three men and a li'l lady
we're finally home from a long vacay getaway. so many eventful events to blog about. but first thing is first. i never thought the purchasing, the unveiling, the strapping in of the car seat could possibly be so fun. this turned out to be the activity for our sunday night family gathering. well, this and swinging on the wooden bench in dan's childhood front yard at dusk after enjoying minty lime slices of cantaloupe. yes, a perfect end to a pretty perfect many men does it take to install a car seat? in this case, three.
well truth be told, i have complete confidence that dan could have managed the task on his own. but these brothers do things together, always enjoying lengthy discussion and laughter in each challenge. therefore the men took their sweet time discussing the bomber qualities of the latch system which we unknowingly already had in our hyundai and the sleek new features of our graco safe seat. it was priceless, i had to get my camera out.a very happy thing for a soon to be mama is watching a capable crew install her brand new future babe's car seat. thanks guys and thanks to the darling little lady who tested it out.
as boys usually do, once they had secured the seat, they quickly moved onto another project; securing the bike racks for a brother's road trip to southern utah. still, the snapshots of the car seat moment make me smile. it's the small itty bitty things that make me giddy with gladness. i feel so lucky to have two sets of families that are so over the moon cool.
Marta...and this is why you need one carseat base for each car! My mom loves to tell stories of us "rolling around" in the backseat, "pre" carseat days :)
What a cute tester! It's nice to have that seat in place and ready at this point! :) Congratulations!
that is so cute seeing men do something like this!
ditto on the tester, what a cutie!
ahh the time is coming for your new babe, how exciting. i love the newness of becoming parents, something you and your husband will always remember sharing.
;)! Most people consider my husband a handy sort of guy. Took him 2 hours to get the infant seat installed the first time! Hope the bar went well for Dan. Call if you need anything!
LOL! I love Dan! :)
Awesome pictures.
How fun! I can remember doing that (With the same exact car seat) and being so excited. Wait until you actually put him in there and realize how TINY he is! Enjoy these last days of watching that belly wiggle and jiggle, you'll (Amazingly) miss it!
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