28 January 2010

giveaway: lisa leonard designs

today's giveaway is a generous gift from lisa leonard designs. lisa kindly sent me a pretty necklace (that gives me a little jingle in every step) and a precious benjamin baby spoon. am absolutely delighted. i'd love to collect one for each of my children and line them up in a shadow box.

giving :: $150 gift certificate to spend in her shop
please comment today to enter to win
tell me about something you've inherited and/or would like to pass down

pretty jewels and just in time for valentine's, thank you miss lisa

sammie you've won the gift certificate. woohoo. enjoy. sammie comments, I plan to pass down my grandmothers bible and class ring to my children. Thanks for a chance to win!


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Caitlin said...

I inherited my mother's charm bracelet from when she was young. Would love to pass it on down to a daughter later in life. :)

tulin said...

Thanks for the chance to win something at lisa leonard - what lovely things! My mother gave me some of my baby clothes she kept when I had my daughter...I'm doing the same.

sylwia said...

my grandma's necklace...love it.

Rebecca said...

I have a pair of aquamarine earrings and necklace that I wore on my wedding day as my something blue. I am going to give them to my daugther whose birthday is in March for her wedding day.


Katie @ makingthishome.com said...

I adore Lisa! We received my grandparents' wedding cake topper for our own cake. Totally passing that down!

Carrie @carrieloves said...

I have jewelry from my mom (rings) & grandma (jade necklace) that I'll definitely be passing down. p.s. I love Lisa Leonard jewelry so, so much... please pick me!

Mary Jo said...

I inherited a beautiful wood table from my grandparents. I would love for one of my boys to have it someday. Thanks!

Terry said...

Lisa Leonard's pretties are so wonderful . . . thank you! I have an emerald ring that I had made when I was younger and finally could afford "real" jewelry, just because I always loved emeralds. My daughter was then born in May, so how lovely that she should ultimately inherit it!


Krista said...

Beautiful stuff at Lisa Leonard Designs! I've inherited nothing of real value-significance, but many things of emotional-significance -- things that remind me of my Grandmother. One of which is a little red rooster that sits in kitchen, my favorite thing! :)

That Tall Girl said...

I inherited my height from my parents (they are 6'2" and 6'5"). I ended up being a 6'3" woman and after a lot of middle school moaning and groaning, I love being a tall woman.

My height has taught me a lot about interacting with people (and responding to rude questions). I've always had to be a little creative when it comes to dating and clothes shopping. Most of all, its come in handy as a middle school teacher because students assume I am in control (because I am tall). I love my height and I stand up straight because my mother taught me to.

My husband is my height and I am hoping we pass this down to our little one (I'm 8 weeks pregnant now!) :)

Katy said...

I inherited my Great Grandfather's pocket watch. I will pass it down to my oldest son. I love your blog!

Johanna Hörrmann said...

I inherited a beautiful little desk from my Grandparents. They bought it in an antique shop, so it's nothing that reaches back generations and generations in our family, but it's oh so precious to me as I have such fond memories of writing letters to my friends sitting at this table when I visited them in Canada.

~Kristina said...

I was given my great-grandfather's leather bag where he kept all his important documents and information. I also was given my grandfather's chain and cross when I was 14. Both those items will find there way through my family tree.
Beautiful giveaway!

susan said...

My family doesn't come from much as far as wealth goes, so right now I don't have anything physical that I've inherited.

But... I come from a long line of super strong women. The kind that make do with the worst of life and come out stronger. I've been described as a 'pistol'. I get that from them.

elizabeth said...

I inherited a beautiful English coin made into a necklace with my namesake "Ada" engraved on it. My great-great-grandmother was given it by her friends as she boarded the boat to America. Her family had disowned her for joining the LDS faith and she was making the trek to be with the Saints. She named her daughter Ada who named her daughter Ada who named her daughter Mary Ada who named me Elizabeth Ada. It's especially important to me because I am the youngest of seven daughters and I've always been grateful that my mom knew to wait to use this name on me and not one of my elder sisters. She didn't know she would have another girl but felt impressed to wait. I'm glad she did because this necklace was a special reminder to me (especially during my teen years) to be loyal to what I believe.

And I really hope I win cause I've been dying for a Lisa Leonard piece but I can't afford it. Her jewelry is lovely!

Kelly said...

i've been given both of my grandmothers' engagement rings. they're my most prized possession.


melanie said...

Wow, what a giveaway! I’ve passed on my curly hair to my 1-year old daughter’s and I couldn’t be more tickled about it. Throughout my years, I’ve always loved that my curls are a special trait that I share with my Dad. :)

Whatever Dee-Dee wants said...

$150 wow!

I inherited pearl earrings and a necklace from my husbands grandmother. It was given to me by his parents on my wedding day, I intend on passing it down to my child on their wedding day.

