08 December 2009

giveaway: little brown pen calendar

today's calendar is oh so unique and pretty. from little brown pen.
unless you've seen it around blogtown, you've never seen anything like it.
giving :: one perpetual paris calendar :: assembled collage is 3ft x 3ft
please comment today to enter to win.
tell me a gift you are giving this season.

thank you to nichole + evan + their company little brown pen
{you won't want to miss the clip of their calendar creation}

oh my goodness, oh my goodness. this could be my all-time favorite commented post. thank you! such a roster of good gift ideas. i hope you take time to read everyone's comments; paper white bulbs, handmade scarves, baby kimonos, favorite books, framed artwork, peppermint playdough, pedicures and more.

congratulations to the winner! sara says, One gift I'm giving are tickets to the Children's Theatre with my nieces. We're seeing Cinderella. Such fun! sara, please email me your shipping information. happy calendar-ing.


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silk said...
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charlotte said...

i am giving my time to my very over extended sister and mother the gift of organizing their kitchens-cabinets,refrigerator etc..throwing out the old and filling both with healthy whole foods!

Emily said...

A pretty digital frame for my mother in law. Much healthier than printing 4.7 trillion pictures of her new grandson!

Anonymous said...

Oooo...I'd love to win--I'm a French teacher!

A gift I'm giving this season...some presents that I bought while in Costa Rica this summer.

Mickelmonkey Mama said...

I'm giving the Pioneer Woman's Cookbook to many people!

Susan said...

I am giving lots of photo-memory items...scrapbooks, mini albums, sets of photo cards, and photo shoots!

this calendar is amazing...thanks for the chance!

katrina lauren said...

i am sewing wheat bags for my gift this season...many on my list will get a little wheat bag to warm them through the cold winter months!

J, K, L, and D said...

What a beautiful calendar! You find the most gorgeous things.

I am giving my mom-in-law a homemade calendar of her grandsons. She doesn't get to see them often, so I'm hoping she'll love it. (And fingers crossed she doesn't venture into blog-land too often...)


brandy said...

I am giving my mom the Project Life kit by Becky Higgins. She's going to be so excited!

ashley maureen said...

i've had my eye on this for awhile! i'm giving dominoes and an awesome coloring book to my 7 year-old cousin!

lindsey said...

Ooo another great giveaway!

I'm making a custom tote for my Mum this year. I hope it turns out well :)

whit said...

I love it..so unique!!!! One of the gifts I'm giving away is giving my parents and in laws a 25 days of Christmas. Got them a big stocking and 25 presents that are related to tradition and things about Christmas. They get to open one present every day until Christmas!!!!

Kellie said...

Beautiful! We are giving donations to charities of their choice for two sets of our parents. They are the 'have everything' types, and they love when we do this.

Anonymous said...

Handmade silhouettes of grandchildren to my parents. katie_ruder(at)yahoo(dot)com

Cambria said...

Love the calendar! I am giving a "Beyou.Bewarm" Scarf from Acacia to my aunt! So soft, stylish, and practical! :)

Sam said...

Oh, I like to give lots of books, journals and of course hand knit socks! Everyone will be warm and well read.

Unknown said...

I love this calendar!

I am making pin cushions for the sewing lovers in my family & crayon rolls for the kids.

lizzy said...

the calendar is lovely.
i'm giving hand-knitted scarves & prettily wrapped boxes of cookies & cinnamon rolls.

Krista said...

choc. caramel pretzels is my neighbor friend gift this year...so fun to make too!

Mary said...

i'm giving my 13-year-old brother various plain t-shirts and iron-on paper. his new hobby is designing logos, and it is the perfect outlet for him to show his skills!

Rae said...

Wow!! I haven't seen this before. I am in love!! One of the gifts I am giving is a 6 month supply of Pepsi to my dad. Kind of practical but he'll love it!!

