10 June 2009

zack morris returns

pretty much the raddest segment ever. my sister emailed it to me. she knows first-hand how many hours i spent watching reruns of saved by the bell. i would totally win a bayside high themed monopoly tournament. scary, but true.


Amy said...

I'm on perma-grin for the rest of the day! Are they kidding or is there really going to be a reunion? Saved By the Bell = The Good Ol' Days!

Tiffany said...

Though I would rarely admit it in public, I LOVED Saved by the Bell. Loved it.

That Screech really cracked me up.

Hil said...

Oh man, I saw this yesterday and LOVED it! Some crushes just never go away I suppose.

Jennifer said...

That is amazing! We will definitely be watching to see if he gets the whole gang back together! Reunion! Reunion! If only they DID make a Bayside High tournament. How much fun would THAT be to design?!

Lisa said...

Oh man, my sis-in-law showed me this and I nearly cried. How in the world has he not aged? Zack Morris, you amaze me. Please share your skin care secrets with us.

::Sylvia:: said...

Oh my goodness!!!! I am laughing so hard! He hasn't changed a bit! I soooo loved Saved by the Bell too! :)

Meg said...

Oh wow - that just made my day. I will definitley be watching that reunion!

Amy said...

a friend also sent this to me and had me in hysterics!!

caitlin said...

My husband and I watched it last night and laughed our guts out! Seriously classic television.

That Tall Girl said...


anna jo said...

oh my goodness, pete fwd'd me the link after you sent it to him. love love LOVED it! {but of course I would, since we're tv twins and all} anyway, I about died laughing. thank you for sharing the joy with us.

can't wait for the sbtb reunion! zack attack!

Anonymous said...

love LOVE it! i might have to pass this along. Thanks for posting!

Anonymous said...

This was too funny-I'm still astonished how much he can still resemble Zack after all these years-and he's managed to find an actual pair of those infamous acid wash jeans!

Tori said...

Saw this and loved it! I personally can't wait for the reunion!

ALFIE said...

proud owner of seasons 1-3!!

love love love this :)

Anonymous said...

Hee, I sent this to my sister a couple of days ago! I guess it's just the kind of thing you pass on to the person you used to watch with. She called me when she got it and was all, "Two words: Stacey Carosi."

summer said...

yes, yes, yes! zach lives again.
the camp shetek summer staff just crowded around the computer to watch this with me. it was the best. thanks for sharing, marta!

{amy k.} said...

Oh yes- I had a major zach crush! Saved By the Bell is a classic in my opinion!

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