PS I saw that your speaking at the Casual Bloggers Conference. Wahoo!

H Yoho said...

I have inherited from both of my grandmothers some really great dishes and goblets...really fun for display and even more fun when we pull them out and use them.


melissa said...

I have my Great Grandmother's jewelry box. . .I remember playing dress up (princess style) with it at her house when I was small. I don't have any girls (3 boys), but am hoping to pass it on to my grandchildren (or great grandchildren).

The Mighty RandR said...

I have inherited my grandmother's recipes. She's from Mississippi and possibly the Queen of cooking and baking. And I'd like to pass them down.

Catherine said...

Last year my mom passed down my paternal grandmother's china to me. I love it so much & can't wait to eventually pass it down to my daughter.

J, K, L, and D said...

I inherited a lovely trunk of my mom's (passed down from my grandmother). Great for storage & so beautiful - cherry wood.

Great giveaway, Marta! Thank you for hosting these. :)

jularun7 said...

fantastic giveaway marta!!! :) gorgeous necklace ....

Kristy said...

I inherited my grandma's silver bracelet--she spent years collecting diamonds and turquoise and having them gradually added into this little bangle. It's truly original and I smile and love her so much every time I wear it.

Lili said...

What a great giveaway.
I inherited some lovely Indonesian spoons from my mother. I love them, they're very dear to me.

Melissa Sauls said...

I inherited my mother's love of reading and feel like I've succeeded as a mother since my two children, 11 and 13, are voracious readers. It's a priceless gift.

Happy Valentine's!

Stephanie said...

I inherited a picture of my dad as a baby with his parents. This is something I hope that my little boy will cherish.


Emma said...

my dad gave me a shackle off the boat he built for me when i was a baby.
he's had it put on a bracelet for me. I wear it every day!

I'll definitely be saving it and passing it down to my kids.

kristi said...

My mommy bracelet with the names of my daughters.

Anna said...

I inherited a bracelet from my grandmother (and namesake). It is a simple gold chain with a square flat charm with her name on one side and her sister's name and wedding date on the other. It was a gift for being a bridesmaid in her sister's wedding and I'm amazed at just how stylish this simple piece still is today. I never got to know my grandmother at all, but wearing it gives me a sense of connection to her.

Lisa said...

I inherited postcards my dad sent my mom when they were dating. He passed away when I was very young and I cherish having something in his own handwriting!

Tracy said...

I have my husband's Great-Grandmother's rocking chair. It will go to the first of our children to have children.

Lena said...

So generous! And I love reading what others will pass down. I have my grandmother's engagement ring that I look forward to sharing someday. For now I wear it on my right hand and love it.


iamrobyn said...

Wow, what a great giveaway!

I will be receiving my grandma's beautiful china as well as my grandpa's war trunk... two things that I cherish so much!

summer said...

i inherited my grandma's white kitchen aid mixer. it makes me love to bake.

ps. wow! what a generous giveaway! people amaze me.

Anonymous said...

My grandma left me her cameo ring--it's beautiful and definitely one of my treasures. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!

Amanda said...

Perfect timing for this post - My mom just came to visit me and she gave me a beautiful amethyst pendant that she had made from my grandma's earrings. My grandma passed away a few years ago, but this will be a great token to remember her by when I wear it. I would love to be able to pass this on someday!

Bea said...

I inherited freckles from my the Irish side of my mom's family. I didn't have them when I was a baby, but now they're prominent on my nose, especially in the summer. I can't wait to see if my 7 month old daughter has them too when she's a bit older!

tawnya said...

I have a bowl. It's nothing special, but it's the one my mom would serve gravy (thick, white gravy for breakfast) or trifle out of and it just speaks childhood to me. It's now in my cupboard and I love it.

Cat said...

I have some small diamond earings (that I don't wear often enough) that I would love my daughter to have. I am also slowly putting together a book of all the recipes that my 2 kids like. At least they won't leave home empty-handed like I was!

oneordinaryday said...

I have a little angel pin with my birthstone in it that I will pass on to my daughter. She was even born in the same month I was, so it's her birthstone too. : )

Amy said...

My parents had paintings done of our family that I know will be passed down forever.
i love lisa leonard designs!
amy d.

swell.life said...

wow! this is so generous!!

i inherited my great-grandma's ruby engagement ring. the original setting was actually destroyed in a fire, but i love it's new setting so much...it actually inspired my husband to custom design my engagement ring. very antiquey, very beautiful. anyway, i wore the little ruby on my right hand on our wedding day and have cherished it ever since.

Nash said...

my wedding ring probably.

Missy knits said...

A heart pendant from my great-grandmother's charm necklace (with my name and birthdate engraved)...so special to my heart! After her death, each person was given their seperate charm.

Emily R said...

Thanks for this chance! I inherited a ring from my grandmother...I love it and hope to pass it on someday...

