05 October 2011

inspiration. / tub water.

everything about this image is so great.
the union jack mat.
the mustard yellow suitcase.
the pink wellies.
that tub.
the thoughtful (yet effortless) gallery of art too.

related note // i don't think i've mentioned this yet, but i've always wanted to write a book and entitle it tub water. not quite sure what it'll be about, but i think about it every time i take a soak. the tub is where all the good ideas come. and another thing, i am in the middle of a very very good book right now. but it deserves a post all its own. to be continued.

p.s. happy 65th birthday, dad. thank you for the glazed doughnuts at our door!


Lisa said...

Oooh, I love claw foot bath tubs! I grew up with one.

Christen E. Krumm said...

I love the name of your wanna be book! Totally awesome!!


Amy said...

I would read a book entitled Tub Water, if you wrote it. :)

I do enjoy the good read I find in your blog.

Hil said...

Love the book title idea. Do it! Can't wait to hear about this book... I'm dying for a good read, once my life calms down a bit. :) Happy be-lated to your dad!

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