02 November 2011

a good way to start november.

how was your november one? ours was snowy (giant first flakes of the season!) and cozy and full of stuffy noses and warm socks. we laid around, we baked apple cake (with best ever sauce). divine. grating apples is pretty fun. we i pinned during naptime. we ate candy. did laundry and made chili (with breadbowls). saving breadbowls in the freezer is my favorite idea ever. it suddenly makes a crockpot soup that much more gourmet. we read. ate candy and hunted around for a good book. am mourning the loss of that molly book i finished (and loved to pieces then forced sister to take it with her on trip). swept floors and played trains. one of the more worthwhile activities was re-reading an amazing article.

handscreened print by lisa rupp design

if you need a lift (and even if you don't), please read this speech, entitled forget me not. it is masterfully written and will remind you of all the good stuff of life. the holiday season already feels like it's breathing down my neck. it's so good for me to refocus on the important tasks and let everything else go.

november is going to be good. busy, but good. any big plans for your family? hosting family pie night is already penned in on my calendar. happy november two.


Courtney said...

I know the Molly book was great right? I can't wait for her next one!

Lisa said...

Sounds like a wonderfully cozy day, and the perfect start to November.

Hil said...

Sounds like a perfect November first! Sorry you guys are battling the stuffy nose as well. It sort of seems to come with the territory of fall, doesn't it? I love that talk by Elder Uchtdorf. Thanks for the reminder to go read it again.

I hope November contains at least one day of us getting together!

Jen said...

seems like we had a similar day yesterday but mine was filled with a impromptu park date - gorgeous weather here - and the husband home for the day because he had a date with the dentist, not his favorite way to take a day off. and i thought november was going to bring relaxation around here but as i glance at the calender i too feel the holidays breathing down my neck and we have a snowflake turning the big 5 on december 6th so i am determined to have all the details hashed out this week. maybe january will bring the relaxation i am looking for...happy november!

Cecilia said...

Good (and uplifting) read! I'm so happy to see this sentiment pop up here and there. It's a nice gentle reminder, especially with the holidays approaching, to just relax, focus and enjoy what's important.

lesa said...

November is one of my favorite months. I loved that talk. I took some good notes on that talk that I cherish.

Happy November!

I Heart Salt Lake said...

I am so excited for winter!

Janna said...

I don't know if I've ever commented before, but I really enjoy reading your beautiful blog! And I loved President Uchtdorf's talk!!! Thanks for the reminder!
I'd also REALLY like to try your apple cake recipe -- sounds delicious! :D

Moments and Impressions said...

Oh yum - soup in bread bowls sounds so much more fancy! November is going to be a great one. We are hosting Thanksgiving and I am making my first turkey. So excited.

Anonymous said...

oh, i just love that talk! and, i love that you always keep things in perspective and remind me of the good, important things to remember in life. thanks for always being so pleasant here in this space.

ihilani said...

I LOVE that talk! my favorite as of late. Such a good reminder to love yourself a little more.

Unknown said...

thanks for posting this one. i really loved that talk!

Lisa Rupp said...

thanks for posting my print!

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