Monika Wright | I Love It All said...

a 12/365 gift to my husband...one date every month of the year. i've printed out some cute images on photo paper and will attach a coupon to the back for a date idea for that month, add a blank page for me to record our thoughts and mementos. i'll use my bind-it-all to give it an "official" feel and will have a nice little book to remember our dates. this idea came about because i tried doing this last year and we've only had 2 dates. so this year, i've already asked mom and mil to mark down our date nights so it's "set in stone." another idea i might do instead is to use a cute calendar like the downloadable ones from little brown pen and then circle the date of the month and go from there.

Amber said...

This calendar is awesome. I'm giving one of those new mat charging stations to my folks. It charges up to 3 devices at a time with no cords! The perfect gift for those people who already have everything.

Anonymous said...

It is so unique and beautiful.


Anonymous said...

I am giving puzzles and books to all our nephews!
Great giveaway! The calendar looks so neat!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

i actually have not finalized the gifts i am giving, but i am hoping to gift everyone with a photograph.

Anonymous said...

I'm giving my step-sister a framed black and white photo of her with her three year old son on the merry go round taken this summer. :)

Cass said...

oh, this one's fabulous!

i already gave such a fun gift .... some hard to get Canadian chocolate bars to an ex-pat living in the States ... she was so surprised and happy!

Molly said...

I am giving each of the girls in my family a handstamped necklace made from little ole me :) Happy Tuesday!!
~Molly P

Anonymous said...

wow, i love all things paris!! i'm giving my mother-in-law an electric can opener.. this is what she asked for!!

ellen said...

I could find a place for that calendar! It's very cool!

Melissa S. said...

I am giving my husband Ken Burn's National Parks: America's Greatest Idea DVDs. (P.S. The calendar is amazing.)

maryirene said...

I'm sewing a couple library book bags for my friend's little girls. I'm so excited. One is black with a bright pink star. The other one with a pretty blue star. I love Christmas time. It brings out my creativity and helps me be brave for the people I love.

lkalder said...

I am giving my 2 year old his first shiny red tricycle.

Great calendar, I'd love to win it! Thanks!

Stacey said...

I broke down and got my husband the (stylish) recliner of his dreams. It took me a while to find one that didn't look like one! Now I will give him a king-size soft blanket he has been wanting for his larger frame and a great gardening book he has wanted so he can enjoy them all together!

Unknown said...

To ensure that my friends will have nice treats cooked for me when I visit - they are getting Rachel Allen's new cookbook. (Santa is also leave me one under the tree).

Sarah said...

me and my sis were ordering a necklace for my other sis last week. the motive we choosed has to do something with her music. and she will love it. i know it.

e.louise {Liz} said...

It's so cute! I love how it functions as a calender and art work!
I'm giving my FMIL a book on tea (she loves tea!). I'm still brainstorming for everyone else though.

stephanie from texas said...

this year my theme is "a few of my favorite things" so....

*Barefoot in Paris cookbook
*almond and honey soap
*lovely scarves
*julie & julia dvd
*jack johnson cd

AmandaB. said...

I'm giving my BIL a wii fit. He is a busy medical student and with the winter weather coming in, he needs a way to unwind in his apartment.

Kristin said...

I'm giving my girls digital cameras!

RW said...

I am giving wrist warmers and books.

Jamie said...

I'm giving a handmade necklace to my sister.

Jenni said...

Im giving my nephew a collection of Dr. Suess! I can't wait to listen to my brother-in-law try to read him Fox in Socks!

{natalie} said...

ooh i love this giveaway!

i am giving my two kids each an easel. they are going to love them.

Stephanie said...

I'm sewing hobo/sling bags for the ladies in the family. They are turning out quite nice if I do say so myself!

lovely be said...

Ooohhh.. I love this calendar! It has been marked as a "favourite" in my etsy account for awhile now :)

I love giving handmade gifts and this year one of my favorite etsy finds are the "censored" necklaces
found in this shop: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=36166670

lacey said...

love the 3x3!!!
i am so excited to give my sis.in.law a silohuette of her new baby and husband!

