easter basket goodies
i landed on this darling spoon sisters website and plucked a whole bunch of ideas for an imaginary easter basket. the spoon sisters have stocked their site full of unique prizes for just about anybunny. take a lookie.
paint your own nesting dolls. i have a feeling my nieces would love this.
a little bird told me, there is too much pepper on my poppycosh.

super cute carrot placeholders.
geography can be so much fun. i think i need this pillow puzzle.

this is too funny. i don't know a guy who wouldn't get a kick outta this.
mmm. tangerine is an excellent flavor. i used to make jelly belly daiquiris at work on the light table in the art director's office. and sometimes when i'd put really sick flavor combos together, i called them suicides.
this kid friendly caboodle is completely cute. i love the whole series of these books.
classic card games are perfect for the young and the old.
top o' the muffin to you. meaning you don't have to donate the stumps to the homeless anymore.
Fun things! I love the paint your own nesting dolls! What a great idea! Especially since it's color in the lines. :)
That muffin top baking sheet is heaps cool. Never knew they made those.
I love Easter baskets. I still have the same one my mum gave me every year. It still gets filled up even though I'm all "growed" up now. Although, this year it's packed away. Awww......I'm going to miss it.
I love the Seinfeld reference! And I am totally amazed that they even have a muffin tin like this! Thanks for the great ideas.
PS - Thanks for your sweet birthday message!
I want the easter bunny to bring me those nesting dolls...Much tooooo CUTE!!!!!
I got one of those series of books called 'mommy's purse' for my goddaughter a few years ago and it's still her favorite 'toy'!! Now you can start your own muffin-top making company and not have to worry about the bottoms!!
amazon.com sells "raw" nesting dolls--not outlines or anything. Just think of the possibilities for someone talented as yourself! Also love the map pillos and the old fashioned playing cards. We gave a similar collection to siblings families for Christmas one year.
Hi from Cesky Krumlov in Czech Republic. This is a miniature Prague, like Rothenburg. See you soon. Oma
Wow! Love it ALL! How cool are those muffin top pans?!
Muffin top pan = fabulous! I want to get one for everyone I know. So rockin'
Where do you get those the mommy tote books from? That is super cute!
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