Anonymous said...

I inherited a GIANT sapphire ring that has gold swirls on it from my grandma. It's beautiful and precious to me, but not wearable at all.

Krista said...

she has something i've been eyeing for a while now.
i have a book Little Black Sambo that i loved, growing up and definitely has seen some use...that i want to pass down to one of mine

Hillary said...

my grandma had a box of jewelry from when she was younger that she let me go through and pick what I wanted.

and what a wonderful giveaway!

Lynn said...

I haven't inherited a lot, because my grandparents didn't have a lot. The one thing I got from grandma (who is still alive at the ripe young age of 97) is a simple knit blanket. She made it the first year she was married and I love it, mistakes and all.

Anonymous said...

i haven't inherited it yet but i hope to - my dad's accordian. i used to tinker around on it when i lived at home.

Stephanie said...

My mother's silver. I feel so fortunate to have something from her that has such a rich history and many stories to tell.

talesofahummingbird said...

i inherited my mother's and grandmother's (and likely their mothers' too) love of handmade and am doing my best to develop the skills of that passion with hopes that my children will answer this question in a similar manner.

yay-i love lisa leonard!

Anonymous said...

I have inherited my Grandmas jewelry which was her mothers! It means so much to me to have these pieces. Truly a treasure!

Thanks for a great giveaway!

Miranda said...

My grandmother's cookbooks. Oh how I love them.

Janet said...

My grandmother's wedding ring, which she gave me when I got married. It's my favorite thing, and I get to wear it all the time!

Olivia said...

My mother-in-law gave me a great big tin of old buttons that belonged to her mother, who I never got to meet.

I love those buttons. I use some of them, but I want to be able share them with my kids later.

Martha H. said...

I love Lisa's stuff and would love to own one of her pieces.

Something I've inherited - beautiful quilts that my mom has made. These are fabulous and will be excellent heirlooms.

LRH said...

My aunt gave me my grandmother's engagement ring from the depression. I want to pass it down to my daughter, if I have one some day.

Teri said...

The most precious thing I have inherited is memories. I've always loved to listen to those stories told grandparents, aunts and uncles; especially the ones about family members who are no longer with us. I am working on a book that will combine those stories and photos. This book will be given to my niece so she will know the stories too and see the precious faces that go with the stories.

Betsy said...

a beautiful upright piano

Janelle said...

I also inherited a piano and would love to pass it down to someone someday.

Joni said...

I inherited my grandmother's pearls and some other jewelry that she kept in a porcelin piano shaped jewelry box. Very special to me.


shirley elizabeth said...

My mother passed away when I was just a baby so I was very surprised when my dad's second wife, and the only mother I've ever known, gave me my biological mother's wedding china just before my wedding. I didn't even know it existed, but it is one of the things I now cherish most.

KaLee said...

I've inherited a gold script "K" pin. I love it so much that I've been trying to figure out how to convince my husband that I NEED a daughter with a K name so the tradition can continue.

Kathy Reid said...

I inherited my mom's class ring. I think it would be neat to pass it on to one of my daughters when they are older.

KT said...

Oh I love Lisa's designs. Truly beautiful (and hand-down-able). I'm trying to pass along all the songs that my grandmother taught her children, that my mom taught me and all my siblings. I LOVE teaching them to my children.

Molly said...

I love that baby spoon! I inherited my granny's pearls and wear them constantly, they go with everything. I also found an old army photo of my granny (she was a 1st leutinant army nurse in the war) of her laughing with a soldier while they ate a picnic lunch. I wish she was here to tell me about that day, she looked so happy and full of life. Have a great Thursday!
~Molly P

Anne said...

I have a couple of pieces of jewelry also. A charm bracelet and pearls.

Anneliese said...

i inherited my grandmothers baby ring! i can't wait to have someone with a tiny finger wear it!

Anonymous said...

I inherited my grandmothers silver flatware and would love to pass it down to one of my children.

Great giveaway!

Katie {My Paisley Apron} said...

I inherited my Grandma's china. It wasn't a style I would have chosen when registering (plain eggshell with a gold rim) before my wedding, but now that it's a few years later, I'm very, very excited about its classy elegance - and the fact that I can use really sweet tablecloths with it!

Kim said...

My mother-in-law saved very special, wonderful, timeless pieces that we were given when our first child was born. We have silver spoons, cups, and a silver hairbrush. The funnest thing to pass down was my husband's very broken-in cowboy boots. They were worn and loved by our boy every day. I have tucked them away to give to him someday too.


Rachel said...

A gold bracelet that was my grandmas engraved with her initials. I want to give it to a daughter one day.

marla said...

my grandpa gave me a beautiful painting he did. love it.

kendall said...

My late grandmother gave me a little music box that plays "Happy Days Are Here Again."I love it so much, and it reminds me of her.

