this just in...

so i found out about this talented betty from ali. well, i suppose ali put a name (abby) to the face. i had previously gushed over her works (surely, before anyone else) at Jane's (which features the full line of kate spade stationery) in sun valley & downtown Tabula Rasa, my favorite local stationers. and now, another pop up, over at hoping for.. - kelly has blogged an interview with abby. lo and behold, abby went to the beloved byu. her designs are quite clever/beautiful/quirky & fun. i am happy she has quite a following. but i hope she realizes i was an original fan - does this mean i am captain of her fan club? hmm. i'll have to get on that.
{more important than my pride, is that fact that she too lived in provo. it's like a kindred spirits thing when you find out someone resided in provo for a period of their life. it could possibly replace the kevin bacon game. the walls come down and you realize that this successful/intelligent/talented lady and you could perhaps be best of friends or at least fill the time reminiscing about the richest chocolate milk in the whole world - found at the byu creamery.}
you wonder if she still talks about the katsu-don at Demae.
i guess i could just ask her. say, at the first fan club meeting.
maybe it could just be an intimate luncheon. ali you can come too.
i guess i could just ask her. say, at the first fan club meeting.
maybe it could just be an intimate luncheon. ali you can come too.
Mart -
I did some quick research on wikipedia regarding Kate Spade. Although I've never seen Kate Spade stationary, I now know that she, along with her husband Andy Spade (the brother of "Tommy Boy" co-star David Spade) have a men's line called Jack Spade (which, incidentially, is a ficticious name). I officially think that I am the FIRST (besides the good folks at wikipedia) to know these very important facts.
Count me in, Mart. I think Abby is nice.
I wanna be part of the luncheonette too. I'm not artsy or creative, but I seriously love my Kate Spade calendar.
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