recently / christmas 2012
christmas, christmas time is here. can we even believe it? the countdown is almost done! i hope you and yours are enjoying a cozy, warm christmas season. this month we've crunched in a lot of christmas-ing. we've enjoyed creating christmas traditions within our home. we got a stubby little tree from home depot! benji's pick. i fed seth while dan and benj decorated. the girls got in on the annual cousins candlelight party and we took our boys to the christmas lights on temple square. i have done a lot of secret christmas shopping with seth in tow. we've been addressing envelopes and drinking my favorite fancy hot chocolate (the ticket kitchen shop!). we've hung out with santa. present wrapping and singing carols (loud, for all to hear). we attended benji's first preschool nativity program (he was the innkeeper)! had a little dinner party (a good excuse for using christmas dishes!) and served cheesy pull-apart breadsticks. a trip to anthropologie makes the season bright. among other dishes, i cooked my first real turkey! dan was so excited, i put it in the fridge with a gift tag on it saying, to dan, love your wifey. the fridge is stocked with ham and homemade cranberry sauce, and gravy! my first gravy! and a pot of turkey noodle soup with homemade noodles. (come visit. we have food. ha!) we've had game night (yay quirkle) with friends and eaten rice pudding (i look forward to it all year long). oohing and ahhing over pretty christmas cards. i even glittered snowflakes with my nieces and later, bundled up for a family date night to park city (a cozy bookstore, some window shopping and pizza too).
a four year old makes christmastime magic and his little brother is getting his first tooth!! he is the happiest baby i know; smiling at everyone and drooling like crazy. we are still looking forward to: chinese take-out on christmas eve. candy gingerbread houses. the christmas story from the bible. remembering Christ and His gift of life eternal. reading favorite stories under a new christmasy quilt (thank you abby and whit)! delivering cookie dough neighbor gifts. more christmas movies. stuffing four stockings! santa claus surprises. and a family reunion to boot (with my entire family. hooray).
hope you have a very merry christmas. xo.
Merry Merry Christmas to you!
Merry christmas Marta! I could gobble up your baby and Benji! Looks like you have had a magical chstmas season!
I like your Christmas Wreath! :) Merry Christmas!!
merry christmas! :)
Awww, sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate the Christmas season. And I really love the wreath to display Christmas cards and pictures, too. What a sweet idea! Hope your holiday was lovely.
Marta what a beautifull boy!! Merry Christmas and happy new year!!!
Fer from Buenos Aires
I love all your fun pictures. You got so much done! Glad you love the quilt.
four stockings! how wonderful.
I l-o-v-e what you did with the turkey! ha. I am so going to remember that. and gravy to boot! what a perfect christmassy season.
Thanks for the shout out!! You make us feel so cool over here at ticket.
This post gave me warm fuzzy feelings :) And the photo of Seth snuggled in the quilt is adorable!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Marta!
Merry (belated) Christmas and Happy New Year! Always thankful for catching up with your life via your posts. We are both immeasurably blessed. Here's to many more celebrations and holidays!
Happy New Year Marta! I love all your candid shots from Christmas. Wishing you the best!
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