KJ said...

a footed crystal sugar bowl/jelly dish that belonged to my grandma. it was always present at holiday meals with homemade jam. I do the same thing now!

Rosa said...

My nana's spiral notebook with all her hand-written recipes in it. My recipes never turn out quite like hers, but it's a lovely reminder of her.

Sam said...

I've inherited so many things. But I love the many first edition novels that my grandmother gave me from her collection, Love Story, To Kill a Mockingbird, etc. I love that she had these before they became famous.

RW said...

I inherited my grandmother's cookie jar. For the longest time I had it packed away. And then I thought why do I have it hidden away so I brought it out and we fill it with treats and remember her.

Lovely Little Nest said...

I inherited a slate clock my late father painted when I was a child. I have it hanging above the stove in our kitchen and I think of him whenever I check the time. :)

Amy C said...

I buy each of my daughter's a christmas ornament each year. When they have a home of their own, they will have a nice collection for their own trees.

Sarah Shah Portraits said...

I inherited my Grandmother's wedding ring. She passed away 6 months before my wedding and inheriting it was a surprise to me. In my mind, it was her way of giving us her blessing. It means a lot of me. It's a size 5 and too small for my fingers so I don't wear it. I don't want to have it re-sized, because I want to keep it as a memory of her. I will pass it down to my Daughter when she gets married.

Anonymous said...

I inherited a circa 1920's metal bank from my grandfather, complete with antique coins. My oldest sons collects coins now so I am sure to pass it down to him one day.

Anonymous said...

I inherited my grandmothers charm bracelet and combined it with charms I've collected and received over the years. The sound alone reminds me of her, places we went and moments we shared. I treasure it and will pass it to my daughter.

Meg said...

My birthstone ring that was a gift from my husband I would love to pass down...

Tiina said...

I have gotten some of my mum's jewelry, but the thing I value the most a book. An illustrated, big, heavy edition of Kalevala, a book about Finnish folklore. I remember her reading these stories when I was a kid, and I'd like to do the same with my kids.

Shannon C said...

A snowglobe with doves inside that plays the same song played at both my mother's wedding and my wedding. I hope to pass it on to my daughter. Maybe, she will have the same song at her wedding. I'd love to win!

claytonandmandy said...

This may be the most exciting giveaway yet! The jewelry is gorgeous! My grandmother purchased milk glass dishes right after she was married and they are darling! I love that they have stayed in the family!

cindy said...

Hi Martha! I inherited my father's gorgeous watch. I plan to give it to my son when he gets married.

jen byard said...

I've inherited my mothers wedding china...would love to give this to one of my future daughters in law :)

Thelma said...

I saved the baby quilts my mom made for my babies. I'll give them to my children when THEY have babies.

erin wilson said...

I inherited my grandfathers organ. So special! I hope to give away my charm bracelet and collection of playbills. Gorgeous giveaway!

Unknown said...

I would love to pass down my wedding dress but since fashion trends change I have recently thought how important it is to pass down my Brazilian Heritage. Make sure they have the love for the people and culture that I do.

Carrie K said...

For their first anniversary my grandfather bought my grandmother a cedar hope chest. When I was growing up every time I visited her we went through the treasures stored in her chest. When I moved away from home she sent it with me! Its my most treasured possession and it still smells like "home" to me. Someday I will pass it to my favorite neice along with all the stories it contains.

Jennifer said...

My grandmother gave me some special children's books that I adored as a child. My children also love them, but they are the special "top shelf" books so they last long enough to get to their children.

Melissa A said...

I have a jewelry box that my Great-Grandmother brought back from China for my Mom when she was a little girl. I have it on my dresser today. I hope my son will be giving it to his daughter that he might be having someday.

laura said...

so beautiful and delicate! i would love some. i inherited one of my grandma's favorite jewels, that she turned into a ring for me. i will cherish it forever and pass it down to my children! xoxo

Lynn Osborne said...

I have some of my grandmother's things. They are nothing special to anyone else but very special to me. A cedar chest, a small box for trinkets or jewelry that sits on my dresser, and a special blanket.

tarable said...

My great grandparents were a major part of my life until my teens, when they passed away. I spent hours at their small home, and for many of those hours I was engrossed with a small, velvetine rabbit statue. The head attached in such a way that it could bob around freely, and seemed very lifelike to my young eyes. This rabbit was the only thing I inherited from my great grandparents. My sons are as fascinated with it as I was, and I will certainly pass it on to my grandchildren.

Justin + kelly said...

We inherited this book of Japanese folk stories that was justins when he was a little boy. He used to read from it every night, and now its passed down to Rhys. I love it!

Sarah said...

