16 September 2012

little tidbits.

photographing a yawn is harder than it seems.
the red hair kills me. in the best way.
so much is fleeting, i want to bottle up the good stuff.
a weekend getaway in the mountains is very, very good for you.
so is getting up on a horse even if you're kind of scared.
being brave is sometimes faking it until you make it.
i've realized that life is not slowing down anytime soon.
am learning to juggle. am figuring out what is worth letting go.
am in love with blonde eyelashes.
writing benji a love note (with a real envelope) pretty much made his whole day.
forgot how much little things matter to little people.
am going on not much sleep.
the girls getaway didn't help;
i have a reputation for staying up all night long (my favorite).
and inflicting it on others.
we're talking about halloween costumes already. and you?
(what date do you actually commit to a costume?)
i have a handful of new goals in mind.
am thinking i need to flex my muscles in discipline.
benj is currently watching a show and doing jumps off the couch.
he just said in his best olympic announcer voice,
mom watch this. this is my final jump.
i need to read a good book. any suggestions?
(i love memoirs or self-help or parenting or cookbooks!)
i played the name game this weekend and contributed the name: lightning mcqueen.
and mr. seth had his first day at church.
his spit up rolled down my ironed shirt immediately upon entering the chapel.
kids are so good for me.
almost like i have a comment box:
insert humility-inducing experience here.
already the middle of september?! no way.
happy autumn leaves to you.


Barb said...

My Life in France by Julia Child. Utterly delightful!

Robyn Devine said...

we actually just grabbed Owen's costume today! He's just over a year old, and last year we waited until about 2 weeks before Halloween thinking there'd still be tons.

we were wrong.

there were two. both size 4T.

i cried. a lot. and we finally found a far-too-big monkey costume for him.

so this year we grabbed one as soon as we saw it. a chicken, for Chica on Sprout (great PBS channel for tots!) and he couldn't be happier!

love to you and your red-haired babe!

lily said...

i LOVE the red hair!!! i am a redhead (we're a dying breed, yea seth!) and have willed my 3 boys to inherit it... no luck yet! adorable yawn photo...

Robbie T said...

Right now I'm reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin and the entire Bible. Congrats on your sweet little family!

Jen Holtkamp said...

cutest picture of your little one! i've been anticipating halloween with a baby for way too long - his costume arrived a few weeks ago :)

marylynn said...

Since you mentioned discipline, check out the book "Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength". It's not boring, I promise! It helped me so much with the "doing things I don't feel like doing" part of motherhood. :)

Miranda said...

Z said she wants to be Cinderella again and her dress still fits! Please pray that she doesn't change her mind...I don't think I'll have time to pull anything else off.

I just finished Velva Jean Learns to Drive and thought it was delightful. I'm a big memoir girl too but you can pretend this is one. :)

I made Nate come over to check that adorable picture of your little man!

Lettie B. said...

I'm making my kids commit to their costume choices now, but I make them, so this momma needs extra time.
I'm on Goodreads so you can see what kinds of books I have enjoyed on there, but if you like memoirs, "The Glass Castle" was quite interesting, as was her next book written about her grandma. Also not really a memoir exactly, but the story of Ernest Hemingway and his first wife, "The Paris Wife," I thought was good.

Jessie said...

i just finished reading "what alice forgot" which was an amazing story about the importance of family. i've heard the happiness project is also really good.

your little boy is so adorable!!

Amanda said...

Love the red hair and love the yawn! And giving Benji a love letter... aww!

I'm planning on reading Michael J. Fox's memoirs this year.

Anonymous said...

He is just too sweet. I love it.

I loved Heaven is Here by Stephanie Nielson. It made me want to be a better mother and wife and homemaker and friend and a better stranger to people I don't know.

Ashley said...

He's adorable. I enjoyed the book The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton.

Lindsey said...

"A Girl Named Zippy" by Haven Kimmel is a hilarious memoir (I've read it at least three times!) and the sequel "She Got Up Off the Couch" is great, too.

Anonymous said...

Dinner: A Love Story is an amazing cookbook and fun to read. Enjoy!

rachel swartley said...

What an absolutely precious picture!

Unknown said...

loved this post mart, i love hearing what your wandering mind thinks! & baby seth is adorable. you guys make the cutest little kids

Josie said...

Dinner a Love Story is a great read ( and cookbook). Its all about the ritual of family dinners. She has kept a diary of every dinner her family has eaten, must read. You can read her blog as well...

Carly said...

such a sweet photo. glad to hear things are going well.

this summer i read pat conroy's "my reading life" and really enjoyed it. i also loved "the fault in our stars" although it isn't a memoir or parenting book, it was the best book i've read in a long time.

allison said...

Memoir: "What Remains" by Carole Radziwill

Self-help: "The Artist's Way" by Julie Cameron

I just started each of these, and can't wait get neck deep.

Anna Kristina said...

