top twenty reasons to go on a trip with your sistas
20. there is no talking to complete strangers on the plane or reading InStyle or taking a breath; it is pure sister catch-up conversation. there will be no sleeping on the plane either. or on the entire trip; so get used to it. like they say, if you snooze you lose out on seriously good girl talk.
19. when you arrive and Delta loses your sister's luggage, you will totally have her back and claim to be the fighting luggage ninja. you'll be a bull in the baggage claim. and then you'll share your socks and deo with her when her bag doesn't arrive in the guaranteed 24 hours, 36 hours or 48 hours. your mama will cheer her up and tell her it's a sign that she needs a whole new wardrobe. more reason to spend in nyc; right?!
18. you'll reunite over a polka dot dinner party and laugh your head off at the chorus line preview production put on by the hostess with the mostest.
17. you'll all say you'll wake up at the crack of dawn. but you won't. you'll be told you take really long showers. and that you way over-packed. and that you desperately need some new cute maternity clothes; you'll be told to embrace the panel. you'll be shocked at all the horror stories of birthing a babe into the world. you'll be told all of the bads and then your sistas will attempt to claim there are some goods. (and the only way you believe them is because they can't stop talking about their li'l ones the whole time.) if sisters can't tell you the truth, who can?
16. you'll laugh and chat and remember funny memories and remember how you just click back into the old ways of your youth. you'll swap your olds for something new. one sister's trash is another's new gem. am loving my new eyeshadow.
15. you will run to catch the plane, the train, the cab, the train and then the plane. but you'll be doing it together; so it'll be a whole lot more dramatic and hilarious.
14. you'll arrive in nyc with smiles on your faces. up for anything; you strut your stuff with your beauties by your sides. shopping excursions on the horizon. and h&m is all the more merrier with your sister in the next dressing room; urging you to get this and that and then some more. because heck h&m mama has your name written all over it. you'll have someone to ask, okay so how much bigger am i gonna get? and they'll tell you; you're only half way there, hon. like they say buy the clothes and embrace maternity.
13. you'll have someone (yours truly) to tempt you to snack on devilish desserts all over town and everyone must have a fork in hand. you'll constantly be telling them, well someone on my blog told me this place was amazing... over and over again.
12. you'll have someone to save your spot and shove your shopping bags under the seat for you. and someone to pass the junior mints to during the show. you'll have someone to whisper to and know you both were thinking the exact same thing. you'll have someone to celebrate with when a broadway star actually speaks to you.
11. you won't mind smushing into cabs together and telling the taxi driver the address to your hotel and then you'll whisper; that's the right address, right?! and then she'll laugh at you and realize you haven't changed one bit since you were twelve. (i'm somewhat of a miss-know-it-all even when i don't-know-it-all.)
10. you'll have someone to do a fashion show for, to notice your green eyeliner and go on and on about all the endearing things about them. and someone to talk you out of silly purchases. and someone to talk you into going into another h&m. and someone to discuss which salt and pepper shaker set you should buy and why this colorful polka dot table runner is better than all the rest. and someone to share a plateful of to-die-for sweet potato fries with maple dipping sauce. and someone else to memorize the taste so we can recreate the recipe at home.
09. there will be a plethora of estrogen and happiness and empty wallets and full bellies and discussions of motherhood and hollywood gossip and why we so need to do this again. because sistas, there really wasn't enough time to do all the fabulous things that my bloggies told me to do.
08. when one sista buys a cheap blue pashmina, all must chime in and decide they want one too. when one sista can't find a mirror in the store but wonders what the sweatshirt looks like on her; the other will pull it on and say, it looks like this. and you'll buy everything your sister is getting because she looks so darn cute in everything. and you'll laugh your head off when you're holding way too many things in the store because you no longer know what size you are so you must get one in every size and can no longer reach the rack of clothes because of the crazy amount you have in your arms to try on already. your back aches and your feet hurt; but you musn't stop. you must keep shopping. you're in new york city for heaven's sakes.
07. you'll have someone to share a new york cupcake with. and a good reason why you need to get every flavor; so there is enough to go around. when one of you finds a good book; you'll all want a copy too. this goes for a snapping a good snapshot too.
06. because your sistas are your favorite company. when they are happy, you are too. and we all talk about how rad our husbands are. and we all agree we are soo lucky. and even though j. lo's nursery is amazing and she looks amazing and her twin babies are beautiful, we wouldn't rather be her. we tell each other how life is soo good, as is.
05. your sistas will believe you when you tell them all about the hidden gem of a burger joint that is supposedly the best burger in north america. you tell them you've read all the magazine reviews and they follow you there with hungry anticipation. once we see the long line to get in; they don't even mind waiting. so much for a hidden gem. i guess everyone has read the reviews too. but it was one heckuva good burger; right ladies?!
