you back!
yay!! i am so excited for you guys! :) good luck with everything!
XO senja
How exciting to be moving back to your home state. (I wish we were doing the same thing.) And it's good for me as it heightens my chances of running into you when i go to visit family in SLC. In response to your celebrity post recently, i have to say that you are the celebrity i always hope to run into. I am pretty sure we would be friends. I hope all goes well with your move.
Woot woot! Very excited for you Marta!
how exciting!! i'll be thinking of you as we ourselves prepare for an interstate move. this is our first big move though... and im nervous. hopefully a month from now, i'll look back and think "no big deal"
This is exciting news, Marta! Congrats to you and your sweet family! Only one problem. Utah is farther away from Washington than Idaho. Darn.
Congratulations marta! so fun!
your news sounds exciting and wonderful. Good luck with it all, and enjoy the process.
Wow! Two weeks? Wow. Good luck with the move, Marta! I hope it's smooth sailing and you're soon settled and loving your life in Utah!
Boo hoo for me... YAY for you!!! Seriously so excited for your cute little family and the new adventures that await you. We will miss you terribly though. Idaho just won't be the same without Marta, Dan and Benji. Truly, I get teary eyed just thinking of it. The only thing that makes me happy is to know that you are finally able to move upward and onward, and be closer to family all at the same time. Talk about being blessed!! So happy for you guys!
oh wow! good luck with the move! :)
Have a great move! We're moving at the end of July and I'm so excited!
That IS exciting. Nothing like the feeling of starting fresh with the potential for new adventures. Enjoy the process. I'm sure you'll be back soon with plenty of tips!
It's so hard to pull up and move, especially when you love where you are! I wish you all the best with your move. Thank you for the printables. I made a menu/shopping list not too long ago. I wish I understood more about the graphic design end of things. I hand printed it, and although I love it, it took me a while to design and get it "just so". I appreciate your menus because they include breakfast and lunch which will come in handy during the summer!
Yay for you! Congratulations! So excited you get to be by family. Good luck moving! Time is all you really need to get it done, and that sounds limited! Pack all un-necessities first and pack your kitchen last. Only leave out what you would want to take on a week long vacay. GOOD LUCK!
moving... such an adventure! :) good luck!
as far as advice for the sale- make LOTS of bright colored signs directing traffic right to your place.
Oh wow, good luck! If you're looking for a home, my sister's house is for sale in Murray!
no WAY. ahhhh! i'm super excited for you, mart!! and just 2 weeks away- yay! what an amazing summer you will have! i just know you will make it the adventure of your dreams. happy packing, my sweet friend!
ps. i'm adoring the graphic you designed for this excitement:)
pps. can i just tell you how much i loved your NYC posts? LOVE.
Hey, me too! I'll be thinking of you as we make the drive back to Utah (from Colorado, however). Maybe our paths will cross--what a thrill it would be to meet the famous Marta!
LIfe is Great and I'm excited for you and your family in this new chapter to add to your Book of Life!
i'd be lying if i wasn't a tad excited. kinda' want to be friends in real life. good luck on the move!!!
very exciting!! wow... and y'all aren't joking around either... only 2 weeks! my advice for the yard sale is to invite all of your friends for a VIP preview night the night before... i did this last time and it accounted for 1/2 of my total sales. i briefly talked about it here...
happy moving!!
What a blessing to be able to be so close to family!
Yeah for Salt Lake! Congrats on the move!
I am sure you have dozens and dozens of friends to come back to in Salt Lake but if you ever need a play date for Benji I know my son would love to hang out. I emailed you last summer during the bar convention about hanging out - ok, now I sound all weird and stalkerish - but I'd love to hang out. And what a perfect time to move back just when the weather is getting to be perfect (well, not this week, this week is miserable)
Where in Utah? Let me know if you need the scoop (schools,etc.) on American Fork/Pleasant Grove! :)
Wow, big news!! I'm so happy for you that you'll be living near family again, that's a blessing.
I know how trying and exhausting moving can be....hope you will be kind with yourself, I'm sure if there is anyone who can make something like packing fun and organized, it's YOU! :)
All the BEST to you and your family,
so excited for you! we are kinda neighbors now! good luck with all the packing, organizing and moving. it will be a happy experience!
Good luck with your move and enjoy living closer to family. We spent five years in Oregon for law school and post law school job and then moved back to Utah to be closer to family. Sometimes they drive us crazy, but we are glad we made the move.
What part of Utah are you heading to?
Love from Lori C.
Would you be willing to send me the clip art of the moving truck? I'd love to do something like this for our moving announcements. My email is navybaby1113 (at) gmail (dot) com.
How exciting! Best wishes for a seamless move. Thought about you yesterday when I went to my first Zumba class. It was so fun! I have to work on loosening up a little, though. :-)
So excited for you, Marta! And so excited for me to have more chances to bump into you around the Beehive state! Good luck with the move. Hope everything falls into place easily.
Yeah for being close to family! I'll keep you guys in my prayers during this exciting new adventure. My advice? If you haven't used it in the past year, don't take it with you!
Oh, what exciting news Marta!! I am happy for the new adventures that await your family. I am only a little sad that you didn't say you were moving to Las Vegas, but I guess SLC is closer to me than where you are now. One day we must meet! :)
Lucky, lucky Utah!
oh my!! what big changes!! so excited for your new chapter and opportunities. moving can be so stressful but it sounds like you have plenty of friendly helping hands on both ends. definitely take all the help you can get!! happy packing marta!!
How exciting!!!
I understand the craziness you're going through, as my family is also moving in 2 weeks. Of course, we'll be leaving SLC for Colorado! I am nervous to leave the only state I've ever lived in...
Good luck with everything! :) No advice for you, except maybe 'don't go crazy'. That's what I keep telling myself...
wow - congrats Marta! so exciting. I just dealt with my own whirlwind move 2 months ago.. it is absolute craziness for weeks, but then, it's done and nice to get settled somewhere new. Especially when closer to family! Good luck with all of the preparations!
Good luck with your move Marta! It will be so great to be near your family. :) Yay for new adventures.
What wonderful news! I hope moving goes well for you. Maybe this means we will get to meet or run into each other at some cool event like Justin's 30 Stranger's opening, etc. Best wishes!
hooray for being close to family! i'll bet your fam is a little excited. good luck packing everything away! that's such a project.
Wow, Marta! I read your blog and was surprised to find you moving! We may be moving as well but we would have 2 months to do it in! 2 weeks is so fast! And Salt Lake is the BEST! So excited for you and your family!!!
congrats on the big move back home!!
here's to hoping we can get together more! how fun would that be?!
good luck with all the packing!
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