Janelle said...

I knit a wrap for my sister-in-law - truly a labor of love!

EMiller7 said...

oh my goodness my bar office wall would love it!! its warm, its creative, and inspiring BUT also functional!

LobotoME said...

love this!
i'm giving the gift of my time this holiday season - helping a friend pack & move for a day, a coupon to help my mom plant a veggie garden, etc.

Jenn said...

my husband and I are preparing packages of homemade goodies for each of our families this christmas.

sunshine517 said...

I love it! I'm giving my husband a mandolin this year!

summer said...

i'm giving dad a vintage book from his childhood and i'm so excited about it!

[eeny] said...

Oh Marta, I love that calendar. It is so lovely.

I am mostly giving home made gifts. But my mom will get a green striped Gmundner Keramik plate (http://www.landhaus-inc.com/prod01.htm), my dad will get a book about cows and my sister...well don't know yet. Needs to be the perfect gift for her.

Camille said...

cute calendar! I am giving some aprons I have been making . . . I Hope i get them finished!

Mique (as in Mickey) said...

Oh I'd LOVE this Marta.
I have so many on my list this year. One gift I'm giving is a sewing machine to my almost 8 yr old daughter. Super excited to pass on my love of sewing (she asked for the sewing machine).

Missy knits said...

I am giving each of my niece and nephews a hand knit item--fish bath mitts with hand made soaps from Etsy, plus a pair of mittens! 16 days and lots of knitting left!!

Melissa A said...

Oh, this is the most beautiful calendar. I saw the little video they put together for it. I'm giving away a few of your mini diary's in a little muslin bag with a heart in a jar from your wish cake etsy shop.

Liz said...

C'est un calendrier extra ordinaire..! I love it.

I am giving...blooming thea.

Kristin said...

I have seen this in blog world and continue to drool over it. My husband and I are doing Christmas for foster teens this year.

leah charbonneau said...

Oh dear! This is the coolest thing I've ever seen!

I'm giving my husband a delorean. He is a HUGE Back to the Future fan (the movies from the 80s) and while I can't afford to buy the real car, I'm buying him the model version. He's going to flip! :)

Anonymous said...

giving some homemade goodness to some friends.


Eva said...

I'm giving my mom a gift certificate to get a much deserved pedicure.


Unknown said...

this is awesome. i am making a diaper bag for my sis in law.

Megan said...

This is awesome.

My sisters and I are giving my mom a new food processor. She's going to be so surprised!

Hil said...

OH my I love it. This would look great on the blank boring wall above my computer.

I am giving my husband a photobook full of nothing but pictures of him and his best little bud.. our little guy.

Courtney said...

I love this calendar!! I'm giving my boyfriend some biking equipment. Any suggestions?

Cherie said...

I'm giving my granddaughter a Pottery Barn hanging book rack with several classic children's books:)

Krista said...

i'm giving handmade handbags to all the girls in my life. :)

campsusie said...

What an awesome calendar - love it!

I'm giving my quilt making mom a bias tape maker...to hopefully simplify this step of the process for her.

whitney said...

stenciling on lots of t-shirts for my family members!

Miranda said...

Gah! That is gorgeous! All of my gifts are handmade this year...I think my favorite one is the "scrapbook" I'm making for my husband.

Jennifer said...

I am giving two vintage botanical prints to my mom - just what she was looking for, and I found them by accident at a museum sale!

jularun7 said...

Giving a Maui gift package to my parents for their trip this year!

A couples beach towel, underwater camera, Maui travel guides, sunglasses and travel books!

Hannah said...

that is such a fun calendar! i'd love it.

i'm giving my madre a book full of pictures of our family reunion this year. i think i'll make it a christmas gift tradition.

Unknown said...

oh, i've been eying these calendars for a while.

a gift i'm giving...
handmade jewelry.. of course..