When I got married my husband's grandmother gave me a beautiful soup tureen. I guess many of the sisters-in-law were slightly jealous because grandma doesn't have too many beautiful things :)

martifife@hotmail.com said...

i inherited my grandmothers dining table...i makes me smile ever time i gather my family around it to enjoy a meal....i love to think of all the meals that have been enjoyed at that very table. i can't wait to see my future grandbabies gathered around the same table......
love LOVE the giveaway!!!!

Kristine said...

I inherited some of my grandmother's jewelry, most of which she bought during the Revolution in Cuba when the currency was devaluated.

But the thing I've inherited that I value most is her need to create things with her hands. I may have never met her (she died before I was born), but my Mom is reminded of her every time she finds me knitting, crocheting, or sewing something new.

Which is why I inherited her stash of kitschy acrylic yarns in all kinds of crazy 80s colors!

sharonpdx said...

My grandmother's pearls... my great grandmother's knitting needles. also, I hope to someday share with a lovely bride the beautiful cake knife my grandmother bought for my wedding when I was a small child. She didn't live long enough to see me use it on my wedding day, and I still get choked up remember how my mother surprised me with it at my bridal shower.

Katie Mitchell said...

I have a set of Waterford Crystal tumblers with a matching Carafe from a trip to the factory in Ireland that I would like to pass down to my daughter someday.

Brenna said...

My great grandma's thimble. Love it.

caitlin said...

I love Lisa Leonard! Great give-a-way! I inherited a Madam Alexander doll that I will pass on to my girl one day.

Cass said...

what a treat this would be!

i inherited my grandmother's engagement ring ... which was my mother's engagement ring ... and now mine.
(my husband got off easy!) :)

maline said...

It's snowing here in NYC, I need a little something to cheer me up this time of year. This would do nicely!!

McKelle said...

When my grandmother died, I inherited a couple old tablecloths and stitched dish towels. Love them.

Chad, Rachel, Paxton & Paizley: said...

My grandpa died when I was 4. He made me a little wooden table with 4 stools. I am now re-doing it for Paxton to enjoy. I know he will love it as much as I did

Andria said...

I just inherited my mom's old sewing machine. I'd love to be able to pass it around to my own daughter someday.

Josie said...

Such delightful things in her shop!
My favorite thing I inherited my grandmothers class ring from high school..so beautiful!

Chelsea and Rusty said...

SO CUTE! I inherited my grandma's secret recipes for her delicious German food! YUM YUM

Connie said...

I inherited my Mom's jewelery which will some day be passed down to my daughters.

Lily said...

I've inherited some adorable dresses my father (yes, father!) made for me when I was a little girl. Such treasures!

SUZANNE said...

I inherited my late grandmothers button collection. All the buttons are in this special vintage tin, and with 8 year anniversary of her passing this week, it would be wonderful to pick out an item from Lisa's shop that reminds me of her.

jess said...

I have yet to inherit anything, but I have a list for my mom of things I want... is that morbid? I would love her mother's china and her beautiful wedding ring as well.
To pass on to my kids? I started a journal for each of my boys when I was pregnant with them and write in it every so often about what they are up to or how I am feeling as their mom. I am excited to give it to them one day so they will have a constant reminder of how much I've always loved them.

Liesel said...

My grandmother has given each of us granddaughters a piece of her jewelry collection when we turned thirteen. I received a ring that is a gold butterfly with diamonds in the wings.

apple slice said...

My cookbook. It is several large binders with plastic pages of magazine clippings, print-outs, and recipe cards. I will pass this on to the Smithsonian.

Andrea said...

I don't know that I've inherited much yet, but I love all things heirloom and look forward to treasures from my parents and grandparents as well as passing things down to my own children.

Love this jewelry!

Danielle Lyn said...

Everyone in my family, starting with my mom, has come home from the hospital in the same outfit. Now that I'm expecting my first I have it, and she will be the 13th baby to wear it home.

The Schoonmakers said...

My grandmother passed away when I was only two. On my wedding day my aunt gave me a pair of pearl earrings that belonged to her (my grandmother). Someday I will pass them on to my daughter.
P.S. I love Lisa Leonard!

Anna Kristina said...

I have a few things passed down to me - jewelry, dishes, crochet from my great-grandmother... but the most special thing I've gotten is a book from my grandmother filled out about her - photos from her childhood, how she and my grandfather met (photocopied from their wedding book in his handwriting - he passed away before Christmas). It's so wonderful to know things about her I wouldn't think of asking, and I would like to be able to pass down the tradition - a book about me to a granddaughter someday...

Abby said...

I inherited a necklace from my grama. IT has a sand dollar on it and I've always loved sand dollars.

I LOVE this designer. I hope I win 2 days in a row!

Erica said...

wow, how wonderful! i would love to win!
i inherited all of my grandmas pearls. i have three or four strands that remind me of her every time i wear them. i adore them!

Kylene Lynn said...

