prom revisited
is it just me, or is the idea of high school way better after the fact? i don't think i realized how awesome high school really is until after graduation. yes, i had some seriously silly, wonderful, unforgettable, exciting times–but i was so thick in the midst of it–i didn't appreciate it like i should have. despite the ongoing drama of my teenage years (oh, the drama! locker partners. drama club. boyfriends. first kisses. dropping choir class for creative writing. finding a parking spot before the bell rang. trying hard not to flunk out of math. late night phone calls.... just to name a few.) honestly life was so carefree back then; i truly had no (real) cares in the world.
fortunately now i get to live vicariously through my teenaged niece, anne. i love hearing about her dating experiences and all the high school happenings. plus, she keeps me in the know. i had no clue lace was all the rage before hitting forever 21 with her. she is the most fun shopping partner, as she is quite the fashionista. she invited us up to her jr. prom a few weeks ago. prom is a pretty big deal in their small town. the whole junior class does a promenade and parents (and the rest of the town) show up to hear their names called. dan was honored to be able to step in for the daddy / daughter dance with anne.
my favorite part (and maybe hers too) was the prom preparation. anne and her mom created a makeover salon in their home (genius idea!) for the girls to get dolled up together. they hired two almost-professional hair and makeup ladies from a local hair school. they set out fresh snacks, cold drinks and gossip magazines for those hanging out. faux lashes, wing-eyed eyeliner and dresses with ruffles were a big theme of the night. pinterest came in handy when the girls were deciding on their hair and makeup choices. dan entertained her date while we helped anne with her pearls and finishing touches! of course she looked simply gorgeous. i ended up taking 200+ photos (most of them blurry) of the junior class promenade... here are the happy highlights.
How cute! I love this post because I never went to a prom. And, what a darling niece!
so sweet! my oldest daughter (she's a junior) went to her boyfriend's senior prom a few weeks ago. the schools here are so big (3k+ for just 2 grades) that they don't have junior proms, but i'm excited that we get to do it all over again next year :)
That looks like too much fun. I, too, didn't embrace and enjoy my high school years as much as I now wish I would have. Funny how that happens.
I LOVE Anne's dress. So elegant and flattering. What a beautiful young lady. And Dan looked awfully sharp as well. What a memorable night for you all!
How exciting!! Anne looks so pretty and classic. What a great idea her mom had setting up things that way. Storing that idea away for WAY WAY later.
What a fun idea...your niece looks beautiful. I love her dress and her date is nice that Dan was able to step in for her dad...awesome.
Oh Marta, thanks for being the official photographer. It was soooooo fun to have you, Dan and Benji at prom. Thanks for being excited about it ...... and especially for understanding high school!
I didn't know that there were any high schools that still did the whole community prom thing--promenade and family and the whole thing. What fun.
That looks like it was so much fun! My high school had a similar thing for our prom. We had a Catholic Mass to bless our rings. Dates and families in tow, then the dance. Day I will always remember!
Aww, nostalgia always sets in for me at this time of year. My high school prom was five years ago. Sometimes it feels like it was just yesterday and other times it feels like it was eons ago.
Anne is beautiful! And that photo of her and Dan... heartwarming.
Your niece is beautiful and she totally makes that dress! The pic of her waving (with the mountains in the back) looks very royal - kind of like Princess Kate:)
I love the whole promenade idea! Growing up outside of Chicago, I had never heard of that. So cool - that way the parents get to see everyone all gussied up too! Do they stay for the whole dance or just the beginning?
Thanks for sharing!
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