Lacey Jane said...

Wowee... what a beautiful calendar! I'm giving monogrammed tea cups this year for Christmas, and I can't wait!

Healthy Beginnings Montessori said...

I am trying my hardest to stick to my "Handmade" promise. So while in Brooklyn last month I picked up some sweet finds at a flea market... jams, mittens, a scarf, wine tote, and adorable stationary... all which will make the best of gifts. Can't wait!

Andria said...

We are giving my father-in-law a gift card to his favorite restaurant in Minnesota. (he lives there, we do not, but we love going there with him every time we visit).

Whitney said...

I'm giving my son (nearly two) a toddler basketball set - I can't wait to see his face!

This is awesome. I'd love to win.
whitney dot archer at gmail dot com

Anna/Quilted Giraffe said...

Hand knit fingerless gloves, and paperwhites.

Thelma said...

I'm giving each of my children a snapfish book with pictures of them and their grandfather that passed away in September.

I LOVE the calendar.

Erica said...

i am loving this. how unique!
i'm giving a special necklace to a sweet friend that has her name engraved on it. i'm crossing my fingers she will love it as much as i am loving giving it to her!

michelle said...

Such a cute calendar.

Our gift this season will be announcing our pregnancy to our families! Yeah!!

Jillian said...

Thanks for the giveaways! I'm giving friends tickets to see Brian Regan :)

Karen said...

Love this calendar.

I'm giving a snowman kit...

Catherine Haskew said...

What a fantastic giveaway!!

Quelly said...

I am doing the 12 days of christmas for my two oldest nieces. (the one year old won't know what she's missing)
I love this give away! How fun!

Krista said...

This is gorgeous! I'm giving (a hopefully autographed)PW Cookbook, environmentally friendly detergent & two books by her favorite author to my favorite (only) sister. I can't wait to give it to her!

H Yoho said...

I have painted the family cabin for my inlaws and my mom's childhood park for my parents.

Chad, Rachel, Paxton & Paizley: said...

Hi Marta-
I love the calender!
Santa (a.k.a. me) is giving a radio flyer wagon to my favorite little guy! He is going to love it!

Kristen said...

Adorable calendar!

I am giving my secretly-addicted-to-Rent boyfriend a set of handmade Rent character ornaments from Etsy. I am in love with them and cannot wait for them to arrive!


Cat said...

I'm giving my mom an electrical shovel. Git to love winter!

Vee said...

My sister and I have been saving this year to give my parents a new fridge to complete their kitchen re-do.

Megan said...

lots of handmade items! (ornaments, pocket planners, and cards!)

ive been eyeing this calendar for quite some time!

Unknown said...

I love this calendar...it is so beautiful!
My husband and I are giving ourselves for Christmas. We are away at college and being newly married we are strapped for cash so we are surprising our families by going home for Christmas.

Courtney B said...

oh my... i have the perfect place for this.

i am making my little baby boy some fabric blocks.

Loren said...

what a great calendar!
i'm giving one of my neices two of my favorite books from childhood: Maniac McGee and The Bridge to Terabithia. i love giving books.

Season said...

That's a great calendar. I haven't seen anything like it.

If I get on the ball, I'll be giving my sister (who is a talented baker) a homemade apron.

Michelle L. said...

We are giving my parents our wedding album.

And I still have a lot of shopping that needs to be done.

Eliza said...

Photo calendars to the grandparents!

A & E said...

what a fabulous idea. love it. pick me!

Jodi said...

I would love to see this in person. (Translation= on my wall!)

colleen said...

I am giving my little 2 year old rocker boy his very own microphone and stand. He puts on the best concerts for us! He's going to be thrilled!

marla said...

we're going handmade all the way this year, so i've been knitting away - hats & scarves.

crissy // mama boss said...

I'm giving my kids a stack of books. They'll be getting classics like The Grinch Who Stole Christmas and Where The Wild Things Are, as well as a few others.

