14 March 2008

dear diary

am leading a charmed life.

am more than grateful not to have puked once during mothering mode. and am knocking on wood for that. am thankful that no matter how many pretty li'l extras i find myself wanting as i buzz from blog to blog, i can simply think someday and move on. there is a fine line between needs and wants and wishes. wishing life away is a waste. i find that i have to snap out of wishing for lustery hardwood floors, fancy new anthro bedding, a dishwasher, and a pottery barn nursery. because someday perhaps, i'll miss these simple days where we sit by the heater vents to read together and feel that buying orange juice is an extravagance. am glad that it is snowing outside, for one reason only, dan's big ski race is tomorrow. {go dan.} am cheerful to think about my parents enjoying their vacation in vienna. am ecstatic to be thinking about my trip to nyc and sorting all the golden information. {ooh, am so glad i asked for your advice.} am making a grandiose big apple list. am happy to wonder about the little babe inside and how he/she is doing. am loving my new library book, pride and prejudice. got it because you always remember where you were when you fall in love with a classic book, therefore i forever want to remember being pregnant with my first and being introduced to the dashing mr. darcy. {i daresay, it's true, i've never read it before.} am grateful for the sunlight and the goodness that surrounds my everydayness. i know when we move in only a few months, life is going to shift and i'm terrified and excited. am trying to squeeze the most of these familiarly wonderful days. am glad for online friends who make me feel so good. {some may say blogging is a venue to beg for compliments, but really it's about recording your life. and i think people are genuinely sincere and sweet and super friendly. i know far too many ladies who don't know the true good that is in them, they don't know how beautiful or how talented or how amazing they are. carry on commenting on people's blogs. with all the things pulling us down, we women of the world need all the self esteem boosters we can get.} am giddy about spring and the budding flowers. am nervous about the move and am begrudging the packing. am hoping to make the most. am loving my stash of easter candy.

am wishing you a good weekend.


Anonymous said...

lucky you for not being sick. i find wishing and dreaming is much more fun than having. i am so inspired by people who make their lives beautiful and stylish with what they have. I've found a lot of those in blogland and it's been more inspiring than any product. ;)

Anonymous said...

I really needed to read something like this today. Thank you for your great perspective on things :)

{natalie} said...

marta...i love the way you write. always. i wish your move was to springville so we could be real friends. but i'm sure you will be happy in ID. have fun our trip and good luck to your husband in his race! have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

What a sweet post that is. Sigh...to discover Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy all over again. Lucky girl.

Jess said...

i just stumbled across your blog, and really enjoyed your way with words. keep recording!

and yay darcy. he was the first of many literary crushes. ;)

Anonymous said...

I got the biggest smile on my face while reading your post. Thank goodness for you and your sunny words. My husband and I moved recently, and I just kept fun lemonades and snacks on hand near the boxes and packing tape. It made the whole packing process rather fun. Plus you get to organize and weed out all your stuff!

swell.life said...

beautiful. as always, beautiful. thanks for these sweet, sincere thoughts today. i needed it. savor every moment of your new book. i daresay i haven't read it either... but if it's half as good as the movie...i don't know what i'm waiting for.

Carin said...

yes, life is sweet, pb nursery or not.

and so are your words. I love your blog.

must check out p&p...


Anonymous said...

P&P is one of those books that I could read over and over again. I love that you want to make the memory stronger by combining it with your first baby. Makes me want to go do the same thing with something.

love.boxes said...

You are always so positive. It's fun to visit you here. Great post. :)

erin wilson said...

Tres jolie. Thank you, I needed that!

Jessica said...

Marta, just like some of the others this was a post that put a smile on my face. I'm also glad to know that I'm not alone, as I just finished reading P&P for the first time on Wednesday. I think I'll be revisiting this book at least once a year. I tried to savor it as much as I could, while also trying to devour the words and images as fast as my eyes could carry me.

Anonymous said...

marta! love reading your blog. you've done a superb job at making me feel better today...

Ali said...

Oh, Marta, here I am at work, tears streaming down my cheeks as I read your blog. You are a wonderful person. I am ecstatic to know your words and windows into your life. I hope to be like you when I grow up.

karla said...

Beautiful words, as always. I am excited to see what you think about Idaho once you get there. :)

Anonymous said...

wow, orange juice is an extravagance for you guys too? I thought we were the only ones... :)It's nice to know there's another couple out there who is just like us: expecting their first, making due with what they have and grateful for every second of it.

KJ said...

you'll be so glad for making do, and for making little compromises. I can't really call myself a "local" or a "native" yet since I've only been here a few months, but I'm ready to welcome you to ID. Life really is simple and lovely here and maybe it's a blessing that there aren't so many places here for my wallet to be tempted!

Anonymous said...
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onesilentwinter said...

It is early morning and the garden is covered with fog and dew the kind that usually only happens in the summer...I sit and read your post by the window and I will remember this moment were I read " wishing life away is a waste" Marta thank you.

Christina said...

Love your words as always. This post does nothing but bring happy happy thoughts. You're so authentic and enjoyable.

ArchitectDesign™ said...

I love your positive spin on life! Reading your blog while drinking my morning tea everyday is one of my highlights :-) Thank you for that!

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