28 January 2010

ideas abounding, advice please

this one is jam packed. i hope you'll read carefully and give me much needed advice.
thank you, internets.

i am creating a new binder for my collection dedicated to blogging. i've previously mentioned that i have a binder for my online shop, the mini mart, but now i'm getting serious and making a binder for blogging & business. why haven't i thought of this before? i am embracing the fact that i am a blogger. hello. am going to save tips, advice and more. i even made a section for growing ideas and future plans which will hopefully become a greenhouse of good ideas to share with you. for work, i've read a lot about marketing, working from home, creating business identity designs and such, all of which can all be poured into blogland. not that this is new to anyone reading this, but blogging (among other befriending online resources) is the new campaign to get the word out. which is exactly why i devote some of m.writes to the art of giveawaying.

i think blogging has power. i've been thinking about this a lot and i'd love to continue the discussion and blog about blogging. so many of you went to the ALT convention and have a lot to add to this subject. perhaps i can give my humble pie advice about running an online shop, filling orders, blogging and creating a life full of what you're passionate about. am flirting with the idea of posting a weeklong for the love of blog & business workshop right here sometime in the coming months. what do you think? anyone interested in something like this? i'd love to know what you'd like to learn/discuss. feel free to email me your suggestions! topics such as: why i love to blog, comments can be your friend, setting up a workspace, my love/hate relationship with google reader, how to market an etsy shop, and more.. have been twirling in my head.

my advice to small business owners post might get you excited. i hope so.

and of course i always keep a list.
a fresh list is going in my binder right now.

click, save + print.


Erica said...

i would love to learn more from you marta. you know EVERYTHING! i can't wait.

Eileen said...

Hi Marta - I am pretty new to blogging, and would love to learn some of your tips! I think this is a great idea.

One topic I'd love to see more on is time-management ~ how much time you devote to your blog and business, and the return you get on that time. I have a full-time job so I struggle with making time for blogging. And while I'm not looking to make a living through blogging, I've been toying with the idea of using it to promote some items for sale to benefit a charity organization I volunteer with.

Like you said, blogs can be powerful for getting the word out, but I'm not sure how realistic this plan is, especially at such an early stage of the blogging game. Your thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated!

Francine said...

I LOVE this. Every Sunday I try to go over what I'll be blogging about during the week, and sometimes write a few entries and schedule them for later. But usually when I come up with a random topic during the week I end up forgetting it. I'm hanging this list on my fridge next to my grocery list!

wakako said...

Love the idea, Marta! Looking forward to your tips and advise in both blogging and marketing/doing business online!


Anonymous said...

how wonderful are you??!! thanks for the "blog list"...printing and putting in my binder RIGHT NOW :)

Tiffany said...

I always love a Marta idea. Knock my socks off. I'm looking forward to it!

Monika Wright | I Love It All said...

My One Little Word for this year is TRANSFORM. And one ideas is for me to somehow transform my love of photography and paper crafting into an ETSY shop. I have been trying to do some research, and have been visiting blogs that impress me but haven't taken it any farther than that (but it is only January 28th!). So, I will be stalking you as you try to help us to learn what you learned the hard way. Thanks. Oh yeah, and the taxes thing kind of scares me, too. How much time does that take?

Christine said...

love this idea! i'm constantly thinking about what it means to be a blogger, and what role i'd like blogging to have in my life... how much i want to put into it, how to go ahead and take the plunge and be proud of blogging and my online business! i think it's such a great discussion to have and to share thoughts about it with others would be so great. if you set up some sort of weeklong workshop, i'm in! best of luck in sorting it all out & i look forward to continuing this chat here & elsewhere!

Melissa A said...

I have starred this one in my google reader already. I would love to participate in a weeklong workshop with you. Some days the ideas are hard to come by and the words are the hardest for me since I'm quite visual. Like Monica, my one word for this year is Motivation, how to have it and sustain it and keep on going on when I don't feel like it.

jessica said...

This sounds fantastic! I would read and re-read for sure. I would love to learn more about coming up with things to blog about, driving readers, pricing (etsy and freelance design work) and anything else you would share.

Abby said...

I ditto the above comments. I would love to know how much time you spend in blogline. How to balance life/job/home/blogging etc. How to get the word out about your blog. How to market my etsy store etc. Tips on getting started with a blog. I'm still new to this and would love to know how to navigate through sitemeter and different tips that show you the traffic coming in etc. I keep seeing the "word of the year" out there, that had to have been started on a blog right? I mean look at the power it has in the blogging community. I am all about learning from the master herself sign me up!

Laura said...

I like where you're going with the workshop, Marta. Although I don't have plans for an online business, I do hope to have my own small business. Your insight and knowledge would definitely be welcome! I so treasure your blog posts even though I'm generally a silent reader. I like the direction you're headed in and am eager to read more!

Marisa@make*happy said...

I would love some of your insight. I'm just getting my blogging feet wet, with visions of an Etsy shop someday, but a little scared of what comes with it. Do I need a business license? Can I handle the taxes? Will i have to hire that out? Should I use my blog to drive Etsy interest or should I look for blog sponsors? How on Earth would I do that?? And how do I get people to give me stuff so I can have a giveaway?

Also, tips on how to get lurkers to leave comments...I would LOVE that. I know people visit my blog, but I rarely get comments.

Oh, and do you have any opinions on bloggers who do nothing but repost other people's posts? I strive to post only my original work, but feel I'm wasting my efforts, as the reposters seem to get more attention.

I did read your other advice posts just the other day and loved them. Thank you for sharing!

sonya audrey said...

Hi Ms Marta!