A hope chest! I would like to pass along a small, more sentimental piece, like jewelry.

Just LOVE this designer! Anything with type on it - I'm sold!

Lindsay said...

We've inherited family photos that will be shared from generation to generation.
LOVE Lisa Leonard designs! Thanks so much!
email is lindsaymutchler@yahoo.com

ellen said...

Just last week my mom sent me a copy of The Primary Songbook published in 1909. It has a black leather cover and "Jolly Old St. Nicholas" on page 33! It has my great-grandmother's signature on the first page (her only signature we have). Probably one of my favorite things I own is my grandmother's wedding band (they married in 1926). I never take it off. It's simple and beautiful and twists around my finger like it twisted around hers.

Jean Badgley said...

I have a few pieces of jewelry from my Mom and my grandmother...my favorite though is a pretty silver bracelet with sapphires...my favorite part is on the clasp my grandmothers initials are monogrammed..so pretty

Hil said...

I have inherited the prettiest little opal ring from my great grandma. I absolutely love those little personalized spoons!

Thank for the chance to win.

rebecca said...

i just love lisa leonard!

i recently posted about some jewels i have inherited... http://cashmerelint.blogspot.com/2010/01/jewels.html

pghjezebel said...

I actually inherited the house that my Mom was raised in. :) It's a fixer upper but it makes more special when she and her sisters come to visit and are so excited to see the house in such great shape.

Dana McZ said...

I love the recipes that have been passed down to me and hope to teach my kids a few things in the kitchen and pass down those recipes too.

And, stories. When I was growing up I loved hearing my grandparents stories about when they were kids. I don't remember all of them, but some little things stick with me. In turn, my kids enjoy hearing stories about when their grandparents (and their parents!) were growing up.

Susan said...

Once a month, the salesman would stop by my grandparents general store in Hawaii. He would bring fabric smaples of brightly colored Hawaiian prints of which would be sold as mumu and shirts. My grandmother took those samples and made blankets. When she passed away, I got to choose one blanket she had made. I will treasure that brightly colored 60's Hawaiian print blanket forever and plan on passing it down to my daughter.

Cherish Stockdale said...

I inherited my dad's determination, my mom's compassion, and my family's heritage. I would love to pass each of these down to my children :)

Andrea said...

These are beautiful. I just love the spoon too. I have been blessed by tea cups and saucers from my grandmas and two great grandmas. I can't wait to share them with my daughters.

aly said...

I have the milk glass chicken dish that my great-grandmother had in her living room when I was a kid. It always had candy in it, and my siblings and I would head straight for it every time we went to visit. It's sitting on a shelf in my kitchen now, safely out of the reach of my kids, but usually containing a few small treats. My kids love it when the get to "ask the chicken for dessert."

Amanda said...

i inherited my mom's collection of china, my grandmother's silver, wheat grinder, and rocking chair from when she was a child. so excited for my daughter to have all those things!

stacey said...

I have yet to inherit anything but I would love to make a quilt forbeach of my children that will follow them through life.

Emily Webster said...

I inherited a chunky ring from my mom three years ago and I definitely plan on passing it onto my firstborn girl (due in 4 weeks!!).

Kerry said...

I inherited parts of my mom's 1961 wedding dress. I was going to inherit the entire dress, but time had done major damage. We salvaged as much of the material as we could and made it into the world's most beautiful christening gown for family babies.

Jen said...

I've inherited the hands of an artist from my mother, grandmother, grandfather, aunts and uncles. I love family reunions when we show and tell our latest projects and gifts for friends. We have quilters, wooden toy makers, a seamstress, doll makers, book makers and a painter. It's a rich feeling sitting among them.

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

i have yet to inherit anything, but i am looking forward to passing down the things that matter to me. family photos, personal art and my wedding rings. i did receive an old nikon film camera from my father in law that i haven't had the chance to properly treasure and a personalized handkerchief from my grandfather who passed away that i carried on my wedding day.

michelle said...

What a great giveaway! I love Lisa Leonard.

I inherited a butcher block, handcrafted by my grandfather. My mom doesn't have room in her home anymore, so she passed it on to me. I hope I never have to give it back! It is made of hard rock maple and the craftsmanship is gorgeous -- all the joins are made of wood and it polishes up to such a lovely sheen. I feel loved every time I use it (which is every day!).

J Bird said...

thanks for all the giveaway chances! so fun! i inherited my grandmother's flight log (she learned to fly in the 40's). it is priceless.

Diana Hulme said...

i love my 3 strand pearl necklace from my great aunt. i need to wear it more often. :)

Simply Sarah *K* said...

I love Lisa Leonard!

