28 May 2013

what's on your summer bucket list?

dreaming up a few ideas for our own summer bucket list. check out this list inspiration!!

oversized and bright hues make this list an art piece! / by talented & crafty emily

 chalk it up & cheerful chairs! / meg duerkson
i love checking boxes off / free printable by whimsey box

100 great summer ideas / pinterest link / and even more ideas right here


Jess Cole said...

Love summer to do lists!
I love those lists, they look bright and awesome!
Good luck creating yours.

Jamie said...

I've always thought Bucket Lists are just for families with kids - but this year has me thinking they can apply to singles as well. Time to start thinking.

alicia said...

Thanks for sharing our printable. I just love the promise of summer :)

Marie Tere said...

I love summer lists. This will be our third year of creating one. We were inspired by Meg (your second link from Pinterest) -- http://megduerksen.typepad.com/whatever/2011/06/the-summer-list.html

P.S. I made your carmelitas the other day, a true hit. Thanks!

sweet and lovely crafts said...

I'm finding lots of new ideas to add to out bucket list from last year! http://sweetandlovelycrafts.blogspot.ca/2012/04/summer-fun-printable.html

Amanda said...

This summer is going to be a fun/blurry one because I'll only be home in Canada for 6-7 weeks before I come back to Beijing for another year of teaching! I've been contemplating making a Summer Bucket List and this feels like a sign that I really should!

lesa said...

You have inspired me to write my bucket list down. I always just keep it in my head and it never happens!

Annette | Bucket List Journey said...

Thanks for all the Summer Bucket List ideas!

Abby said...

Love these lists - on my bucket list #1 is to have Marta make me carmelitas... you in?

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