Sara said...

What an interesting calendar! So cool! One gift I'm giving are tickets to the Children's Theatre with my nieces. We're seeing Cinderella. Such fun! sara.benzkofer@gmail.com

Kasi Lee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sherry said...

I'm a daily helper to a 94 yr old little lady. She lives in a retirement community that houses healthcare, independent and assisted living residents. For the past three years for gifts for nurses, nurse aides, occupational and physical therapists, we've put together paperwhite kits for each to enjoy over the holidays. We shop ahead for "sweet pretty" cups, etc, for the bulbs and include instructions and pretty gravel with each bulb. People love them and it's just a little sunshine on a winter day. My friend then delights in hearing from people who have received them as they report back to her on the paperwhites growth.
I love your blog...you're an inspiration to me!

kate reymann said...

I am giving photo books and tea kettles and a vintage Jazz jersey.

Kasi Lee said...

I am in LOVE with this and will probably ask for it for Christmas if I don't get lucky! It is beautiful! I am excited to make home-made gifts this Christmas for family members, especially the chalkboard for my mother-in-law! Thanks for posting this!

Emily Webster said...

Oooh...I love this!

I bought my husband Planet Earth on Blu-Ray. He's going to love it!

sonya audrey said...

This is SO beautiful..

Krista said...

Love the calendar! I making and packaging my favorite spice rub into super cute glass containers - add a bow and a label and it's the perfect homemade gift!

Crystal Johnson said...

This would look great on my empty walls!

Anneliese said...

i am giving my niece a tiny starbucks mug. her parents love to take her so i don't think a cuter gift could be found!

sylwia said...

my little boy will get his first xmas present- winnie baby walker:)

Catlin said...

I have loved this calendar since I saw it a few months ago!

I'm giving homemade treats, toys, and clothes to my kids!

Amanda said...

I'm giving my nephew a "baby's first christmas" ornament. I hope it adorns my sister's tree for years to come.

Unknown said...

i am giving my sister some great new kitchen gadgets as she will be living on her own now! :) being married has really brought out my inner cook so i hope to share that with her!

Amy at Ameroonie Designs said...

I am giving blankets, with the help of my extended family, to the 4th street clinic in SLC who are giving them to just a few of the 800 teenagers who are homeless in the area right now.

Kim said...

love the calendar!!! We are giving a membership to our local historical society to my in-laws so they can have a fun summer exploring all over our state with free admission!!! I'm also giving my brother's family a homemade ice cream maker --- we have great family memories of making ice cream as kids.


Allison said...

That is amazing!

One of the gifts I'm giving this year is a waterproof sac for SLR cameras for my mom, since she brings her camera to the beach every year and has to constantly worry about keeping it dry and sand-free.

tarable said...

Oh, I want one! This is one of the most amazing, ingenious things I've ever seen on etsy.

Among the seemingly hundreds of gifts, I'm giving some lovely books to sisters, cute puffy vests to my nieces, and a new Wii to my 4 favorite guys!

Kerry said...

Ooooh, I love that calendar. That is very cool.

One gift we are giving this year is a 3/4-size electric guitar to our 5-year-old. He asked Santa for an "alektrick goodtare," so how could we resist?

Nancy said...

Very cute! Would love to win it!

Katie {My Paisley Apron} said...

I am giving a cookbook that I wrote over the past few years, to my sils and mom and mother in law!

Unknown said...

I'm making kimonos for my best friend's newborn and 5 years old daughters for Christmas. :-)

LRH said...

I am giving my sister a book she's had her eye on for awhile!

Elaine said...

Oh, what a beautiful calendar! I would be so excited to have it!

We're giving a Thomas the Train set to our sweet boy for Christmas who will be so excited to open it on the big day!

caitlin said...

WOW! Gorgeous. I am giving service this year. When money's tight, I usually try to go this route.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

ran across your blog months ago and have loved checking in on your life daily ever since. :) Thanks for all of the great ideas and fun reading! I'm saving money this year and giving homemade gifts to family and friends.

