introspection no. 04
not that i write for applause, but feedback is nice. and your feedback yesterday was brilliant. thank you. i have to be honest with you. even though i've been at this whole pouring out my soul onto the internet for a long time now, i always play this little mind game when i write a personal, reflective post like yesterday's. the words come tumbling out of me and, once it's all out there, i tell myself not to post it. i give myself the same lecture about not divulging too much personal stuff, to stop boring my readers. (i tell myself, tutorials are where it's at! buck up and give the reader something they can make / bake / create.) i feel sheepish and wonder if anyone will get what i'm writing about. but then the adrenaline hits and i just go ahead and schedule it to post (while i'm sleeping). and i force myself to stop thinking about it and get over myself. (admittedly, in my head, i use the same voice carrie fisher used in when harry met sally when she meets her future husband on a double date and she goes, get oooover yourself! it's the best. that duo is almost as good as harry and sally. agreed?!)
with time, i've come to know that the posts that i'm most scared of are, in fact, the words that resound most with readers; or so it seems. thank you for coming out of your shells and commenting such thoughtful things. thank you for affirming that what i say meant something to you. it is so encouraging to me. now, i urge you. the scary stuff is the good stuff. keep writing the scary stuff. apparently, that's where it's at. what are your thoughts?! do you get personal on your blog? (do you give yourself mini lectures?! no? just me?)
claire commented with a compliment i will treasure; maybe because it is how i genuinely hope to be. she said, You write what you know you should write. And that's why i keep coming back: you are real.
archives // more wordy posts i almost didn't publish.
+ leaves in a library book...
+ in this moment
+ motherhood. am still learning.
+ blogging & jealousy
+ feeling a brand new feeling
+ when life gives you snow, make cocoa
+ my resolutions in a nutshell
+ unnamed
+ write now
p.s. need another cute throw pillow!? tune in today to see another happy etsy find.
I wrote a blog post a couple months back that I too was terrified to publish. The knot in my stomach afterwards was amazing. The feedback was odd - people asking why I wrote it. And one particular 'friend' completely twisted my words. In the end, I'm happy that I wrote the post. I was being honest and not hurtful at all. I think maybe my audience wasn't expecting to read it and felt bad/uncomfortable.
I really look up to you Marta for these types of posts! Pour that soul, girlfriend :) Now I'm going to go back and read through these archives again.
So true, Marta. As much as I love your tutorials, I come back for your words. Please keep writing.
so, so with you. but i'm finding it's the scariest words/thoughts that eventually make us stronger. not the words themselves, but rather, the courage in putting them out there... the willingness to be vulnerable. there seems to be so much freedom in transparency... if only we (read: I) can get over ourselves enough to be transparent. i love your blog marta... and the honesty and vulnerability is always my favorite part. actually, i just posted a top 10 list today of my favorite blogs... you're on there:)
I, too, know the feeling of hitting 'post' through squinted eyes while cringing with doubt. Scheduling posts for the middle of the night is a clever idea! I think all of us who regularly post original content, especially original words, are bound to feel this way sometimes. Not only is original content often more personal, but we are publishing something for the first time, something that hasn't already been 'validated' by someone else posting it, or anything like it. I truly believe that original, authentic content is most meaningful and most needed (and most lacking among blogs), and this is why it seems to resonate most among readers. I appreciate your courage in consistently producing it!
I'm very new to blogging, but I am so inspired by your writing and completely agree with you on this point. I have written a handful of particularly personal posts and was pleasantly surprised to see the positive response. It helps to know that our words don't fall disregarded into a black hole, too.
To write in a way that resonates with people, especially of varying experiences, is a true talent. I'm so glad you share it with us.
You are at your most natural and readable when you write posts like yesterday's. I thought to myself "she's back". Yesterday is why I read your blog. Not for tutorials/recipes/reviews etc. Let those blogs have their place, and you have your own different, but beautiful, cheerful, genuine place.
I love your writing and your thoughts and your courage. I read your blog to inspire me with courage and ideas. Thanks for writing and being who you are!
I loved both yesterday's post and this one. Got the wheels turning to do something similar, because I often find myself thinking about where my life has taken me.
About posting the scary posts, I took down a lot of the personal ones, but i think in might put them back up. I've been struggling with how much to put out there for all to see. I think it's not really what you say but how you say it. The bloggers I admire most can share anything without making you feel uncomfortable. I feel that way about your blog.
I'm not really a tutorial girl. I actually love reading more self-reflective posts as I learn a lot about life from the thoughts of others. Thank you so much for opening up your life to us.
My dear Marta.
Thank you for your kind mention here. Since we're talking about writing the hard things, I'll tell you this: When I saw your sweet note, I literally jumped up and down and immediately texted my husband. You're a household name around here :)
Thank you for changing my life. I really believe you have. And will continue to. Please keep it up!
I completely agree with your quote. There have been a few posts in the last year or two that I've literally waited to post for days because I wasn't sure I'd expressed myself the way I was hoping too or was just plain worried about posting. In the end I'm so glad that I did. Tutorials and pictures are great, but sometimes you just need to say what you need to say. I think most readers appreciate getting to know the real writer behind the blog and the only way they can do that is if you get more personal.
It's probably the reason I started reading this blog and have continued to do so--you show us the real you and it's refreshing. Thanks!
Hello Marta,
Claire is right. What she said is exactly why I keep coming back to your blog. I've been reading you for years.
I honestly don't think I've ever commented, although I have ordered a few things from your shop which I have enjoyed very much.
I comment today, because what Claire said really hit me. Keep doing what you do. We need you. Original/Authentic is everything!
Your words are always straight from your heart. It is like listening to a friend.
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