04. your sistas will tell you why it is important to eat fiber, why it is so much fun to raise a boy, which protein bars are best, why it's essential to give your baby a schedule and all their mothering secrets. they will share their favorite book lists and tell you which blogs are their faves and they will always leave the last bite for the pregnant sista. (they will all be in the midst of getting their hot bods back while i'm letting mine go, for the time being.)
03. you'll all sing the same tunes, walk the same strides, eat the same treats, laugh at the same things, carry each other's luggage, and love the same shops. you are one in the same.
02. because you'll be able to talk about this trip for a lifetime. and the stories of lost luggage, crazy cab drivers, cancelled credit cards, mammothly gigantic carnegie deli sandwiches, the cute cupcake cafe and bookshop, the caramel topped cheesecake, almost missing our flights of fury, and the size of the heap of clothes in our dressing rooms will only get bigger and better every time we tell the tales.
01. sharing a bite of the big apple with someone/sistas you love is unbelievably fun.
What a touching little write-up. Thank you for sharing all your fun times in New York. Makes me want to take a trip with my own sister! xo
so sweet and touching.
sounds like they are a lucky to have you as you are them:)
Your sisters sound like soo much fun! I'm so glad you had a wonderful time!
So glad you had a fantastic trip Marta. This makes me want to go back all the more.
I just forwarded this to my sister - I feel so lucky to have her right down the block! She just went back to work today after her maternity leave, so I left a "ps" on my own blog to let her know I was thinking about her. The post was about feeling pretty, but also about what's really beautiful too (her little one and her relationship with him). Not sure if that made much sense, but then again, sister speak doesn't always have to! Jen
Oh! what a lovely trip!!!
I wish we could do this one day!
Thanks for sharing
I wish I had a sister. Thanks for the great review!
It was all you said and more. No one could have penned it more perfectly than you, little Miss M. Thanks for letting an in-law tag along and pretend she was a sista. It was a weekend I'll never forget, and one I wish wasn't over.
I agree with all of your reasons, sisters are the best company in the world! I am so glad that you guys had a great time and had fun exploring the city and having quality "girl" time. Welcome home!
H&M--happy memories & missing you!
sounds like alot of fun...
you are such a convincing writer. yep. your words paint pictures. lovely ones. and i am forwarding this to my sista right now.
I am not your sister, but if I was I would say, Buy a Bella Band (youw will thank me) and use the Baby Whisperer book like a Bible (You will thank me for that too-it is the happiest medium)
So glad you had fun, I'm jealous, {but excited since I'm going back in July-so send more suggestions my way!}. Hope you loved your Magnolia's cupcake. The photos are making my mouth water.
Hi! wow, what a great review! I'm going to NY next week with my daughter (spring break and to check out NYU)...where did you have the cupcakes and the yummy sweet potato fries? and looks like H&M needs to be a destination for us, too! thanks!
oh goodness - i have fallen in love with you all over again! ;) this is the type of relationship i want for my 3 girls - LOVE that you are still so very close!
I love your writing and am so envious of your sista trip to NYC... thanks for sharing!
your trip sounds heavenly! i'm a little envious of you and your wonderful "sistas". glad you had so much fun!
This was such a sweet way to recap your trip. Sisters are the best!
How beautiful! This post gave me that lump in my throat that fights back tears because I can totally relate.
I am lucky enough to have a wonderful sister of my own and I just so happen to be flying out to see her this evening.
She just moved to Chicago 4 weeks ago and I'm going to visit her for 5 days. I've never been to Chicago and she's only a 4 week resident, so the experience will be truly great.
I am very excited!
Cheers to sisters!!!!! :)
Oh! I think it's time my sisters and I take a trip now.
I wish I had sisters! I always knew I was missing out, but this confirms it. I'm glad you had such an amazing trip. Your recap did not disappoint!
We have to do this every year. I've decided home is just a place to pack for trips. I'm in travel withdrawal. I loved your recap!!
right about now, i'm seriously wishing i had a couple of sisters. sounds like so much fun.
sounds like an unbelievable trip and unbelievable sistas. well i guess believable because i have 4 plus 3 plus 5 of my own. sisters are the greatest.
Tears are flowing, Min... too much fun! H&M with you is a riot! Traveling is so great, but the memories are even better - they last forever. We've got a great sista group.
Thanks for sharing in your wonderful trip. Didn't you know that DELTA stands for Don't Exepct Luggage To Arrive
Traveling with sisters is the best! It reminds me that I should plan a sisters getaway soon.
Hi there! I am a friend of Christie's... I loved this post! Thanks for sharing your recap... I have 4 girls and can't to do trips like this one day. You really are a wonderful writer (love the poem written before Conference!)
BTW-we share the same nickname, I just noticed!
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