Lauren said...

I have loved this calendar for months and months. I am giving a set of cards I found on etsy to my parents, because it will remind them of our cabin back east!

Christen E. Krumm said...

my brother requested goats for christmas. while i can't get him live goats, i'm so getting him a little plastic goat family :)


Andrea said...

Gordeous. My favorite gift to give is dozens of homemade chocolate chip cookies all over the office.

Caroline D. said...

So pretty! I'm making my daughter some handmade stamps. One with her name on it and two others with her favorite designs of mine.

perspicacity said...

I want this! I need this! I love it!

Also, I am giving my mother a vintage New York Times International Cookbook from 1971. It's great!

I will keep my fingers crossed!

jaytee'sbtw said...

I am hoping to have finished...a photo book of this years events of my husband and i...for my husband!!

Darci said...

Ohhh, I love this calendar..I am knitting sock s for some family members and knitting sweater socks w/washcloths for the rest.

Unknown said...

love it! i hope i win :)

Unknown said...

OH, and i'm giving canvas wine totes

Crystal said...

After inticing him to watch (and, in the process, getting him addicted to) the USA show White Collar, I'm giving my boyfriend a pinstripe fedora.

Unknown said...

Beautiful! Please, please pick me.

Lena said...

Very neat calendar.

I'm giving handmade gift this year that I am SO excited about: pillowcases with a lace insert for my mom. I've knit the lace and just need to piece the pillowcase together.

mj said...

this is right up my best friend's alley. perfect for christmas + her 10 year anniversary!

Becky said...

I've been eying up this calendar since it came out!

I'm giving away homemade granola for Christmas this year.

lensimpressions AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway!

I am giving hand-knitted hats, cowls and slippers to many of my gift recipients. Such fun!

Lisa said...

I'm giving candy, the gift that keeps on giving until you eat it all. Yum!

leni said...

i too have seen this make it's way around blogland ... several times. i have a pair of tory burch buttons that i turned into earrings for my best friend.

Alyssa Bailey said...

this is brilliant

elizabeth said...

what an awesome calendar! one gift I'm giving this year is a small framed cross stitch for my mom, which is actually the third in a set of three, the other two of which she's had for a year now. :)

Shooting Stars Mag said...

oh what a great giveaway. my sister would love it. one gift i'm giving this year is an ice cream maker for my dad.

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

tammy said...

We are making homemade, non-toxic peppermint play dough for all of the nieces and nephews and packaging in resealable tubs.

Michelle @ Twig said...

I am giving a "just like mom's cooking" cookbook with a handmade hot pad that has a cute little bird sewn on!

melissa kaye said...

Lovely giveaway! I am giving handmade goodies this year and baking yummy treats! :)


Karen Beth said...

I just discovered this fabulous calendar today and then discovered this giveaway. Fate!

This year, among many other things, I'm giving two of my best friends "dinner certificates" for nights out on the town with me and other girlfriends - all expenses paid. :)

Mary Grace said...

Oooh! I'd like to win this. It would flatter my BORing desk. I'm planning to give an easy cookbook to one of my new friends.

.:kj:. said...

I am giving my sister a book of candid photos of her and my nephew. priceless

Katie said...

OH i love love love that! I hope i win!

i am giving my parents a print of our family tree that I created in Photoshop-the names of each person in our family create the trunk and branches. they will love it.

cara said...

that calendar is so neat! i'm making marshmallows to give with hot chocolate as some of my gifts.

Chelsea and Rusty said...

I am giving my husband a new small leather notebook for his back pocket. so he can write down his thoughts and such.

Jessica said...

We are giving all our neighbors and friends honey from our bees! Everybody loves it!


The King Family said...

Marta, I found your blog randomly while searching for crafty sites one day & I love it- bookmarked it under my favorites and everything! You are very talented...