Just finished The Night Circus, and it was amazing. And I'm getting ready to read A Field Guide to Now by Christina Rosalie (which I've heard includes bits on parenting).

black tag diaries said...

love that sweet picture... and that red hair! saw that "the happiness project" was already suggested... i'm reading it slowly (like a-chapter-a-month-slowly) and have really enjoyed it. what about "the glass castle"?? have you read that one yet? happy autumn leaves to you too!!

black tag diaries said...

oops... i see that "the glass castle" was already recommended too!

Hannah said...

Am currently in the middle of The Night Circus. Not a memoir, but the writing is beautiful. Its really fabulous.

Red head boys are my favorite ever. Hopefully yours won't be as fiery as mine. ;)

As I was chopping 6 inches off my hair on Saturday, my hair dresser trold me she named her little baby Seth too! I love the name.

Hannah said...

Also, I wanted to second A Girl Named Zippy. It's so funny, I cried. Also thought provoking. And a memoir.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE posts like this. You are a gem, my dear. I have a son named Seth, too. It is such a good, strong name. I am reading Dare Greatly by Brene Brown. She is so good. Thanks for taking time to write. I really enjoying reading your thoughts!

dandee said...

Red hair! Happy fall to you, miss Marta! xo.

Anonymous said...

Love the picture!! Where did you get the polka dot sheet from?

Anonymous said...

Book - Dinner: A Love Story.

Claire said...

Red hair! Red hair! I didn't notice it until this picture! I swear it's popping up everywhere lately. Addie is just about six months old and her fiery hair color is still going strong :)

I haven't read it yet, but Gretchen Rubin just came out with "Happier at Home," a sequel of sorts to her "Happiness Project." I'm dying to get my hands on it; I'm betting you and I would both love it. One book that saw me through the first few months of Addie's life was "What Mothers Do," by Naomi Stadlen. Helps you remember that cuddling your babe for an entire day is a worthwhile pastime, not something to feel guilty about.

Sending love your way!

chelsea said...

Your baby is SO sweet. Red hair??!!!! Awesome.

[eeny] said...

Seth is the cutest and his hair is killing me.

Hey Melissa Mae said...

Memoirs are my favorite. I loved "The Glass Castle". Your newest addition is adorable!

katrina lauren said...

Congratulations on this lovely little boy! He is wonderful...happy for you and your family!

EliseBlaha said...

super fun post. glad things are settling in. you seem so happy and I love that. xoxo.

The VIPs said...

Love your blog and this post was darling. :)

Just read "The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten Boom and it is now on my all time favorites list- great wonderful spritiual biography about her experience working in the underground during WWII.

Then read "Two Part Invention" by Madeline L'Engle (also wrote "A Wrinkle in Time") where she describes her courtship and marriage of forty years with her husband. Wonderful. Insightful. Helped me treat my spouse better.

Currently in the middle of "Garlic and Sapphires" the biography of Ruth Reichl, the former restaurant critic for the New York Times. A great read with hilarious stories of her dressing up in costume to revue restaurants and such lovely writing about food! I'm loving it so far.

matushka constantina said...

I don't know if it is something that would interest you but I wrote a type of memoir called The Scent of Holiness about my experiences visiting women's monasteries in Greece. It is coming out in a few weeks, and is available for pre-order now. This would give you an idea of the book: http://lessonsfromamonastery.wordpress.com/the-scent-of-holiness/

Anyway, I just want to say that I am so happy that you have a third boy in your life! He is the sweetest! His big brother must love him to pieces, as his parents do I'm sure.

Moments and Impressions said...

our new little man is a red head too... but going bald so we will see.

I haven't been able to read a lot lately, but the "Guernsey Potato Peel Society" and "Calm My Anxious Heart" were books I read lately and loved.

Audrey said...

I think food critics always have the most interesting memoirs ~ I just finished Garlic and Sapphires by Ruth Reichl and LOVED IT.

Heidi said...

The Night Circus, Min. It's random and awesome and weird and gripping and so good. I love that so many people have suggested it. As a writer - you'll totally appreciate every sentence. It's beautiful, written by a young lady, her first book...
Read so we can discuss. Loved it.
Don't have it to lend though, sos.

Your Southern Peach said...

Hi Marta,

I visited your blog a few years ago when I first began blogging and now found you again via Oh Happy Day! Adding you to my reader now...Don't think I even had a reader back then :) Congrats on your new little guy. I have a red head too and he is quite spectacular. Now at 2, he gets a lot of attention for his hair and loves every bit of it.

tessa said...

oh my, that sweet tiny face, you must be so in love.
the red hair, love it, my son had that but it soon turned to blonde..and as for books: Operating Instructions (a book on motherhood) by Anne Lamott ,such a gem - perfect book for where you are. or The Blue Jays Dance . Enjoy :)

kira lee said...

he is beautiful.

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