I'd love a series like that! I still consider myself new to blog world, less than 6 months new, and I struggle with time management and being able to post every day like a lot of bloggers do. It's so wild to me that some are able to prepare many posts at once, run a business AND have a family. Seriously, it boggles my mind and I wish I could figure out how to get it all done without being sucked into the magic that is blogland and staying on top of reading/posting + having a life!

Also, I'm working on starting my own little etsy shop, and I'd love to read some things about tips for getting started, having a blog be business and personal, etc, etc.

You're one of my favorite reads and I love reading your ideas, and because you're such an inspiration to me, I'd love to read about your input!

Love, Light.

tawnya said...

What a great topic. It's one I've been grappling with over the past several months. How to grow readers, etc. Unfortunately, I have very little in the way of answers...

Danielle N. said...

One of my new year's goals is to start a blog and open an etsy shop, so I'd any advice/tutorials you'd be willing to give. Thanks for your generosity!

lucinda snyder said...

great post marta. i was just thinking of how to market my etsy shop and increase my sales. your timing is perfect!


jularun7 said...

i am absolutely in love with this idea. i would particularly love to discuss how to balance it all. reading blogs, posting on your own, (managing all social media for that matter: facebook, twitter) and then your business on top of all of it.

joy said...

Hi Marta! This blog is the best :) Whatever you choose to share, I'm all eyes. Also,I have found myself in a constant dream for the past year or so: wanting to spend more time working on my ideas-turning thoughts into projects, written expressions, crafts, job opportunities, etc. Your amazing spot here on the web certainly inspires and mentors me. I just covered up a stack of binders myself...it's now on my "blog to do" list to share them with the world! (Well at least my mom, she loves my blog!) Thanks for your creativity and dedication to the good life!

Sarah said...

Love your ideas. I want to do your binder idea... maybe in my next house (this summer) I will get more organized.
Unfortunately, I don't have much design advice... my sister is the creative mind behind the design of my blog...

Luisa said...

I've been blogging for a few months and tips are always welcome. Binders and folders I consider friends of mine but my biggest sanity saving idea sorting are my several separate pretty journals. It's helps track and sometimes seperate ideas, accomplishments and progress. Or seperate clipboards always with a legal ped for different lists or ideas.

ashley maureen said...

thank you for this! i would be all over your workshop. have been trying to gather ideas and tips here and there... how to make the leap into freelancing and running a small business? how to gain attention, and make a 'living' doing what you love? am looking forward.

talesofahummingbird said...

am always excited to read what you have to say. write away, we're all out here on the edges of our seats waiting to see what comes next. thanks!

Design Fixation said...

The thought of doing something I'm passionate about for a living is almost too amazing to think about... but I think with a bit of advice from an experienced blogger like yourself could be just the right motivation to take that leap. In particular, I'd love to hear about the business side of blogging - being an artist by training, most of my marketing knowledge comes from online research and good old common sense. Some more serious tips and help would be invaluable. Can't wait!

summer said...

count me in, please!
once again with the brilliant idea, marta. i love it. i can't wait to hear your humble pie. you always present everything so clearly and readably. (does that word work?)

truly, i think this is something we can all get into. and your point of view is top-notch.

as for what specifically i'd like to see.. something on the dynamics of commenting sounds especially intriguing to me. or anything about making a blog more lovable and reader-friendly. thank you!

summer said...

ps. ooh. just thought of another possible discussion: does my google account photo (the one that people will see when i leave them a comment) influence whether or not people will click on my link? i've always wondered if i should choose a photo of something, or myself. it seems like that tiny little peek might turn people away or draw them in.

Tamara said...

great topic!

one thing i've found is that i need to make SURE that my blogging never gets in the way of things i want to accomplish. in fact, i hope that my blogging helps me with what i want to DO. for example, this is why i never blog on the weekends, i never blog 5 days a week, and if i feel stuck, then i look at my list of things i want to have done but always seem to put off and i check something off. i just feel so unproductive and drained just sitting in front of the computer, so i try to blog with purpose.

i think the best way to promote an etsy shop is making a personal connection with customers and posting items often instead of all in one day.

Miranda said...

I've been pouring over all of those Alt recaps too. I'm in the perfect spirit for a blog series! Also, I'm in love w/ your binder idea. Guess what I'm working on today?

~Kristina said...

I'm excited to see how this evolves. I'd love to learn more about how to increase reader traffic and get them commenting. Aren't comments every blogger's love?

AmberLee said...

yes please. one ticket to your wonderful workshop.

binders are the best. it took me 8 years of wifing and mothering before it occurred to me to make a binder for that. now that binder is one of my favorites, it is full of all my favorite lists.

michky said...

please foolow thru with this idea. i know i will get so much out of it and more.
you are one of my absolute favs in blogworld and i've been missing for a few months but very glad to come back.


amy said...

Love love love. Sign me up. Brilliant idea, Marta. Couldn't come at a better time.

queenbbeee said...

Marta, I would love to learn more about blogging. Specifically, how to start, maintain, and market an etsy store, how to utilize comments to there fullest potential, and much more.
I have been blogging for a few months now but havent really found my specific niche yet. I started talking about beauty and make up, then went more toward saving money in the beauty dept, and now i really want to blog more about my wardrobe refashion and crafting, with a bit of money saving and beauty mixed in.
Do u think I should have 2 seperate blogs or just mix it all together in one?
So, many questions.... looking forward to learn anything u are willing to share.
Thanks for ue willingness to share.
"If u give a man a fish he can eat for a day, but if you teach him how to fish he will never go hungry again."

Thanks again and...
Stay Beautiful - Beauty Queen



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