This season I am giving my husband a custom football jersey with his high school football number, and 2 matching jerseys for our sons- ages 14 months and 3 months old! Yep, we are busy around here!

tara said...

Im most excited about the rubix cube cube I'm giving. (along with instructions on how to solve it :)

Kari said...

Quilts, of course. I give at least one of those every year.

Janssen said...

Copies of "Tales of Amanda Pig" to all my nieces and nephews. Most darling books ever.

Danielle N. said...

I'm giving my husband a certificate for a massage from me. We're not buying each other presents this year since we're down to 1 income.

Maggie Rose said...

I love it!
I'm hand making a set of paper dolls for my little niece, who loves dressing up.

MA said...

I would love to win this. I am giving Super hero sock monkey's that I have made, to each of my niece's and nephew's.

Rachel said...

This calendar is so unique and beautiful! I hope I win!

I am giving my mom the movie Up! So sweet, I know she is gonna love it!

Ksenia said...

How pretty. I'm giving my dad an old photo that I restored of his dad who passed away recently.

Jenn N.G. said...

I am gifting a ShamWow to a friend!

Sarah said...

I just learned how to knit this fall, so I am knitting scarves for my brother and dad for Christmas. I still have a ways to go to finish them though!

Wendy said...

I love that Calendar! I follow that blog and love her pictures of Paris.
I'm making photo collages for my close friends from pictures from the past year of the all the fun we had..and chocolate bars from IKEA of course to sweeten the gift ;)

Jen Lee said...

I just found your blog through a friends and am instantly in love with it!

Unknown said...

What a cute calendar! I'm giving lots of gifts! Mater, Thomas the train and GI joes!

Rebecca said...


I'm pitching in to give my sister and BIL a video camera for their first Christmas with my 4-month-old niece. So excited to see them open it!

sonya said...

I'm giving my family tickets to see the Nutcracker at the NYC ballet.
Sonya Miller

carrie said...

the circle scarf from american apparel. great gift. could go to multiple people.

Karen said...

I am making a lovely carry all bag for my friend (in the fashion of her favorite bag that might fall apart at any minute).

Anonymous said...

i am giving VHS home movies turned DVDs to my parents. :)


M KD Wilson said...

i'm giving my new nephew his first christmas ornament!

Lora said...

I am giving a guitar to my oldest son.

Petit Elefant said...

I want.

MMarie said...

I'm giving pretty homemade tote bags to my girlfriends.

Anonymous said...

a crocheted baby blanket for my new nephew
pam in texas

leslie said...

i am giving away some photo sessions. to my family and friends.
and i am in love with that calendar.

sharonpdx said...

i'm giving earrings, earrings, and more earrings ... my etsy obsession is showing! also, the kid sis wants a zune, and big sis always delivers. happy xmas gifting!

Gayle P. said...

A gift I am giving that I am very excited about is a CD of Pixar's Greatest Hits for my 14 month old cousin! She loves to "dance" along and listen to music.

Jenny said...

Oooh I love this!

Jill said...

I'm giving my boyfriend a Star Trek calendar!

Tulin said...

Oh I had to comment as I love all things Paris! I am giving my husband the gift of time - literally a watch as well as some 'me' time so he can workout when he wants...

katie diana said...

ooo! this reminds me, i need to buy this! {unless i win, of course!}

Andi Mae said...

Wow! That calender is AMAZING! One gift I am giving this year is an art box full of fun + crafty things for my sweet four year old daughter who loves making art. I can't wait to give it to her!

Krissa said...

i am giving my mom some perfume and my dad cologne...along with a bunch of other stuff...but thats on my list so far!

Unknown said...

a Christmas book for a dear friend

Ashley said...

I had a piece of artwork custom matted and framed for my husband that he got while serving his mission in Russia ten years ago.

kim said...

I'll be giving my daughter some flannel PJ's on Christmas Eve, made by me from the Oliver & S pajama pattern.

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