I inherited this big picture of a ship from my grandparents. I always thought it was made of wood when I was growing up...but nope, its made of styrofoam!! But its gorgeous, just not as heavy!

carla thorup said...

my husband's mother made these christmas caroler peopel out of paper mache.. and frankly, they are kind of creepy. my husbad didn't really want them, but i couldn't resist keeping something that came from his grandmother/mother! so we have them. and they are a bit creepy, but we love them just the same.

The McBrides said...

I inherited an antique violin that was hand made in Utah in the late 1800s. It was my great great grandfathers, and was to be passed down by my grandmother to her first grandchild that became a violinist, which happened to be me! I was able to restore it to its original beauty that it was over 100 years ago and have made it my principle instrument i have played on for the past 10 years! It has become such a big part of me, my passion for music, antiques, and ancestors!

Unknown said...

I inherited/was gifted with some of the diamonds in my engagement ring; some are my mother-in-law's and some are from my husband's grandmother's ring. It is very special to me, because it made me feel such a part of the legacy of women in his family.

Quelly said...

I have a jewelry pouch my grandmother used. It is lined in silk and still smells like her.

Mel said...

Right before my daughter was born, I received the piano that my mother played on as a little girl. My daughter has now taken lessons for a few years. I hope to pass the piano on to her one day.

aconley said...

Not quite as sentimental as jewelry, but I have shoeboxes full of old matchbooks from places my great-grandparents visited - all over the word. They are fun to go through - hopefully my kids will think so too. (Fingers crossed! I've been eyeing the itty-bitty hearts neckace of Lisa's.)

carrie said...

oh I have really been wanting one of her necklaces. maybe today is my lucky day.

w and w said...

My guitar. I love to sing and play. My daughter loves it when I sing and play it. And she does all she can to sing and play it. Priceless.

C Crane said...

My most precious item I got from my Great Grandma. She use to collect bells of all shapes and sizes. Right before she passed away she let each great granddaughter pick one out to keep to remember her by.

allison said...

I inherited my grandmother's baking pans. I love baking a pie in the same pie tin she used so many years ago. Ditto for a meatloaf or a loaf of bread!

barrentree said...

My mom gave me all of her and my dad's photos. I organized them all and I've been slowly scanning them in and backing them up on an EHD. I can't wait to pass those on (along with our photos) to our children.

Rissa and Jared said...

i've inherited some beautiful wedgewood pieces my grandma bought while in London. love them!

Kristy said...

i inherited my great-grandmother's handmade handkerchief & i wrapped it around my bouquet on my wedding day. i am saving it to pass down to my daughter for her wedding day!

i love lisa's jewelry!

angela hardison said...

i inherited a really old, beautiful quilt that i love from my mother-n-law.

lisa's jewelry is so pretty.

Amanda said...

I inherited my great-grandmother's jewelry and look forward to handing it down to my future daughter.

steph-a-ronie said...

I inherited my great-grandmother's silverwear.

I love it so much.

brooke said...

First, I love Lisa's jewelry and I love what she's all about.

I love inheriting Christmas decorations because they remind me of my wonderful Christmas memories at my mom's and grandmother's homes.

My favorite is a pink velvet Santa Clause that was my mom's when she was a little girl and then it was mine and now it is my daughters. I love it.

Ashlynn {mamabear} said...

I have all my husbands grandmothers costume jewelry & I do wear the pins. My daughter broke part of a necklace this morning so I am making her a bracelet out of the beads that came off. Love old jewels!

lacey said...

this is my fav giveaway EVER!

my great aunt gave me her simple yellow bundt pan a few yrs before see passed away. I make cakes in it often and many friends have borrowed it over the years. I plan to one day pass it to my now 10 month old baby girl.

also, a box of letters that my grandma wrote me as I was growing up...love

Trude said...

Love her stuff! So cute. I'm thankful that there's quite a few things that have come from my grandmother and great-grandmother, probably the most important is my GG's wedding ring, super simple band with square little diamonds in it and old school engraving on both sides. Love that it's half worn off - my grandmother, mother and I have all worn it. :)

Simple Ink said...

My son is intrigued by -- and loves to touch! -- my antique printing press. I hope the infatuation continues and that one day I pass it down to him. Great giveaway! Lovely! :)

Katie said...

i inherited two volumes of children's books from my grandma. one of the stories she read to me and my cousins was The Elephant's Child. we loved this story and would beg her to read it to us in her library while we all piled on her in the big black recliner. these books are priceless! now they sit atop my little boy's dresser. i can't wait to read the stories to him and hopefully pass these along to my children/grandchildren someday, too.

Monika Wright | I Love It All said...

I have quite a few things, but I look forward to the day that I can pass along necklaces given to my Mom on her 21st birthday and then another on her wedding day. I have two girls, so a decision will have to be made one day as to whom gets which one. On another note, there are now 4 generations with Monika in their name...my Grandmother's sister, my Mom's middle name, my first name and my third child's middle name. Kind of cool that there's a story behind it all and it's spelled with a "k" (my Mom is German). I always like that I was somewhat different than the other girls I went to school with. And, I love my German heritage.

