07 September 2009

shop update + winners

hope you've had a lovely Labor Day.

this weekend was full of good things. for now, i'll divulge my delights in paper. i happily went on a region-wide paper hunt and found an adorable array of paperie. not to mention an amazing cupcake place. anyway, i scooped up an armful (paper that is, i had just one cupcake) and brought them home with me.

it's tradition to bring purchases home and spread them out like diamonds. i love seeing all the designs together. i thought they needed to start mingling quick, they looked so good together. i punched a few into rounds for gift tags. i then decided they would make a pretty garland for a small space instead, so i strung them together like best friends forever. of course, if i had a grand hallway i would make dozens of them to droop delightfully into criss crossed swags to swing in a warm welcome. ta da.

and since you were oh so kind to comment the day of my big blog anniversary, i randomly picked (or rather, dan randomly picked) numbers for a giveaway. and the 3 winners are melancholysmile, linn and tawnya. you'll each receive a pretty garland + ribbon (if you prefer, you can use them as gift tags). congrats! please email me your shipping address marta[at]martacards.com.

p.s. new halloween things + downloads have been stocked in the mini mart.

p.p.s. hope you like this collection of papers, they will showcase as the covers for my next batch of mini diaries set to come out next month.


Janssen said...

I love that garland! How fun!

Becca Groves said...

I'm new to your blog and LOVE what you do and what you create. It all points to one beautiful life. Thanks for living it fully! I love the garland and will be excited to see the journals that come from that paper...

Lin said...

Ah! That's me! Thanks so much. I'm so VERY chuffed. Emailing you now.

Donna said...

Love all the papers in that garland...really beautiful together!

Travelin'Oma said...

Cute new stuff in the mini mart. The tutorials are a great idea!

Mikaela said...

I love pretty paper and garlands!
If you're ever in Rexburg there's a really good little cupcake shop called the Cocoa Bean Cupcake Cafe.

summer said...

'spread them out like diamonds'- so true. that's one of my favorite parts of a shopping trip.
your garland is lovely! the ribbons make it look so polished. and those colors are so perfect for september, too.

ps. oh cupcakes. someday i will get to sprinkles cupcakes. someday.

Ashley said...

Beautiful garland! I love that paper selection!

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