01 August 2008

Weekend Giveaway: Earmark

hooray, hooray. there is much celebration going on in our house (well not really in our house, since we are currently bunking with family) but still, celebrations are going on left and right. dan is done with the Bar Exam and we're finally back together again. the babe has safely landed into his 36th week and now that the exam is over we're officially 'prepared' for his arrival (like that is ever really possible). plus it's the weekend and a sunny one at that. therefore, i'm mixing it up and throwing in an EXTRA m.writes giveaway, just for the weekend! (if you're like me and like to double dip, you still have some time to sign up for giveaway no. 04 if you're interested.)

Giveaway No. 05

Earmark is another adorable online shop that features incredibly pretty paperie. bridgette has fabulous style and fun designs in every window. i imagine her studio is packed with lovely eye candy and gorgeous paper! their whimsical garlands, cute pencils, and vintage quote cards pull me in.

Earmark is offering three lucky m.writes readers a chance to win the clever Better Together Collection which includes 4 note cards, each printed with a sweet simple illustration to send (with love) to your nearest and dearest. remind them that you & she/he are truly better together.

this one is a special weekend quickie. please leave a comment on this post to enter to win. three random winners will be announced on monday, august 4th.


jeanine said...

Those cards are just too cute! I love them--and I'd LOVE to win!

Karen said...

Me and those cards are better together.
Congratulations to Dan that is a big accomplishment!

Kelly said...

these are adorable. i'd be hard pressed to decide who to send each one to!


rebecca said...

oh these are just too cute! thanks for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

adorable! id love to get the cards. congrats to dan on the bar and to you for enduring the bar studying process!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your family being back together. I'm sure you are "better * together"!

Sara Christine said...

Adorable cards! My sweetie would love to receive these. :) Happy weekend!

Megan said...

PB and Jelly...better together! Such cute cards! Happy baby waiting.

Laura said...

these cards are incredibly adorable!
they remind me of the jack johnson song, which coincidentally reminds me of the first road trip my then-boyfriend, now-fiance ever took together!

Abbie said...

I love these cards. I was thinking about getting one to give to my FH on our wedding day! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I don't think my comment caught the first time.
So cute!
Congrats/good luck to Dan.
I am not putting my email address in here, but I guess you can contact me via your blog if I win?

leesh said...

who could resist better together!

thanks for bloggin

Elisabeth said...

These are so cute! :)

Deirdre said...

Jack Johnson's "Better Together" is our song:-)

Love these illustrations. Thanks!

Sam said...

Adorable- that really sums them up!


Carly said...

yeah for hitting the 36 week mark! can't have chocolate chip cookies without a cold glass of milk. love the simple + sweet cards.

becca said...

congrats on the 36th week mark! love these adorable note cards! :)

Alyssa said...

Too cute!

Anonymous said...

so cute. love the cards.

Karie said...

Darling! I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Angela said...

cute and clever.. would love these!

Anonymous said...

I love the cookies and milk one! What a great give-away. Have a great weekend.

Allie said...

ridiculously cute.
thanks for doing the giveaway!

Mona said...

The card are so lovely, I really like the one with cookies and milk, I am glad I decided to visit your blog today because I would not have known about the giveaway......Rest up for the arrival when I had my son I was tired from doing some cleaning that I was told not to do! I just got tired of not doing anything and waiting everything turned out okay I just wish I wasn't so lethargic from the labor. It may have been nicer to be as alert as my baby was :)

AbbaDabba Bags said...

I love Earmark's shop! What great cards, I hope I win!


ellen said...

I love notecards!

Melanie said...

Oh! I love them! Maybe something this pretty would finally motivate me to catch up on my long overdue correspondence.

Anonymous said...

gorge-oso!!!! i love these!!!!

sweetfunkyvintage said...

So cute!

mary plus vince said...

oh me oh my!! that has to be the cutest stinkin' card ever, so my style! love it!

lovin' your giveaways!

Anonymous said...

sweet enough to make me reconsider my recent breakup...


Heather said...

well that is just the cutest. pretty sure i need them!

Amanda said...

this would be cute to tuck into a husbands brief case!

Anonymous said...

these cards are definitely so cute...Thanks for all these giveaways, and all your cheering posts!

Krista said...

so cute!..i like amanda's idea of tucking them into her husbands briefcase...or for me, lunch sack.

Anonymous said...

i'd like a set!

Samosas for One said...

Congrats to Dan on surviving the bar!

Pick me, pick me for the cards! :)

Anonymous said...

cute cute cute.

love the onesie from the previous post as well. check out the dwell collection at target... I just picked up a similar-looking onesie, on sale!

sarah marie. said...

ok i have to try for this one those cards are way too cute!

Kerry said...

I am a sucker for anything featuring butter. Or cookies.

ME! Pick ME!

Thanks, Marta.

JJ said...

What great thoughts on those cards, they are fresh and fun!

Just Us said...

I love toast, so I hope I win!

all over the map said...

these are soo cute!
makes me want to make a batch of choc-chippers and have a tall glass of milk.

Meaghan said...


ryne and danielle cardon said...

such cute cards!

jen byard said...

so glad you're feeling prepared for baby to come! 36 weeks is a good place to be...
would love to send these cards to friends!

Andrea said...

Oh I just love these!

Miss Five said...

these cards are too adorable to be allowed. Hooray for a weekend giveaway!

Sarah S said...

these are darling!! thanks for the giveaway.

Cate Williams said...

oh my CUTE .... i love these!

christine said...

Very very adorable as always.

Anonymous said...

Those are so cute...
I want!

Anonymous said...

I love giveaways! I never win but you have to keep trying, right? These are so cute!

Amander said...

Just perfect. Love your giveaways.

pixelimpress said...

found your blog via other blogs. love it! love the giveaways!

Anonymous said...

Love these! So simple and sweet!

michelle said...

Perfection! And congratulations to the two of you.

Cat said...

I know a few people who would better if they got these from me.
Thanks in advance!

Zane + Nichole said...

-sigh- my missionary and i are better together...

oh well, what's 21 more months? :)

Alexandra said...

sooo cute!!!

tina said...

Congratulations to YOU for surviving the bar! :)

Super Cute cards! I'd love them. :)

Cheryl said...

so cute

Nenuny's Spot said...

Whta a great idea! Your collection is simple and creative. I would love to win a set ^_^

~Nenunys@gmail.com OR Nenunys.blogspot.com

{natalie} said...

oh i would give one to my husband. perfect for us. 7 years married today.

~j. said...

comment. post. win. WIN!

Lizzie said...

Love these cards, love blog contests, love your blog. My Grandmother passed on her love of giving beautiful cards to me. I'm a young married wife from SLC, living in NYC (well just moved 40 mins to CT) and enjoy your blog/contests/insights very much.

- jtandlizziedavis.blogspot.com

Diana Hulme said...

So adorable. Crossing my fingers. :)

layersofmeaning said...

cute cute cute!

Claire said...

oooh, i LOVE these.
pick me!!

JJB said...

how sweet. pick me. pick me.

anne said...

Love these cards! Hope to win - fingers crossed!

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