I have visited Lisa Leonard's shop quite a few times, but haven't felt that I could splurge on something for me. Oh, I would so love this giveaway, along with the other 1,000 commenters, too!

Lisa said...

I inherited my mom's old Barbies and I loved them. Can't wait to pass mine on to my future daughters :)

Kathy said...

I have a framed silhouette my Mom had made when I was just two. I hope to pass it on one day.

Jaclyn said...

My great Aunt's silverware. A treasure. Thanks for the chance :)

AmandaB. said...

I have a crystal salt bowl my grandmother gave to me that is over 200 years old. My favorite part though is the note she wrote about how she obtained the item and that she wanted to give it to me.

I miss her.

Laura D said...

I inherited the cutest little whisk from my mom. It is perfect for making au jus (hello, comfort food!). I would love to pass down the love of cooking that came entwined with the little whisk.

Vee said...

There are two things I will always cherish that I would love to pass down to my kids one day. One is a gold cross that my mom gave me that once belonged to my grandmother. The other is a diamond pendant, the diamond was originally from my mom's best friend's wedding ring. After she passed away, a diamond was removed by her daughter and turned into a pendant, then was given to me to wear on my wedding day.

Karen said...

To my daughter -- I want to pass down my bed (headboard, it's had new mattresses!). I used it since I outgrew a crib until I got married.

Unknown said...

I love Lisa Leonards jewelry. I haven't inherited anything yet but I do have my cake topper from my wedding that I will be passed down to my two daughters and hopefully they'll pass them down to their daughters.

Anonymous said...

My best inheritance was my grandmother's wedding dress from the 40's. Can't believe I could actually fit in it back then! What beautiful jewels Lisa has!
katie_ruder(at)yahoo (dot) com

Alicia said...

I can't say that I have inherited anything, but I look forward to passing journals and scrapbooks down to my children and their children along with books that I have collected for them.

Are we there yet? said...

I have a spoon that belonged to my husband's great grandparents. It is so smooth from all the years of use. I love it.

sarah chong said...

i first heard about lisa leonard from the rockstar diaries and was sad to have missed the giveaway.. but i'm so excited for this one! it would be the perfect gift for a family friend who's expecting a baby soon!

whit said...

wow this is such a great giveaway. love the necklace and spoon.

chelle said...

i would like to pass down family recipes and my love of cooking to my two boys (they probably won't get too excited over jewlery or old quilts like I do)

mary plus vince said...

i have some of my grandma's old jewelry and a lovely velvet ring box that i adore... i would love to pass those along to a future daughter someday!

Ginny said...

The things I'd most like to pass down are my scrapbooks of our family history & then some jewelry pieces.

Laura said...

I have inherited my mother's hands and facial features. At times, our mannerisms are even similar. I love that - and I think it's worth more than any material possession.

Oh, How Happy We Are said...

Lucky me, lucky me. I recently inherited my grandmother's wedding ring.

Anne. said...

Nothing materialistic comes to mind, but I've, without a doubt, inherited my mom's loving, hardworking and never-ever-give-up nature. She inspires me.

mishi said...

I would love to pass on my engagement ring one day to one of my grandchildren. I am only just expecting my first daughter right now, so it would be waaaay in the future.

melissa deakin said...

i am a huge lisa leonard fan. i am in need of a new necklace myself now that i have added a new boy to our family.
i started a tradition in my family that i look forward to sharing with my grandchildren. i had a christening gown made from my wedding dress and all three boys were baptized in it. their names and baptism date are monogrammed on the inside lining. i hope my boys and their wives will embrace this family tradition.

AprilPhire04 said...

I've inherited a silver ring from my mother, as we have the same initials. She's had the same ones all her life! As for the future, I'd love to pass on my scrap-booking and quilting projects. A little piece of me goes into each thing I make, be it my style or my handwriting!

a gracious plenty said...

a set of blue ridge dishes from a close friend who passed away. i love them so much and they often make me think of her.

aqua said...

I have a few little curios and teacups and trinkets that my children love to hear the history of already, so would be glad to pass those on, as well as anything of mine that has special memories for them.

MollieB said...

I inherited my grandmother's crystal cake plate that was a wedding gift. it just so happens to be perfectly simple and modern and works with serving up all the great recipes she has passed down to me.

Hannah said...

I inherited my grandmother's/chef's recipe collection. Fabulous recipes that always make me think of her.

What a fun shop!

Sarah said...

The summer before my grandmother died, she sat down with me and gave me some of her jewelry. Each item had a special story. The most treasured however is the pocket watch that originally belonged to my great-grandmother. She was a teacher, and she bought that pocket watch with her very first paycheck.

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